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Another revealation of Eris [TRUE/FALSE Y/N]

Started by Sepia, December 09, 2007, 03:14:44 AM

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"Despair, thee mortals. Flee! Godzilla is coming and nothing can stop her fiery breath! The gaze of death will be upon thee. But wait, what is that sound? What are these mighty wings? Is it angels? Is it the heavenly host to kill the manmade demon Godzilla? Or is it .. is it .. its .. MOTHMA!!!"

-Dubbed version of Godzilla vs. Mothma, narrator speaking.

He said it so beautifully. This machine kills fascists. He told us what it was, he made us see something. A little streak of hope perhaps, or just a wee little bit of understanding. Perhaps intellect, perhaps love but most likely hate.

"I am so beastly tired of mankind and the world that nothing can interest me unless it contains a couple of murders on each page or deals with the horrors of unnameable and unaccountable that leer down from the external universes."

- HP Lovecraft

The poet, the pre bob dylan bob dylan, told us that his machine could destroy fascists or rather that culture in all its forms could annihilate fascism. What do you need a fascist-killer for if you have no interest in humanity? If life feels like renderings of The Wasteland, what would you need to keep you on your crutch?

"Then I perceived with horror that I was growing too old for pleasure. Ruthless Time had set its fell claw upon me, and I was seventeen. Big boys do not play in toy houses or mock gardens, so I was obliged to turn over my world in sorrow to another and and younger boy who dwelt  across the lot from me. And since that time I have not delved in the earth or laid out paths and roads. There is too much wistful memory in such procedure, for the fleeting joy of childhoos may never be recaptured. Adulthood is hell."

- HP Lovecraft

The machine does not kill fascists, but it creates a powerful  meme, used throughout the decades by various people. keeping our american history 101 updated with coca cola and woody guthrie, sloganized people that survive the coming years and while both are different, their legacies remain.

"Those who love life do not read. Nor do they go to the movies, actually. No matter what might be said, access to the artistic universe is more or less entirely the preserve of those who are a littlefed up with the world."

-Michel Houellebecq

And does the machine suffer? Does the puppeteer suffer as the puppet does? Does the puppet understand something the puppeteer does not? All this time, was it simply a ménage à trois or was it something more? Have you noticed time? Have you noticed time that goes so slow or time that moves so quick that it resembles so slow? How do you feel time? How do you know time without a watch or a sun? How do you know it's really time you're feeling, what if it's something else entirely but you haven't thought about that and we haven't thought about that, developing no senses in time because if we can feel time then we should be able to feel more than just the present now which would open up a whole can of worms when people would actually be able to perceive time differently, distinguishing against both past and present and this time could only be seen through the glass of a delorean.

"When Eris received its official name from the IAU, the moon received the name Dysnomia, after the Greek demon of lawlessness who was Eris' daughter. This was a link with the former nicknames, as the character of Xena was played by Lucy Lawless."

-Wikipedia, article about the dwarf planet Eris

What is the purpose of the Necronomicon? It should seem that the book holds power for those that dare open it and read the incantations. A power to end the world. A machine that kills fascists. Is that it? Is the necronomicon the perfect tool in the creative mind? Is the necronomicon the exact opposite of the bible? What stories would it then contain and what prophets, what is the tale of jesus?

And Mothma, in the form of Itzpapalotl returns to us.
Everyone will always be too late