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Rant 34: The Untold

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, February 17, 2004, 06:18:18 AM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Rant 34
The Untold

No, listen, what happened was this: they lied to you, sold you ideas of good & evil, gave you distrust of your body & shame for your prophethood of chaos, invented words of disgust for your molecular love, mesmerized you with inattention, bored you with civilization & all its usurious emotions.,Äù
-Hakim Bey (from Chaos )

,ÄúYou are each your own eschatons!,Äù
-Eris (from the private sessions)

You have had your natural desire and will twisted to serve the aims of those who would be your masters. Your innate awe at the inexplicable forces of life has been distorted into a manipulative fear of those forces. You have had your divine birthright stifled under the dicta of authority. It wasn,Äôt enough that they gained control through orchestrating an almost prehistorical coup of Statism and Religion, but they had to inculcate a psychological system of inner dictatorship to live within each one of our hearts, subverting our tendency towards creation and evolution to the production wealth and luxury for them. This they call morality.

Despite this oppression and moronification, there have been innumerable Christs, Buddhas, Dakinis, and Goddesses who have railed, ranted, and effected changes in consciousness and society. But the hydra of authoritarianism has managed to contain and check this chaotic and eristic will towards liberation. This has happened because we allowed the voice of chaos to become muddled and controlled. We adhere to the false yet seemingly comfortable idea that the Christs, the Buddhas, the Dakinis, the Goddesses- the adepts- are scarce and hard to understand, and that we need a priesthood of experts and bureaucrats to explain the proper way of understanding wisdom. But wisdom is the heart of everyone of us. And authoritarian civilization would be hard pressed to destroy millions of Adepts. The hidden secret of the Tantric teachings is that we are all adepts.

Instead of our natural allegiance to life, authority gives us allegiances to nations, to ethnic groups, to religions, to traditions, to things over and above life. But how can anything be more valuable than life? How can order ever compare to the power of chaos when that very order is simply an expression of chaos? Instead of celebrating, loving, and cultivating our differences, they have given us fear and law to hedge the bets against life. They claim eternal life as the reward for following their precepts of spiritual imprisonment but all they offer is oppression,Ķlife after life. If you never truly die but only change, why need you listen to their lies any longer? Remember that they worship the Christ, yet they are the ones who tortured and killed that very same Christ. But as Christ never dies, even by the dicta of the priesthood that enslaved you, neither shall you die. Authority would rather crucify you than let you be free to learn this.

Authority, whether external or from the inculcated inner judge, will place that Buddha in your path to prevent you from becoming your own Buddha, and that is why you must kill it! Do not forget that the Mage is really just the Fool who laughs and cannot be controlled by any dogma, fear, or authority. If Nothing is True than everything is true. But all things are transmitted. Destroy that hold that the inner judge has on your heart and the red eye of Choronzon that was so malign to your quest will become your best ally in its burning gaze towards all who follow the precepts of order. Eris will give you the power of Her bitchslap. It was your power all along.

Chaos never died. You have simply had the gaze of your heart distracted and enslaved. Your masters taught you that greed and desire was evil while they robbed you of your fruits to satisfy their insatiable greed and desire. And you see through the game. Desire and/or greed is not the problem. The problem lies in their power. Right now they have constricted your imagination and will to their service. They have even managed to subvert the shining light and promise of democracy ,Äòpeople power,Äô to serve their own ends. But if the people have the power than no one has the right to rob another of their own power. That is the promise of chaos. Structures that oppose chaos and life must always expend their energy in trying to maintain themselves. But chaos is effortless in its effort and desire to dissolve those structures. It is now. It is now-ever. And so are we.

Listen to the lies of the crapscreamers and learn their techniques and imagery to subvert all their further attempts at keeping us locked in their mental and physical manacles. Become a magical assassin in however you understand that to mean whatever you need it to mean to free yourself. Eris will whisper to you your own desires back at you, driving you insane so that you will become impervious to thralldom. If laughter is its own reward then it,Äôs time to use laughter as our revenge against all paradigms that allow authority to control us.

Children of Chaos, you are free. Stave off all attempts of control by laughing at its pathetic precepts. Challenge images of control with images of unchecked chaotic absurdity. Each one of you knows the means of doing this. Each one of you has the creativity to spark off the Erisian assault against authority by whatever means you need at the moment. Be shifty, contradictory, and mercurial. A shapeshifter of beliefs and ideas. A celebrant of your own will to pleasure and fulfillment and a celebrant of others,Äô pleasures. Freedom means nothing if it is just an idea. For every dicta they try to impose, we can counter it with contra-dicta to expose the falsities of their so-called truths. Every ontological scheme they can come up with is dissolved by the anarchy of our own hearts. All Hail Discordia!

(Chaos 46th, 3170)
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"