News: - you don't even believe in nihilism anymore

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Started by Sepia, April 24, 2008, 06:10:41 PM

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"You are a liar.

Yes, you.  You and every single other human on this planet.  All of us have told some lie or another at some time in their life.  A little white lie here, a small fib there, a sin of omission every now and then. Why do we do it?  Because we can't help ourselves. We lie to our friends to make them feel better.  We lie to our enemies to place traps in their way.  But most of all we lie to ourselves to protect us from the bitter truth.

Now, imagine what would happen if every single person on this planet had to tell the absolute truth for one day.  Every man, woman, and child. Every politician and lawyer. Every priest and holy man. Every salesman and haggler. What would happen? How many marriage would be destroyed? How many wars would be started? How many people would riot in the streets? Would all of society be reduced to rubble in less than a day? Maybe we need all of these little white lies and slight embellishments to glue our civilization together.

Being honest is over-rated."
   - IasonOuabache

We went ahead, our faces first, down grow deep in the mud. We'd met up with a pack of youngsters two hours before, locals, speaking a heavy danish accent on the english they wanted to share, everything else they kept for themselves. It was a festival and they had the drugs. It'll work to step over and ask if you could buy something, uncertainty in your voice triggering their predatory instincts. Giving you a bad four when you paid for top five. Is this honesty?

I'd walk over to their tent asking what they were doing as I saw two speedfreaks digging a hole and the spikes was the only thing that gave me away. I'd sit down with my sixer and half of that bushmills, giving it around and I'd spend two hours and I'd use what I knew would work, I'd tell them about the time I was so high on acid, I'd tell them about how I successfully made ramen in a coffedripmachine, I'd tell them about the time with the beerbong. Is this honesty?

Personally, I'd always prefer the story. There is no difference between a lie and a truth. There is no difference in general between lies and truths, it's like comparing stalin to franco, trying to navigate within a compass where politics still make some sense.

Communication. The people I'm most attracted to are people who know they know how to communicate or people with other thresholds and definitions of what communication means. We know already that truth is subjective, we know already that a lie is subjective. When we move onto communications' grounds, we are the objects. As we interpret and see, we are what defines a lie, what defines a truth and every author in the world can already stop writing the book about somebody trying to find the ultimate language, the binary switch for human communication.

It doesn't matter. I think that was the first thing I said after my first acid trip. None of this matters. Did it do anything? Was anything changed for the better or the worse that I thought for a year that I'd seen the godhead and stood face to face with it?

Nothing they can tell you is the truth, all they tell you is a lie. When you're sixteen you're waiting for someone to tell you a lie so you can catch them, by being superior in intellect or by being superior in browsing ananova every day.

I'm drunk now. Quite high too. This was not meant as an assault nor as a praise. I will go out to my friends in the park and I will tell them stories, some they'll laugh of, some they'll think about and some they'll just shrug and I'll know my bad stories, I'll know them.

I am drunk and you may ask me anything for by the time I'll get back here I'll answer to anything and every answer will be both truth and lie.

Everyone will always be too late