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Is the age of heroes over? YOU decide!

Started by BootyBay, June 05, 2008, 06:40:59 PM

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Game: Come up with a hero a majority of Americans believe in (or a well-known minority. or any group of people larger than 20).

Rules: only modern-day heroes. No historic ones, please. Also, only heroes we all know about. Your uncle who single-handedly stopped a bank robbery with his prosthetic shin needn't apply.

Sports heroes? Nope. Not with steroids. (I say let them use steroids. Just don't publicize it like it's important).

Religious heroes? Nope. Not with sex scandals. (I say.. uh... nevermind. But please don't publish scandals at the expense of good works).

Our troops in Iraq? Maybe. Possibly. They do a good job. But who, specifically, is the war hero we all look up to? Gen. Petraeus? Jessica Lynch? Uh... Rumsfeld?

Police? Nope. Not with "excessive force" "racial profiling" and "blatant disrespect for the law." Those donuts didn't help either, boys!

Firefighters on 9/11? What's one of their names? (No Google!)

Music stars? Movie stars? TV stars? Writers? Directors? Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart are our new heroes?! AHH!

Barack Obama? I hope so, but what if this that and the other are true? And also that one thing we secretly want to be true but is forbidden to be uttered? (You know what it is!)
(Ironically, he lied about not *not* using drugs in his book. I say, in the words of someone we all know: So? FDR couldn't walk, but forced himself to stand at a podium despite having polio. Everyone knew he was crippled; no one cared. I don't think he's my hero because he lied, but, jeez! I'm hero-starved over here. I might make "Mrs. Butterworth" my hero if current trends continue).

So, is this the end of the age of heroes? Are we heading into the age of scandals? YOU decide!
There are two kinds of people in this world.. Winners and losers.. I think we know which kind you are.


One of my heroes: Kinky Friedman
(factoids below from wikipedia)

He ran for gov of texas in 2006, and lost, but daaamn what a campaign....

Kinky on abortion:
"I'm not pro-life, and I'm not pro-choice. I'm pro-football"

Kinky on gay marraige:
"I support gay marriage. I believe they have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us"

Kinky's cigars:
Friedman prefers to smoke Montecristo No. 2 Cigars, the same brand once smoked by Fidel Castro. However, he also smokes Bolivars, noting that "Simón Bolívar is the only person in history to be exiled from a country named after him". Friedman now makes eponymous cigars under the name Kinky Friedman Cigars.

Will he run independant in 2010?
Friedman stated that if he did run in 2010, he would run as a Democrat, citing that "God probably couldn't have won as an independent".

Goals and Slogans:
One of his stated goals is the "dewussification" of Texas[12] Among his campaign slogans are "How Hard Could It Be?", "Why The Hell Not?", "My Governor is a Jewish Cowboy" and "He ain't Kinky, he's my Governor".

another favorite of mine is "I support the little fellers. Not the Rockefellers!"

if this man isn't a true American Hero, I don't know who is.


Exactly what I was looking for!

Pack your bags, Mrs. Butterworth.  There's a new sheriff in town.
There are two kinds of people in this world.. Winners and losers.. I think we know which kind you are.


According to Cigar Aficionado magazine, Friedman plans to roll back "any and all smoking bans" if elected. One of his favorite quotes comes from Mark Twain: "If smoking is not allowed in heaven, I shall not go". Friedman supports the decriminalization of marijuana, though he doesn't advocate making its sale legal. "I'm not talking about like Amsterdam," he noted, "We've got to clear some of the room out of the prisons so we can put the bad guys in there, like the pedophiles and the politicians".

Dysfunctional Cunt

And why is this man not running for office?

Requia ☣

Because its not an election year for his chosen seat.

God I hope he does run as a democrat, and wins, even if he is a bit of a bible thumper.
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.


There are two kinds of people in this world.. Winners and losers.. I think we know which kind you are.