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Self-filtering: conscious vs subconscious imposition of grids

Started by Rococo Modem Basilisk, January 09, 2009, 02:20:31 AM

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Rococo Modem Basilisk

I tried something out today, with less success than I would have liked. That said, I hope somebody else tries something similar and proves me wrong.

We all know about the law of fives, and it certainly works (at least in terms of numbers), but I questioned whether or not (as supposed by RAW, the law of fives/myth of starbuck stuff in PD, Tim Leary, and a bunch of newagers, not to mention seemingly a lot of the writing in the BIP and most proponents of the "psychocultural UFO hypothesis") it really is as pervasive in everyday life and everyday decision making. So, based on a reference in a book, I went looking, trying to see how well I could filter stuff.

I read an offhand mention in Quantum Psychology of "MEBON" -- the offshoot of MUFON that investigates only UFO reports relating to bunny rabbits. This seemed to be a pretty neat idea, so I went to research them. After finding absolutely nothing (google has several pages of results for towns named Mebon, and wikipedia has mostly the same), I decided to get into the mindset of a hypothetical MEBON agent and try to correlate existing UFO reports with bunny rabbits.

Despite the notability policy and the seeming upsurge in active enforcement of it, Wikipedia still has a tonne of pages relating to individual UFO incidents, as well as fringe UFO groups and oddball alien types, very localized cryptids, &c. Despite this, I found no UFO incident reports that directly relate to rabbits, and only two wherein the aliens could be mistaken for rabbits (the two are Spring-Heeled Jack -- who jumps very high and has long ears -- and one of the early sightings of "little green men" -- wherein the little green men were said to have long floppy ears/antennae and occasionally crawl on all fours). The cryptid search was almost equally mundane: nearly every cryptid with rabbit features was that of a horned/antlered normal rabbit (in other words, variants on the 'jackalope' -- and therefore in fact simply a normal rabbit with a relatively common disease that causes horn-like protrusions), and in scandinavia there were a couple crossbreeds of birds and rabbits. There was one thing that seemed promising -- the "moon rabbit" from chinese mythology -- but there weren't any sightings, and it seemed simply to be part of a backstory. I may have had better luck if I looked on the list of mutie victims for rabbit farmers.

I had no better luck after moving to the UK government's now-released UFO investigations, which contained no references to civillian sightings of EBEs at all.

It seems that for certain things, it takes far more effort or creativity to impose a functional filter. Furthermore, despite several hours of frantic wikiing, I could find *no* discernible evidence of an invasion by bunnies from outer space, even with my special creativity level normally reserved for flamewars, trolling, and writing long essays on why nothing exists and we live in an anarchist utopia functionally destroyed by perpetually horny talking lizards from Eris with magic hypno powers.

This lack of ability on my part to filter things may actually be self-imposed subconsciously, or something. After all, it's quite easy for us to find fives and 23s everywhere (and any other number), captain clarks, references to qaballah or (for me) ancient sumer, but all of those filters were initially imposed without our explicit knowledge and intent to impose, and then only later used with our conscious and explicit intent. Perhaps filters work better if the first filtered results were found without the knowledge of the conscious creation of a filter?

If someone can try this kind of thing out and see what their results are, I'd be interested in seeing the outcome.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.


You were thiking too narrowly.

Widen the scope to include "things associated with UFOs" and "things associated with rabbits".

Immediately, I came up with:

Frank from Donnie Darko
Bugs Bunny and Marvin the Martian
Bugs and Cuthulu (via Illuminatus!)
Easter/fertility rituals/anal probes
prairies -> Rabbits -> cattle -> mutilations

You can take it from here, I'm sure.


Jimmy Carter was the first US president to admit to seeing a UFO, and was also mauled to near-death by a Communist trained giant rabbit

(both in fact true stories).




Rococo Modem Basilisk

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

There is a difference in metaprogramming between:

"I am gonna see how often rabbits and ufo's are together"
"Rabbits and UFO's are distinctly connected."

The former may be a good exercise for looking at data, based on some hypothesis... but programming grids/filters require Will. They require that you accept the filter as true... in some sense. In your example, I would guess that the best way to proceed is to start researching UFO's every day for a month, making careful note anytime there is a synchronicity between a UFO sighting and rabbits, or something related to rabbits.

Think of the 'Man of God' (can be any god)... the true believer who truly believes that they have God's Spirit, or that they invoke deities or that old YHVH is actively doing X in the Universe... most of these people spend time in daily meditation/prayer/ritual/bible reading /whatever. A few hours of poking won't make Deity manifest within their reality... but a constant study and focus on what one 'wants to be true' often trains the brain to perceive a reality wherein the belief is 'true'.

If you spent an hour a day on UFO's and reread, doublechecked, made notes on every bunny sighting... you might get somewhere.

However, even if you create the filter, it can only filter data that matches in some sense. If there aren't any quarters in the universe, no matter how hard you believe, you probably won't find quarters. If there aren't any associations between rabbits and UFO's then you probably won't find any... but as LMNO pointed out, at least some seem to exist... and if you really dig, I'll bet you find more ;-)

QuoteOn the day I saw my UFO, I was just hanging with my dog on a beautiful summer's day in northeastern New Mexico, didn't have a lot to do, not a lot on my mind, relaxed, at ease, pretty darn happy. And then I turned to look at Rabbit Ear Mountain. I saw this silver cigar-shaped thing in the sky, floating over Rabbit Ear, floating over the top of the mountain, one end pointing west, the other end pointing east. It didn't magically appear. I originally looked west and then turned and looked at Rabbit Ear, and that's when I first saw this thing.
QuoteAn interesting correlation of UFO sightings from Keith Douglass of Alice Springs UFO sightings of high activity in the area of Rabbit Flats and Granite.
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson

Rococo Modem Basilisk

That wins.

I imagine that some stuff is easier to find supporting evidence for because so many people have similar filters. For instance, a friend linked me this morning to anti-mormon propoganda on youtube. It mostly meshed with what I know about mormonism, aside from the swapping out of "saint" with "god" and the fact that the dramatization of the ritual had the members wearing the wrong kind of underwear. She says that in all of her sources, it says 'god' instead of 'saint'. I imagine that it's easier to filter out only those sources which do that because of wide anti-mormon sentiment, just like it's easy to connect everything to the illuminati or the NWO because there are so many people already connecting things to those groups. Mind you, as far as I know, the statement that all mormons become 'gods' is absolutely false even within their mythos, and I doubt that there are actually any sources within mormonism that would give that impression explicitly -- in other words, something without any supporting evidence (not even eye-witness accounts) can gain credibility and ease of filtering just through popularity.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.