News: Like a fraternity of drunken clowns, hopped up on goofballs, beating one-another to a bloody pulp with bricks; the maniacal laughter increases exponentially as someone runs off to get a cinder-block.

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ITT: Original Story Ideas

Started by Cramulus, May 11, 2009, 09:40:54 PM

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a guy dies on a forum

he haunts everyone that posts on it

one man has the courage to troll his ghost


Quote from: Cramulus on December 25, 2009, 06:14:17 AM
a guy dies on a forum

he haunts everyone that posts on it

one man has the courage to troll his ghost

In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.

Rococo Modem Basilisk

Quote from: Cramulus on December 25, 2009, 06:14:17 AM
a guy dies on a forum

he haunts everyone that posts on it

one man has the courage to troll his ghost

Write it, write it!

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.

Eater of Clowns

A young boy comes across an injured dog and decides to rescue it.  He befriends the dog, which likewise becomes quickly attached to him and his family.  One day while playing in the woods, the dog leads the boy to a patch of dirt that he soon begins digging.  The dog has had years of training as a Human Remains Detection Canine - a Cadaver Dog.  Can dog and boy work together to solve a murder?  Will dog's owner ultimately find their lost hound?  Will boy ever sleep soundly again?
Quote from: Pippa Twiddleton on December 22, 2012, 01:06:36 AM
EoC, you are the bane of my existence.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 07, 2014, 01:18:23 AM
EoC doesn't make creepy.

EoC makes creepy worse.

the afflicted persons get hold of and consume carrots even in socially quite unacceptable situations.

Eater of Clowns

Right now writing a short story set in a post-totalitarian America.  The main character finds work by competing in brewing competitions at different settlements.  The winners get a contract for the settlement and are provided with ingredients and lodging until their supply is completed, when they can either sign on again or find work elsewhere.  The highly structured nature of the collapsed government has ingrained an obsessive quality to most people in regards to their chosen professions, making these events pretty intense and personal.  It's been shelved for a while because I'm finding it very, very difficult.
Quote from: Pippa Twiddleton on December 22, 2012, 01:06:36 AM
EoC, you are the bane of my existence.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 07, 2014, 01:18:23 AM
EoC doesn't make creepy.

EoC makes creepy worse.

the afflicted persons get hold of and consume carrots even in socially quite unacceptable situations.


A man wakes up one morning in bed to find that he has imbued his wife with a perfect copy of his own mind.  After the obligatory comedysex scene, he discovers he can do this to anybody.  The world is taken over by mental clones of this man, and a tragic/hilarious utopia comes into being.  Near the end, people who were mind-wiped start returning to normal, and kill him. 

Cainad (dec.)

Quote from: Sigmatic on July 04, 2010, 09:40:56 PM
A man wakes up one morning in bed to find that he has imbued his wife with a perfect copy of his own mind.  After the obligatory comedysex scene, he discovers he can do this to anybody.  The world is taken over by mental clones of this man, and a tragic/hilarious utopia comes into being.  Near the end, people who were mind-wiped start returning to normal, and kill him. 

For a second there I forgot the title of this thread, and thought you were describing an already-existing story. I thought "WOAH I gotta get me a copy of that!"


A short story in an alternate reality in which the Apolo 13 flight cannot contact base. Panic ensues when members begin to fight over remaining oxygen and find a way to contact base. Perhaps a fictitious flight COULD be used (dont want to defame the actual astronauts), but the Apolo 13's famous line of "Huston we have a problem" might apply there :\

SPOILER ALERT: The earth was destroyed while they were out. All that remains is a wispy cloud of vapor. :o [dramatic music]


Quote from: nekk on August 30, 2010, 02:14:11 PM
A short story in an alternate reality in which the Apolo 13 flight cannot contact base. Panic ensues when members begin to fight over remaining oxygen and find a way to contact base. Perhaps a fictitious flight COULD be used (dont want to defame the actual astronauts), but the Apolo 13's famous line of "Huston we have a problem" might apply there :\

SPOILER ALERT: The earth was destroyed while they were out. All that remains is a wispy cloud of vapor. :o [dramatic music]

Well, it was the height of the Cold War.  Perhaps the USSR mistook the Apollo mission for an attempt to militarize space, and so struck at the USA first and so culminated in a global nuclear conflict which destroyed the entire planet, and set up that chain reaction which some Manhatten Project scientists had initially worried about, where the entire Earth's atmosphere is set on fire.  A couple of misfired nukes into volcanoes could help matters along considerably.


haha I like that! It would make a good twilight zone episode.

Here's one:

There is a small shack which technically owns the sword in the stone. Whoever pulls the sword from the stone will be sworn in as the true President of the United States. The story is about the disgruntled disaffected apolitical employees who work there. All sorts of whackjobs come and try to pull the sword and save America, but nobody can do it. Everybody's bursting with these terrible solutions - "I know how we can save America - we have to abolish the department of education!" -- stuff like that.  The employees think this is laughable. They're the only ones in the story with a grip on reality, and they understand what a clusterfuck it would be to "fix" the country.

Then one of the employees pulls the sword by accident. Suddenly everybody is up his ass. Every opinion he has is contradicted, loudly, by idiots. He spends the next half an hour trying to run from people and being shouted at. They eventually kill him before he can do anything.


Our protagonist is waiting at the nearest train station, after an appointment which delays them from catching their usual train.  While at the station, they see a train pull up briefly, but which has signs saying to not board it.  In one of the carriages, they spiy an official looking man in a business suit, another younger looking man with a briefcase, and two men who look like bodyguards with them.  The train stops, some railway officials board, sweep the train, then leave.  Thinking nothing of it, our protagonist returns home, does boring home-related things and falls asleep.

The next day, they turn on the news to find out that the Foreign Secretary has died in a car crash, supposedly at 4pm yesterday.  They then show a picture of him, and the protagonist recognizes him the man on the train.  Only...he was at the station at 4:55pm yesterday.

And that's as far as I got.  It's more of a hook than a real story outline, but there we go.


In this story, it is common knowledge that the world is a computer simulation.  People who train hard can actually hack the simulation.  However, there a religious movement determined to gain root access.  Our hero must stop them by discovering the hidden truth about reality:  That the universe actually exists.


I was bored one day and decided to go to hell. After a bit of digging I managed to locate the entrance and just walked in. I hadn't gone very far when a very pleasant fellow came up to me.

"Welcome, we don't get many visitors these days. What brings you here?"

"I was a little bored and wanted to see what all the fuss was about. All the stories don't exactly portray this place this way."

"What stories? Like I said, it's been just over 2000 years since we have had guests."

"2000 years? So about the same time that christian religion started. That's interesting."

"Christianity?" He laughed. "I started that as a joke. They took it serious?"

"Sure did. You wouldn't believe the mess you started. People are still killing each other over it. So, are you Satan?"

"Satan? Oh, you mean Stan. I told that bastard to spell check everything."

Placid Dingo

Possible NaNoWriMo plan;

Two countries (based on Russia, America) in a Cold war situation. No-America puts one of their least loved MPs in a car with an agressive rapper and drives them slowly through not-Russia to try to cause a diplomatic incident by aggrivating the miliarty into attacking them.

Not-Russia does not attack. They are in fact afraid of a social movement calling for an end to corruption in Government (based on Anonymous; think CoS protests gone mainstream)

The MP survives and returns and the government fear he will see into the plan and revel them. They plot against him, he gets wind of it and he steals a folder full of top secret information from an agent he recognises at a strip club, hoping to use it as leverage.

The agent was in fact a member of the dept. of Propoganda. He doesn't report the theft to cover his own arse, but instead fabricates intelligence suggesting the MP is a communist sympathiser who has been secretly infiltrating not-America's information for almost 12 years in order to support one of the more radical communist groups in not-Russia.

The not-Russians catch word and freak out and send spies in to capture the MP. He is held in an internment cam and the Not-Russians get their hands on a number of hyperbolic documents. They end up engaging in a number of pointless excercises; starting a major conflict with a group of bicycle makers whose shop is allaged to hide a not-American nuklier base, and others. The not-Americans, seeing these actinos, assume they are of military significance. The propoganda dept. member develops a concience and shows the copy of the files that led to the trouble. UNfortunately these files have all ready been found by spies in not-Russia and copies send to Not-America, and filed away in the database. When it is revealsed the leaked documents are in the not-American database (Ie, seem genuine), the Propoganda chap is secretly assasinated for treason.

Not-Russia meanwhile dresses two 'protesters' in Guy Fawkes (or whatever) masks and has them kill a civilian, framing 'Anonymous'. They then post an admission of guilt on not-/b/ as well as a fabricated 'guidebook' designed to show Anon as a terrorist group.

The not-Russians find a look-alike of the MP and bring him into the public lime light, as an efficient propoganda tool for their cause. They make claims that he was always a Russian-American. They fabricate docuemnts to give the man an everyday identity. He becomes a pop-culture hero, and the Not-Russians begin a campaign to have him win the presidency for their party, with intent to use him as a puppet.

Eventually the MP escapes. While trying to hide, he finds people will instead go out their way to help him. He is caught up with an Anonymous protest; they seem to have ignored the heinousness of the murder but embraced the 'guidebook' and have reinvented themselves as a paramilitary group.

The MP storms the parliment with the protesters. He confronts his 'other self', who ends up being shot by a guard.

The story ends with the MP as president of not-Russia. He makes all the same mistakes as the not-Russians. The story ends with him discussing plans with the Minister of Propoganda.
Haven't paid rent since 2014 with ONE WEIRD TRICK.

Placid Dingo

There is a shade-world where every living person has a double. Each depends on the others life to survive; a shade dying kills its human and vice versa. A pair of humans find themselves under threat from shades who are trying to kill one of their friends, who has become an evil overlord in the shade world. Then, they realise the shade's best friend is in fact THEIR OWN world's overlord...
Haven't paid rent since 2014 with ONE WEIRD TRICK.