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Book Club: Angel Tech

Started by Cramulus, August 05, 2009, 08:01:23 PM

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This thread is for discussion of Angel Tech by Antero Alli.



I finished the intro and the first chapter. I had trouble with it.

It took a long time due to some reasons people may find dumb or stubborn.

For one, I am finding this to be quite boring so far, if only because I've already read Prometheus Rising, and a lot of other text on the 8-circuit model. This seems very similar. I'm not sure that I need another description/interpretation of Leary's work.

For two, the language turns me off. All the talk of angels, beings of light, and learning to love... So far, it reads like a self-help book. I guess it is a self-help book. Meh.

Kai said that Alli handles the circuits differently than RAW. Unlike RAW, Alli doesn't believe in using chemicals to stimulate the upper circuits (which is a relief because I have no desire to do ketamine in order to experience universal consciousness).

But other than that, how much of this is going to be "new" info for me? So far I have not encountered any new information. This is not the fault of the book, this is probably very useful for some people, it's just kind of played-out for someone that's been reading RAW and friends for 10+ years.

Roaring Biscuit!

need to finish printing this, can't stand reading long txts of a screen.

plus paper is cool.


I haven't actually started.  Still working my way through "The Family."  I'll skim AT when I get a chance.

Captain Utopia

I'm only at page 15. I like it so far. From a first-principles perspective, I have an issue just accepting that there are 8 circuits, or that the singular reflection (first four/second four) is necessarily the only reflection.. but enough has resonated with me so far that I'm willing to consider the arguments. If they appear.

That said, I'm new to RAW, and so when I finally get around to Prometheous Rising perhaps that will suffer the same critique of this, but in reverse? Though so far RAW tends to talk of things like Angels and Beings of Light less as actual things, but just models. I'm expecting that revelation will be dramatically unveiled sooner or later, in Angel Tech.

So far I think it may be one of the few books I actually finish reading.

Rococo Modem Basilisk

I got more or less through the intro when I first got it. It *does* strike me oddly as being really new-agey, which is probably my main issue with it thus far; I got the impression that it was supposed to be *less* new-agey than RAW's stuff, but that's just what I'm bringing in to the table. I'll continue with it and see if it gets a little more grounded in terms of language, since it probably doesn't want to alienate what is assumed to be its main audience right from the get-go ;-).

Also, is it just me or is it terribly common for anything mentioning the eight circuit model written prior to 2005 to have a foreword by either RAW or Tim Leary? It seems kind of odd that this is the second book club book thus far to have RAW writing some blurb at the beginning, and I've seen a couple others that do this too.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.


Quote from: Cramulus on August 05, 2009, 08:13:16 PM
I finished the intro and the first chapter. I had trouble with it.

It took a long time due to some reasons people may find dumb or stubborn.

For one, I am finding this to be quite boring so far, if only because I've already read Prometheus Rising, and a lot of other text on the 8-circuit model. This seems very similar. I'm not sure that I need another description/interpretation of Leary's work.

For two, the language turns me off. All the talk of angels, beings of light, and learning to love... So far, it reads like a self-help book. I guess it is a self-help book. Meh.

Kai said that Alli handles the circuits differently than RAW. Unlike RAW, Alli doesn't believe in using chemicals to stimulate the upper circuits (which is a relief because I have no desire to do ketamine in order to experience universal consciousness).

But other than that, how much of this is going to be "new" info for me? So far I have not encountered any new information. This is not the fault of the book, this is probably very useful for some people, it's just kind of played-out for someone that's been reading RAW and friends for 10+ years.

Sorry if you haven't encountered anything new. It may be a total blowout for you and completely useless.

On the other hand it was/is a major thing for me, while I only got to second circuit in prometheus rising and put it down, haven't picked it up since.

Now I feel bad for voting yes on this being the book club book.
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. --Loren Eisley, The Immense Journey

Her Royal Majesty's Chief of Insect Genitalia Dissection
Grand Visser of the Six Legged Class
Chanticleer of the Holometabola Clade Church, Diptera Parish

"This series of conversations is on the topic called the 8 Circuit Brain model. It is something that Timothy Leary first brought into the western consciousness, and later Robert Anton Wilson in his book Prometheus Rising gave a more wide spread appeal. It was further developed by Antero in his book Angel Tech."—Radical Change Radio


If you guys aren't getting much out of it, I don't mind suggesting another book.  Given the good reviews I got of it from Kai and Ratatosk, I thought it might be useful to you.  If not, then my bad.

Captain Utopia

Quote from: Cain on August 08, 2009, 12:11:37 PM
If you guys aren't getting much out of it, I don't mind suggesting another book.  Given the good reviews I got of it from Kai and Ratatosk, I thought it might be useful to you.  If not, then my bad.
I'm enjoying it, and I noticed that Cramulus made an edit highlighting that his comment about the book not providing him with any new information after reading the first chapter was not the fault of the book. As the rest of the comments seem neutral or positive so far, there doesn't seem to be evidence for a popular will to change the book.

As an aside, I find it fascinating to see how the discussion of some of these topics has evolved over time. If they needed a coating of new-age memes to be absorbed ~20 years ago, it really makes you wonder at what discredited fappery will be painfully evident in our discussions, in ~20 years time.


Captain Utopia

Captain Utopia

Quote from: Cain on August 08, 2009, 01:50:12 PM
Likely internet memes
Could you expand upon this? I'm curious what you think we might discard in the next 20 years. The amusement generated from sharing them? The idea that they can be studied, controlled, and predicted? The misuse of the word "meme"? The law of fives "the internet is a meme of memes" - "look they are everywhere" banality? The idea that internet memes are a precursor to a new form of consciousness? Or just LOLCATs?

I, for one, am looking forward to the public release of Google Meme Search, combining Strong AI with years of internet history to trace the insertion and mutation of memes over any timeline. Of course, it'll mean everything in OM will need to be stepped up to a new level.. but I think that will just make it harder for evil memes to spread.


Quote from: fictionpuss on August 08, 2009, 04:31:51 PM
but I think that will just make it harder for evil memes to spread.

memes don't kill people,
people kill memes
"So she says to me, do you wanna be a BAD boy? And I say YEAH baby YEAH! Surf's up space ponies! I'm makin' gravy... Without the lumps. HAAA-ha-ha-ha!"


Rococo Modem Basilisk

Memes don't kill people -- memes ARE people.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.