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Ok, Republicans. We give up!!!

Started by Iason Ouabache, August 10, 2009, 04:37:35 PM

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Iason Ouabache,-We-Give-Up.

QuoteDear Republicans,

Over the past week, we have seen your passionate protests and heard your concerns about Democratic proposals for health care reform. We have considered your insightful and well reasoned arguments, and on behalf of progressives everywhere, I am here to say: OK! We give up! We are willing to compromise on the proposals that concern you. You've won! Yay!

In accordance with your cogent and potent criticisms, these are the terms of our concession:

   1. We will not euthanize your grandmother. This is the big one, and I really hope you guys appreciate how much of a concession this is on behalf of the progressive movement. Since the days of the Bull Moose Party, progressives have wanted nothing more than to slaughter old people by the millions. That much is obvious. After all, if we wanted senior citizens to have long and healthy lives, why would we have created Social Security and Medicare? Think about it. Death to grannies has long been the core of progressive policy, so it's not without some consternation that we give it up. So there: no euthanizing old people. You've got it.

   2. Rahm Emanuel's brother will not kill Sarah Palin's baby. While this will require us to gut HR 3200 "America's Health Choices and Murder Sarah Palin's Baby Act of 2009," we're currently working with Henry Waxman to remove the extensive Sarah Palin's baby-killing provisions from the final bill. While this will probably cost us Andrew Sullivan's support, we recognize that this is a necessary sacrifice for securing broad bipartisan support of health care reform.

   3. The government will not nationalize hospitals and other health service providers. This is another big one. Though the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has correctly pointed out that current Democratic proposals involve adopting the British health care system, we now recognize that this is not politically viable. The final bill, accordingly, will not involve the nationalization of hospitals and other health service providers. This will be a major setback to Obama's well known communist agenda, but again, we progressives agree with the Blue Dogs that we need to reach a broad national consensus by responding to Republican concerns.

   4. We will make the health care reform bill available for all Americans to read as soon as possible. I know that conservatives and pundits have been eagerly anticipating an opportunity to read the final health care reform bill, and after extensive discussion, we have decided to comply with your request. While we would like to have unseen drafts languishing in committee forever, we have asked Senate Democrats like Max Baucus and Kent Conrad to deliver a bill as soon as possible in order to allow the public to read it. As you know, progressives wanted nothing more than to keep these drafts hidden for as long as possible, but in the interests of transparency and bipartisan consensus, we recognize that it's vital to move the legislative process forward. In fact, it is our hope that Baucus and Conrad will return from the August recess early in order to ensure that the public has as much time as possible to inspect their work.

   5. We will not subsidize abortions with your hard-earned tax dollars. Despite the fact that both and Politifact insist that we already made this concession months ago, we're going to make extra-special-super sure that we did. Just give me a second...




... yep, we did.

   6. We will not allow the government to have direct access to your bank account. I know several conservatives I've spoken to are deeply concerned about this measure, and while we progressives are always looking for new ways for the government to unlawfully violate your privacy and steal your money, we have decided to remove this provision from the final bill. While we may include a way for individuals to voluntarily set up an electronic funds transfer with their insurance provider, we will no longer push for government access to all individual bank accounts. You've won this one.

   7. We will not provide illegal immigrants with unlimited free health care. Though progressives want nothing more than to provide unlimited social services to illegal immigrants while denying them to everyone else, we now recognize that this plan was, perhaps, a bit inequitable. However, while they will not be receiving unlimited free health care, each illegal immigrant will still receive a pretty pony. I'm sorry, but we have to draw the line somewhere.

   8. Private health insurance will not be eliminated. Though, as Drudge recently pointed out with a damning YouTube video, the long-stated Republican goal of moving away from employer-based coverage somehow means "eliminating private insurance" when Obama talks about the same thing, we've decided to preserve private insurance plans for those who want them. However, we have yet to convince ultra-socialist Charles Krauthammer to drop his communist crusade against employer-based (i.e., according to Drudge, "all private") coverage.

   9. You will not be issued a "National Health Insurance ID." While we thought this was a fun idea, the final version of the health care reform bill will not require you to have any kind of ID when you're pulled over for drunk driving or found loitering outside of a military base. In fact, you are hereby encouraged not to carry any proof of insurance whatsoever. Trust me, it's a terrible idea!

  10. There will be no super-secret-awesome health care program for ACORN employees. Though we love our election-stealing squirrels, we have decided that they'll have to settle for the same options as everyone else.

With these concessions having been made, I trust that we can now move forward on health care reform with a broad, bipartisan consensus. Blue Dogs and Republicans, you can now rest easy knowing that the concerns of the town hall protesters have been met. While the progressive dream of a nation in which old people are slaughtered to pay for the abortions of ACORN-employed illegal immigrants will again have to be deferred, we are willing to settle for a bill without these measures in the name of bipartisanship.

Congratulations, Republicans. You've won this round.
You cannot fathom the immensity of the fuck i do not give.
┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘


If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water. --Loren Eisley, The Immense Journey

Her Royal Majesty's Chief of Insect Genitalia Dissection
Grand Visser of the Six Legged Class
Chanticleer of the Holometabola Clade Church, Diptera Parish

Requia ☣

Just out of curiosity, does the healthcare reform bill do anything at all?
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.


Yes, it creates a crappy government-run insurance plan for those who can't currently afford insurance.


And then it kills your grandmother.

Sir Squid Diddimus

I sure would like to see some actual healthcare reform.
I could use some insurance.

That article was funny though.


Quote from: Requia ☣ on August 10, 2009, 04:53:02 PM
Just out of curiosity, does the healthcare reform bill do anything at all?

It gets a foot in the door for reform to happen.

Full-scale was never going to happen overnight, esp this early in the Obama presidency and with the weak-ass'd Democrats that are currently running scared from Republitard fuckery.

But, it's a start.


I was reading somewhere today, not sure where, about a woman who couldn't afford insurance who had her teeth knocked out by an abusive ex boyfriend two years ago.  She couldn't afford to get them replaced, either, but has spent thousands of dollars on painkillers and antibiotics to treat the continual infections.

Two years ago.  Continual infections.  The combination of those phrases makes me cringe.

Triple Zero

Quote from: LMNO on August 10, 2009, 04:54:01 PM
Yes, it creates a crappy government-run insurance plan for those who can't currently afford insurance.

which is better than none, right?
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



You'd think so. 

The fear seems to be that, if the gvt plan is too cheap, employers will stop offering healthcare, and people will naturally choose the cheap gvt plan, putting the more expensive insurance companies out of business, and creating a gvt monopoly of health care.

Of course, these are the same people who claim that the gvt is too ineffecient to run anything correctly or cheaply, so there's a bit of disconnect there.


There's going to be, according to people who have their fingers on the pulse (like my husband, I guess, who not only works for a non-profit that's subsidized by both the state of CA as well as the private hospital Children's of San Diego, but also sits on the Governator's Healthy Families advisory board) of the issue,  a government insurance agency that will take over and eventually phase out the private ones.

The private agencies are's time they be submerged already.

Sir Squid Diddimus

I would just like to get antibiotics when I get sick.
Oh, and to see a dentist every now and again.
Oh and if I get cancer to not slowly rot and die.

That's all I ask.

Elder Iptuous

Quote from: LMNO on August 10, 2009, 05:12:17 PM
Of course, these are the same people who claim that the gvt is too ineffecient to run anything correctly or cheaply, so there's a bit of disconnect there.

doesn't deficit spending account for this disconnect?

Requia ☣

Quote from: LMNO on August 10, 2009, 05:12:17 PM
You'd think so. 

The fear seems to be that, if the gvt plan is too cheap, employers will stop offering healthcare, and people will naturally choose the cheap gvt plan, putting the more expensive insurance companies out of business, and creating a gvt monopoly of health care.

Of course, these are the same people who claim that the gvt is too ineffecient to run anything correctly or cheaply, so there's a bit of disconnect there.

They seem to have a misunderstanding then.

Its already cheaper for me to get private health insurance than to pay for anything any of my previous employers provided.  It'd be very hard for the government to beat the 'nothing' those companies pay for health insurance.
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.