
You know what I always say? "Always kill the mouthy one", that's what I always say.

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the toymaker

Started by Payne, March 31, 2007, 07:39:24 AM

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Thurnez Isa

not bad ...
not bad at all...
Through me the way to the city of woe, Through me the way to everlasting pain, Through me the way among the lost.
Justice moved my maker on high.
Divine power made me, Wisdom supreme, and Primal love.
Before me nothing was but things eternal, and eternal I endure.
Abandon all hope, you who enter here.



straight up gold, Payne.

I think you and I and the collective We have quite a bit in common


A sequel.


Like an unused muscle, my brain crunches into gear. I open my eyes. Fuck, I was right, this is painful.
Stumbling down the stairs, the mother who has taken me in gratis free for the last for coming on six months is on the couch, like an unkempt real life buddha, only wearing clothes, and not cast in bronze.
A gameshow is on T.V., then the news, then a soap, then... Well, you get the picture. It's only 2 p.m.

Like the junkie I am always in danger of becoming, I sit down at the computer, check my e-mail and check out the forums I post on, thinking that I will actually find an answer.

I crack on my standard playlist of random crap music tracks, adjusting volume until Fat Mike yelling Regaining Unconciosness drowns out Noel Edmonds who is urging another hapless contestant to open another red box.

The kitchen, coffee with a splash of cold water to cool it a bit (for immediate enjoyment without burning my mouth). Back to my corner.

Last night, I made a contribution, it seemed to me that it was random scribblings, with little merit. I classed it as a rant, so it didn't need merit, on the whole it seemed to be received, with little said against it. Success? I fucking hope not...

Im still (obvious to me) at a loss. Still asking the most eternal of questions, "What Next?". More reading, most of which is keeping track of a recent 'trend'. A little delving into archives, most of which is keeping track of past 'trends'. A few nonsensical posts.

I have a brief exchange with my mother over the evening news, about the marines and such captured in Iran. She seems somewhat taken aback by my almost violent apathy to a situation that, a few months ago, I would be most likely to vent some eloquent toeing of party lines.

Later she goes to bed. I stay here, but turn the volume up a bit.

Waking up tomorrow is really going to hurt. Again.


Aight, I liked it.
I really hope you continue to add to the content of this forum.

Im coming from a compeatly different place, but there is something in it we can all relate to.


THanks, just charting a difficult transition from my own point of view.

I would be surprised if anyone else was coming from the same place, but I hear this is a good way to start becoming involved. If there is a good way that is.


Careful with that "what next?" line if enquiry. Speaking from experience that one'll bake your noodle for as many years as you care to hang onto it.

Here's a couple of reasons I stopped asking "What's next?"

There is no answer. When I was banging my head off the impenetrable wall that is "What's next?" I found the problem was that I was still thinking in terms of Noel Edmonds and his red fucking box. Existence does not conform to the rules of a gameshow, with correct answers flashing up on screen after your 30 secs have counted down.

Doesn't matter how long you weigh up all those moral choices in your head there really is no right or wrong. There's a countdown timer, that's true, but at the end there's just a pile of rotting meat where you used to be. It's you who decides what's next, always was, always will be. Even deciding to abdicate decision in favour of having Government Inc. do your thinking for ya - that's you that decides that.

But you don't want to abdicate right? You saw through the bullshit, the blinds fell and you realised that all the bullshit you'd been sold, since you crawled out into this life, was just that - bullshit. So now you're waiting for the guy with the computer enhanced smile and soothing suit to step out of the ether and tell you what you've won? Guess what. The guy with the unfeasibly white teeth was bullshit too.

What's next is a trap.

Only way out of it is decide.

Decide to stay or go.

Decide you wanna work or play.

Decide on a nice house, in the burbs or a shopping trolley full of newspapers.

You earned your freedom now go out and use it.

You are the only answer to "What's next?"

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark


Yeah, just getting out of my system. Noel Edmonds can be pretty charming in his way. :shudders:

Thanks for the feedback though. I really should get the "we'll be right back after this ad-break" syndrome out of my system, where I'm waiting for delayed instant gratification indefinately. But this waiting room sure does have pretty wallpaper....


That's teh BIP wallpaper, designed to look just the way you want it to look, however the hell you want it to look, every time you look at it.

Comforting, sexy, morose, ecstatic... BIP wallpaper will be all of these any time you look around.

Best break out a scraper - BIP wallpaper absorbs your dreams.

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark


Its a pity I cant sell it then, Its awfully purdy.  :D

Pope Pixie Pickle

bump for the OP awesome.  :lulz: