
It's like that horrible screech you get when the microphone is positioned too close to a speaker, only with cops.

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Started by Triple Zero, November 27, 2009, 09:12:45 AM

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Triple Zero

(continuing from )

you know it's almost refreshing to see some old clips of Pim Fortuyn recently, whose political viewpoints I despised just as much back then, but fuck, he was intelligent, had a point, and damn, charisma too.
do you think Wilders is doing it just for power and would he shout something different if that was necessary or does he really truly believe he needs to singularly focus on battling the Islam?

did you know btw, that his party only has one member, himself? nobody else can become member, and any other seats in government are appointed by him only. if a person holding such a seat happens to disagree with the Wilders Party's viewpoint, they can either leave and be replaced by someone appointed by Wilders himself or split up from the party and keep the seat until the next elections. Wilders says this is to prevent the viewpoints of his party to become diluted like what happened to Fortuyn's party. I think it's fucking scary
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.


Triple Zero

I think it's fucking scary.

I might not like what the man's got to say, but yeah, I will defend his right to say it, and create a party about it.

However, a one-man party having multiple seats in government? That's not right. If you cannot keep your "pure ideas" from becoming diluted by people that actually are appointed and occupy seats in, from and by your party, then, no, I don't think it encroaches upon anyone's freedom if that isn't a sign that you perhaps should reconsider those "pure ideas" and wonder if they have, or even should have any traction at all.

(edit: embarassing typo)
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



I don't know Wilders well enough to say if he is a true believer or not yet.  But at the functional level, it doesn't really matter, since he is willing to act like one, he may as well be treated like one.

And yeah, that thing about his party is pretty scary.  Doesn't Wilders claim to be some sort of democratic hero or something, valiantly defending liberalism against the Mahometan Horde?  Yet he struts around Parliament acting like the revenge of the Divine Right of Kings.  Too fucking funny.


More Wilders news: 

Lord Pearson, the guy who invited Wilders to the UK to discuss his film, Fitna, has been elected the leader of the UK Independence Party

Turkey likes Wilders about as much as he likes it,1518,663638,00.html


And here was, thinking that US politics is a circus...


We have, like, 27 circuses and at least five other contenders to become circuses in the near future.