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Started by NotPublished, December 21, 2009, 09:27:45 PM

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Just a thought I was toying with ...

Circulate a rumour about Lady Gaga being a Discordian.

I suppose the best way is to target things like Youtube, fansites, even the press to view these claims. Build up slowly like that.
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.

Captain Utopia

What about using tags to create a linkage which can be picked up algorithmically? If you can find a bunch of links that I can follow to apply the tag "discordian", I'll give you a hand. Not much time to do the groundwork myself for the next few weeks though.


I'll definantly do it ... work gives me the perfect opportunity to :P I barely do anything but browse the web while there.

... well except today while I have to do ACTUAL work
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

God, she probably IS.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


It's all fun and games, till someone gets herpes.


Hmm .. An idea, I am thinking that I can perhaps relate her song 'Poker Face' to Discordianism. OR that she gained inspiration for some of her lyrics from the Discordian National Anthem, or the Discordian Initiation Ritual.

QuoteCause I'm bluffin' with my muffin
I'm not lying I'm just stunning with my love-glue-gunning
Just like a chick in the casino
Take your bait before I pay you out
I promise this, promise this
Check this hand cause I'm marvelous

Which was inspired from an extract -

Its my job to bluff
Eris has her buns
I'm never lying but I am telling the truth
I am never telling the truth, but I am lying
I'll trap you like glue
Take my bait, fall for me
I have gambling issues
I promise that I won't
But I am bluffing, my hand is square

I think I am going away too far from the point, its starting to sound lame :p Its somewhat too linear, needs more jumbling.
OBVIOUSLY needs alot more work, but its an idea regardless. Perhaps I can overly-analyse her lyrics. I know I am good at that.

Quote from: FP on December 21, 2009, 09:36:58 PM
What about using tags to create a linkage which can be picked up algorithmically? If you can find a bunch of links that I can follow to apply the tag "discordian", I'll give you a hand. Not much time to do the groundwork myself for the next few weeks though.
I'll find a list of blogs, I registered for an account on Youtube - perhaps I can come up with a blog article and link it from youtube if people fall for the bait, to back it up as my evidence. I think with youtube I will just say it outright that "She is so a discordian", and wait for a response (hopefully get into an arguement)
... I think a series of different stories would be more effective however.

Maybe targetting her hermaphrodite rumours were actually there to cover up some other secrets?

.. getting carried away now :P
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


Alternatively how about a repeat of Colbertgasm?  Re-tailored for the target in question, of course.


I started going through the CobaltGASM.. fascinating project.

Getting the message over would be the main issue, there would obviously be some line of communication; but this is also Gaga, perhaps she craves something like this - maybe as a sense of inspiration.

Though, if we actually made it through and had the desired effect, what would we get her to do? Make a song with Illumanti themes?

I don't know though, maybe spreading rumours about her being a Discord could have an interesting effect. If it does hit off and creates more links on the net refering back to Discordianism, what could happen from that?
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


Lady Gaga apart of the Illumanti, and she worships Satan.

This could turn two different ways, either fuck it up with Discordianism - claiming her as one of our own or do it similar to ColbertGASM.

If we manage to claim her as a Discordian, would this give us wanted or unwanted attention?
If the Illumanti were extending their hand to her formally because she is a worthy soul. What could happen from that? Would it turn into a big joke? Would she get creeped out?
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


After reading the Colbert thread.

Could we convince Gaga that we've given her a spot based on xx conditions? What changes could this bring? But is she as supersticious as Colbert? Perhaps could convince her to carry on knowledge with regards to the Illumanti, since she has been observed and would be the best vessel.
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.

Elder Iptuous

Quote from: BAI on December 23, 2009, 11:28:09 AM
there's the vigilant citizen website, which links lady gaga to the illuminati for us already.


Important Question:

How do we effectively spread a rumor like this?

Look up MileyGASM - the attempt to label Miley Cyrus as a Discordian. Did they succeed at their goal? If one were to approach a task like this, how would you proceed differently? Is it possible as individuals to spread rumors about a celebrity which are then retransmitted by others? There's always so much celebrity gossip, do we hit the signal:noise ratio problem?


I was thinking we should recruit Lady Gaga for the Illuminati.  Rumours are so passe.


OK, this moves this from GASM into O:MF territory, but here is the idea:

"We" contact her, as a member of the Illuminati.  We point out, at great length, that her apparent mastery of certain symbolic representations and themes, along with her status, means she may be eligible to join the Illuminati.  However, she has to figure out exactly what public, symbolic act she has to do to show she is worthy for initiation.

We then wait, either until she does something bizarre, or VigilantCitizen (or another conspiracy theorist) writes a massive article showing how she is part of some complex conspiracy.  We then contact her as representatives of the Discordian society, warning her off the Illuminati, as they are not to be trusted and have nefarious motives.

I hadn't gotten much further than that though, there needs to be some sort of follow-through or something.


Damn, I really love the way you think.
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.