
"Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed." - Jesus

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"Do you want to see my cock?"

Started by Dalek, December 29, 2009, 05:07:23 PM

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Quote4th September 2009

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to ask whether your company would be interested in an idea for a book which I had recently. The theme of the book would be similar to the challenge/travel adventures of authors like Dave Gorman. The idea came to me during a recent visit to the doctor's in which I asked if I should take off my pants to show the doctor the rash on my leg. She asked if she could see without, I said yes, to which she said "In that case, no". But doctors have to see anything you show them, and so my idea is to see how many people I can get to see my penis without getting arrested.

As I said, doctors would be an easy start, but there's only so many time you can do that in the same surgery without getting a ban, which is what would make the challenge interesting. My immediate thoughts are then GUM clinics, life modelling, art installations, etc., but I would be willing to push the boundaries a bit for the good of the book and await your suggestions.

Initial ideas for working titles include "Do You Want To See My Cock?", "Can I Show You Something?" and "Balls To The Wind". I think we could probably find something better. I have also done a couple of sketches for the cover if you want to see them, (don't worry they're tastefully done).

I was thinking we could do this project as a charity tie-in, to raise money for testicular cancer, for example. I don't have cancer, but am aware of the importance of raising attention for the cause.

So, all that's left to say is Do You Want To See My Cock?

Duncan Webster