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Kind of a bad horror story...

Started by ThatGreenGentleman, January 31, 2010, 04:25:55 AM

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This isn't really a rant, but a scary story I heard from a few friends...

So there's a young librarian at this high school, and she just started her job because something happened to the last librarian, something about jumping from the third floor (the library's on the third floor) and ended up dying. And the new librarian, Annie, has heard some rumors from the staff, saying the library is haunted, but Annie doesn't like gossip, and doesn't believe in ghosts, so she pays no mind to it.
   She has an easy enough job, checking books out to students, putting books back on the shelves, stuff like that. But one day she accidentally dropped some paper behind a desk, so she moves the desk to get it, but when she gets the paper, she finds this book. The book has no title, and no author's name on it, and she finds this peculiar. Not knowing what she should do with it, she just leaves the book on table, and locks up the library for the night.
    While she's walking home (she doesn't live that far from the school), she can't seem to stop thinking about that mysterious book. Soon enough, she's home, but for some reason, Annie feels like someone is watching her, and Annie lives alone. With paranoia, she turns on all the lights in her house, and turns on the TV too, just for the noise. But she still feels like someone is watching her, and she can't stop thinking about the book. She searches all over her house, but no one is there but her. She tries to calm herself down, but can't. Annie decides to leave the lights on and go to bed.
     After a nerve wrecking sleep less night, Annie heads to work. As she's walking, she can't help but feel like someone is following her. As she unlocks the library door, she finds her self practically sprinting to where she left the book, afraid it would be gone for some reason. The book was where she left it the day before. Annie then decides to read it. On the very first page, it says "If you are brave, and do not fear death, then read this book". Thinking it's just another horror book, she begins to read it. While she's reading it, she begins to notice that the book is tattered and the cover looks as if long strands of black hair are stuck to it, but upon closer inspection, it's just the design and nothing more. As she continues to read further and further, it feels as if someone is breathing down her neck, the breathing sounds raspy, and she turns around to see who it is, but no one is there. Annie decides to take the book home that day.
      On her walk home, she feels the paranoia creeping back ever so slowly, and she turns to look to see if anyone is following her about every 2 to 3 minutes, but no one is there at all, even if she thinks she hears the sound of footsteps.
      Upon her return home, Annie hears a crash coming from her kitchen. Believing it to be a robber, she grabs her umbrella to use as a weapon, and charges into the kitchen. No one is there. She looks for whatever had crashed, it had been a few plants. Annie then saw something shiny out of the corner of her eye. She went to take a closer look. It was a knife with blood on it. She began to panic like crazy, grabbed her phone and called the police. The police searched the house, and found no one. When Annie told them about the knife, they asked her where it was. She said by the screen door, behind the curtains. They looked, but it wasn't there. They told her to take it easy and for her to lie down for a while. After they left, she began to read the book.
        Annie at this point has become obsessive about the book. She reads it at home, at work, on the walk to and from her job. She's begun to eat less. Soon enough, she becomes over protective of the book, she thinks "I can't live without it". She goes to work very early in the morning, of what would be her last day. As soon as she gets there, she starts to read it, a grave mistake. It was a grave mistake from the very beginning. When she finally turns to the last page of the book, feeling happy about finishing such a big book, she reads the last word, the very last word, and the black strands on the cover began to move. They were moving so fast she almost didn't notice. Annie gave out a shriek of fright and dropped the book on to the table, and sees something horrifying.
       It's a girl. A girl with long black hair, and blood all over her mouth, eyes bulging out, and the one thing Annie notices the most is, the fact that girl's tongue has been cut out. The girl begins to make a noise so unusual, so strange, that it can't be described well. Annie begins freaking out. She thought of running to the door, but the dead girl was in the way. The dead girl began to limp towards Annie. Annie thought that the only way to escape would have to be to jump out the window.
        So Annie grabs a chair and breaks the window, and jumps. All the students were coming into the school yard as they see the librarian jumping from the third floor. Things were getting pretty hazy for Annie, mainly because she just dropped three floors and was bleeding excessively. People were calling for ambulances, others calling for the police. Annie slowly realizes that the dead girl was floating above her. The last thing anyone hears Annie say was, "That girl has no tongue..." and Annie then dies.
        A few weeks later, and there is a new librarian, and she drops a few papers behind a desk accidentally, and moves the desk to get it, and she finds a book, with no title, or an author's name...


Hope you all liked it.  :D
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.

Reginald Ret

Lord Byron: "Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves."

Nigel saying the wisest words ever uttered: "It's just a suffix."

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East Coast Hustle

I like the premise, but something about the tenses feels clunky the way it's written.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Well, it's just a story I heard from some friends, so it's gonna be kind of clunky.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.

East Coast Hustle

I think it would sound better that way verbally, maybe, but it would read better if the present tenses were changed to past-tense.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"