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Alty Exits With Style

Started by Salty, February 05, 2010, 05:58:54 PM

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Dear Stupid Hippie,

Due to your passive-aggressive, cowardly, inability to fire me, as well as your general passive-aggressive "management style", paranoid delusional behavior (I don't LIKE turkey, lady. Why would I steal yours? I ate yours at the pot-luck to be polite. Look where that got me. Also, I handed out my business cards because you haven't bothered to put me on yours and people ask how to spell my name all the time. Where would I send them? These patients you accused me of trying to steal? Your place is the only one I can send them to without a referral. I was trying to increase YOUR business.), and general nastiness I, being of sound mind, resign my non-existent position as an LMT at <removed>.

Honestly, when I began working for you I thought it would be a great opportunity to learn things from an experienced, wise person committed to healing. My mistake.

You will no doubt be happy to know that I am leaving the health-care field entirely. You have been the final step in realizing that the life of a healer is just as bitter and disappointing as any other. And for the record, caring about the environment is no excuse to ignore your manic behavior towards people.

With the utmost sincerity,


P.S. I know this letter is very, VERY unprofessional, but I wanted to give you the satisfaction of being Right that you so desperately crave. Enjoy.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.



It's all good really. Thanks though.

This has been a long time coming, and it's taken this large kick to the face to get the rest of my head out of my ass and find work that will support my family.

The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.



Ooh! I just printed this letter on real nice "natural" colored (hued? toned?) paper.
Looks real sharp.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


:(  But good you are moving on and getting your life together.


Oh shit! Didn't realize I put my real name on here. Whoops. Oh well.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.

East Coast Hustle

your real name is Pista Szabo?

that's fucking awesome.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


That is the greatest name I've ever heard.  :D


The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


I got that all except for the S sound. I thought it was a Z sound.


Hungarians have a weird language. People always focus on the Z, which is sort of understandable.

Glad you guys like it.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


I have an uncle named Attila.
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


It's a fairly unique language, the only other one  shares similarities with is Finnish. They share roots.
One particularity is that every word is pronounced with emphasis on the first syllable.

Edit: I haven't heard enough polish to does sound generaly Eastern European. And like Zsa Zsa Gabor. Thing is, I don't speak it, never learned. Learned German instead.     
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.


Kudos on burning that bridge.  I can't stand people like that.  I'm much too familiar with this sort of yahoo.