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The Most Holy Excrement of Discordia

Started by Salty, May 31, 2010, 12:06:19 AM

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"Dogma of any kind gives me a rash I enjoy spreading."
-Me, just now.

This is end of the buffet line.

And boy, when they say All You Can Eat, they ain't kidding. I have fattened my soul up on: Taoism, Buddhism, three different flavors of Jesus Juice, a small taste of Hinduism, Wicca, Satanism*, a smorgasborg of Newage tripe that makes me ill to think about now. The GORGING. Blech.  

Why did I ingest so much of that stuff? Why does anybody? For the lulz? (rarely) For the money? (often) For comfort? (almost always) The comforting position that not only is there a truth, but it's right here, freely available. And pity the poor saps who haven't figured it out yet.

I remain wary of belief, but one thing I have yet to give up on is that people DO want the truth. They do. They just don't want the itching, burning pain that comes with it. Much in the same way everyone would rather fuck without a condom.

If people weren't looking for truth why would yogis spend countless hours in excuciating positions seeking that single spark of GAWD inside them? Why would monks sit outside a mountain doorway, freezing tiny pieces right off their bodies waiting for a chance to seek boundless nothingness? Why the HELL would any normal human being wake up early on Sunday to go to church?

But these rote measures of truth are all the same in the end. Each one is unable to withstand pressure ruthlessly applied to them, crumpling beneath the weight of an ocean of reality as soon as the inevitable weak spots are located. Some people are simply more prone to applying that pressure than others. It's not just tangible reality I'm talking about here. I'm terrible at math and have a tenuous grasp of physics. From a day-to-day, personal mishmash of experience and non-scientific thinking: THIS SHIT STILL DOESN'T ADD UP.  

Are those things worthless? No. They have their place. Just not in my life. They have no complete unarguable essence of TRUTH to them, no firm bottom

Where is the firm bottom? I could go with the easy, obvious answer and say:

But there's something MORE.

I'm not sure there IS a bottom, not for us humans. There may be something like it somewhere out there, but I don't think we're close to finding it yet. Sort of how cro-magnon wasn't able to find something decent on television.

What's more important than finding the bottom, the thing that may lead us to finding it one day is at the heart of discordia.  

Discordia offers a real live method for actively removing the "solid" bottom we carefully lay beneath our feet. It is the nagging, incessant doubt that reminds you over and over to Think For Yourself, Shmuck! no matter how hard that may be.

It does in fact illustrate how much FUN that hardship can be if you let it, it shows you how to ENJOY it, encourges you to GO OUT AND LOOK FOR IT.

To return to the start of my now-mangled metaphor:

You don't eat discorida, she eats YOU.

Discordia eats you up and does not spit you out. She rolls you through her horrible digestive tract and TEACHES YOU TO LOVE WHAT'S SHAT OUT.  

Do you have any idea how many things in this world do that? Maybe you do, and therefore know just how rare such a thing is.

I think that's why you're here.


*A small note on Satansim: It is said by satanists that one doesn't become a satanist, you're either born that way or not. And I have to agree. For one thing, every satanist I've talked to has been an irredeemable shit-neck with no hope for salvation of any kind.

However, I feel this attitude applies to discordia as well. People who like to cause trouble, who can't help but open their mouths to say "yanno that's retarded, right?" with no regard for the sacredness of the subject seem to be "built" that way.


The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.



Discordia offers a real live method for actively removing the "solid" bottom we carefully lay beneath our feet. It is the nagging, incessant doubt that reminds you over and over to Think For Yourself, Shmuck! no matter how hard that may be.

It does in fact illustrate how much FUN that hardship can be if you let it, it shows you how to ENJOY it, encourges you to GO OUT AND LOOK FOR IT.


Earthbound Spirit

I hate everyone.

Hoser McRhizzy

 :mittens: to the whole thing

Quote from: Alty on May 31, 2010, 12:06:19 AM
I'm not sure there IS a bottom, not for us humans. There may be something like it somewhere out there, but I don't think we're close to finding it yet. Sort of how cro-magnon wasn't able to find something decent on television.

I remain wary of belief, but one thing I have yet to give up on is that people DO want the truth. They do. They just don't want the itching, burning pain that comes with it. Much in the same way everyone would rather fuck without a condom.

These are excellent!  :lol:
It feels unreal because it's trickling up.


Everyone will always be too late


Either A) a sandwhich table or B) a whole lotta shit dude!
Depending on your dicionary.

Also,   :) I'm glad it was well received. It's been awhile since I could crank out something worthwhile. Insomina is a bitch but it sure seems to jumpstart my creative process. 
The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.



Quote from: Sepia on May 31, 2010, 02:12:43 AM
whats a smorgasborg?

An all you can eat buffet that's been assimilated by hive minded aliens

I am Locutis of Scandinavia

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark