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DSPN Presents: Spanish Bastards vs The Glorious Dutch

Started by LMNO, June 23, 2010, 03:26:40 PM

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Commence the vuvuzela. has a flash broadcast, with selected replays.  Pretty cool.

Algeria's giving some serious pressure right now.



Well, England's already up by one.  But I hope so, too.



Yeah, I heard the cheer from two buildings away, where they have the game on.

Of course, I can settle for an Argentinian victory in the World Cup, but having England knocked out of the first round, with Slovenia and the USA going through would be like the icing on the cake.


When the US finally loses, I'll probably be rooting for Argentina too.

Not only because of my honeymoon, but also because they're hot.



Not bad.  IMO they're the best side in the game (Spain also ranked very high, but their loss against Switzerland was frankly embarrasing) the English fans hate the Argentinians like poison, due to the Falklands War and Maradonna's "Hand of God".  Since England think the World Cup is a birthright, and not something that is earned, watching them be humiliated and then beaten by their most hated enemies would be the best entertainment ever.


Heh.  I love a good backstory.

So, halftime, 0-0.  That went quickly.


Well, once again, there is some skepticism about whether the US was really offsides when they shot that disallowed goal.  Can't catch a break.



Quote from: LMNO on June 23, 2010, 03:36:16 PM
Goddamn offsides.

The point is to put the ball in the goal.  That's makes about as much sense as "Right of way" in Olympic Fencing.
Quote from: Eater of Clowns on May 22, 2015, 03:00:53 AM
Anyone ever think about how Richter inhabits the same reality as you and just scream and scream and scream, but in a good way?   :lulz:

Friendly Neighborhood Mentat


Ugh.  We've been missing way too many easy shots.  I'm just about to call it a day.


Holy.  Shit.

90 minutes.

We literally score at the last minute.  Fucking amazing.

Fredfredly ⊂(◉‿◉)つ

i totally started crying when they scored  :lulz:

also good thing i had a drum otherwise i might have beaten on the cat during that game ...


Hmm. Am I really high or do I have some sort of weird link to the future here? I'm watching the game "Live" right now. It's 78 minutes and neighter USE or ALG have scored.
I'm just waiting for this goal at 90 minutes...

But really, they're probably not really showing it live...
- So the New World Order does not actually exist?
- Oh it exists, and how!
Ask the slaves whose labour built the White House;
Ask the slaves of today tied down to sweatshops and brothels to escape hunger;
Ask most women, second class citizens, in a pervasive rape culture;
Ask the non-human creatures who inhabit the planet:
whales, bears, frogs, tuna, bees, slaughtered farm animals;
Ask the natives of the Americas and Australia on whose land
you live today, on whose graves your factories, farms and neighbourhoods stand;
ask any of them this, ask them if the New World Order is true;
they'll tell you plainly: the New World Order... is you!