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Started by Sepia, June 26, 2010, 12:36:47 AM

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We've known this house for so long, we did not build it, it stood here before we were born. So much history has passed in two hundred years but the house still stands. The paperwork on the house would amount to little, no records of anything unless something happened here and it didn't. Our history fail us as they mention the fact in letters, not responding with emotional aggregates. How many books does a dream fill? How many books are worth to fill? We learned what they did and why they did it but we get the rational actions by people that was as irrational as us if not more. The hand will touch the ass in a sweaty moment but none are there to record it. We think we know, are informed. Never has so much information been available to so many but the information is so often shit but that doesn't seem to matter to people.

I know a few people who are interested in literature and some of those work with books. Publishing, reading. They just want people to read than not read and it's a beautiful utopian thought but where's the point to reading if what you read is shit? If you're interested in food and recommend restaurants you'll never recommend a shitty place but you'll pick something that'll fit the type, demanding quality. Good fiction in any form will do more than just entertain you, will do something more to you than make you laugh weep smirk giggle, there will be more than the emotional kneejerks being wanked. You'll feel something deeper in your heart, there are words on a page that will transform your consciousness forever written by a man or woman dead for hundreds of years.

Is this fact? Or are we tainted and fallen, beyond redemption and saving? Where did we stop to do what we used to believe in, what was handed down by our elders, why did we stop doing that and began doing something else and why are we oversimplifying like this

We got carried away on the last winds, earth was sinking below us into the sun. It fell off reality, just one of those things that happened like the dishwasher breaking the day of a dinner party or that guy that called in sick and you knew he'd been out drinking but the wind blew and we were heading out of this place, the culmination of a planet's lifetime.
Everyone will always be too late