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Started by Cait M. R., July 02, 2010, 03:03:16 PM

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Quote from: LMNO on July 02, 2010, 03:50:59 PM
From what I gather, if you call the Pittsburg Greyhound station, you can confirm that Cait has a place to go.

I think that if that happens, he can get a free ride to an address in Tuscon.

From there, I'm guessing he'll be asking for a place to stay once he arrives.

I'm trying to squish this in my brain and it ins't working.

A second read through brings more clarity.

Cait, is there anyone in particular I need to talk to? Is Cait your real name?  :? :?

ETA: I doubt my parents would be happy if a stranger got dropped off at our door, so is there anywhere in particular you'd like to go?


What's the address of the Meatrack?

I'm sure someone there would be interested in a little Rough Trade.


Quote from: LMNO on July 02, 2010, 04:16:48 PM
What's the address of the Meatrack?

I'm sure someone there would be interested in a little Rough Trade.


That's mean! Why am I laughing!

Prolly just send her to Park Place Mall, or something.

Dysfunctional Cunt


Does anyone here know them IRL?

Again...... Do they have family in Tucson?  Because otherwise they're asking for help sending them there to be what? Fucking homeless?   WTF?

This is a joke right?


Quote from: Khara on July 02, 2010, 04:30:06 PM

Does anyone here know them IRL?

Again...... Do they have family in Tucson?  Because otherwise they're asking for help sending them there to be what? Fucking homeless?   WTF?

This is a joke right?

From what I understand, someone needs to call their greyhound station, pose as their family, and give them an address.

I'm willing to get him/her out here, but I can't help myself, let alone anyone homeless and travelling. It's fucking stupid, IMO, to come be homeless out in Tucson at this time of year, but I don't want someone's possible suicide on my conscience.


Khara brings up an important technical question. If Cait is underage, this could be considered "harboring a runaway minor".

Fredfredly ⊂(◉‿◉)つ

i believe cait is early 20s but i cant remember... 20 21 22 something


Says in the OP they're 20.


I still don't know who I need to talk to. Calling the main line and customer service result in the same automated messages, and none of the options have to do with telling people I exist. Trying to get a real human results in the phone just ringing, ringing, ringing.


Damn damn damn, I really wish Cait were on...


Anything ove 18 is fine.

ATTN: Cait.
Help Freeky help you. Find out what number she needs to call, and who to speak to. The responsibility is on YOU to do this, not on Freeky to save your ass.


From my vantage point, this looks like the realm of crisis services.  Surely those exist in Pittsburgh.  I gotta think there is some non-profit or organization that can help Cait connect with her? family.  
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

Dysfunctional Cunt

Freeky honey, you know I love ya and if this were you stuck somewhere I'd come get your ass and haul you here to StL with me yanno?

I strongly advise you get a LOT more info before you do anything because they WILL get your personal info from you and they'll have the number you call from.  They will have you on record as a responsible receiving party. 

I'm presuming the shelter or phych ward Cait is/was on is who is giving him/her the ticket to Tucson.  Why can't Cait go to his/her REAL home?  

I don't know this person at all.  If it were a regular who I had interaction with, then yeah, no thoughts about it, but this just sounds really suspicious to me.  Besides, I couldn't, in good conscience, put myself in a position of repsonsibility for someone who is suicidal and who I don't know.


If I remember right, Cait's real home is really bad news for those with alternative lifestyles, which Cait has. You know, like the super religious "beat Christ into 'em" types.

Dysfunctional Cunt

Quote from: Mistress Freeky, HRN on July 02, 2010, 04:55:11 PM
If I remember right, Cait's real home is really bad news for those with alternative lifestyles, which Cait has. You know, like the super religious "beat Christ into 'em" types.

And that really sucks.  Seriously.  But homeless at 20 means you suck it up and go home until you can come up with a better plan.  You don't go to a random city to be homeless.  OR you stay in a local shelter and get your shit together.


May I suggest:

CONTACT Pittsburgh
24-hour suicide and crisis intervention hotline that is available for individuals that are suicidal, in emotional
, or in need of information and referrals.  Calls are answered by professionally trained volunteers that
provide supportive listening and referrals when necessary.  Services provided by CONTACT Pittsburgh are free,
anonymous, and confidential. CONTACT Pittsburgh Crisis and Suicide Hotline 412-820-4357 or
1-800-SUICIDE (Calls answered 24-hours/day, 7 days/week)

Also:  Every state including Pennsylvania, has 211.  You call them, tell them what services and information you are looking for and they will connect you with the proper resources.  There is certainly someone in Pittsburgh who can help connect Cait with her family or whatever assistance she really needs.  You should be able to dial this number on a payphone, or find a kind soul who will let you borrow their cell-phone or business phone.  

This is a better way to find help than relying on forum users.  
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

Doktor Howl

Tucson is a really, really bad idea.

There's no work here.  Social services aren't taking any more applications (they're strained to the breaking point), and homeless people here have a lifespan of about 3 years max.

And I can't speak for any of the other Tucson spags, but I won't be taking in any basket cases.  No offense, I have kids to think about.
Molon Lube