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Let's make a Discordian video game! *no experience/talent required*

Started by tjg92, July 24, 2010, 06:02:49 PM

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So, I've been making some pretty fucked up games for a while now. At first they were fucked up because I was, like, 11 and didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Then they were fucked up because I knew what I was doing but I wasn't so great at it. Now they're fucked up because, well, it's fucking hilarious to watch people play extremely fucked up games. Recently, I began working on a new game that would make up for the critical failure of my previous game (Fap or Trap, the game where you must guess if she has a penis or a vagoo). The new game would have a storyline and be super deep and mysterious. It's entitled "Chronicles of Buttopolis IV: Oglaboot & Yrsty" and will be one of the greatest games of all time.

So far, I've completed a few basic things. A menu, a screen to introduce the controls, a cool "story" thing which shows you a bunch of random bible verses and quotations tha make no sense but are deep, and the first four levels of the game. BUT NOW IT'S TIME FOR YOU GUYS TO CONTINUE IT  :mrgreen:

Here's what we'll do, everyone interested will:

a) post that they're interested in this thread

b) download Game Maker 8 (I guess I should mention that if you don't have windows vista or higher you can get the fuck out)

c) learn how 2 maek gayms

d) when it's your turn, the game maker file will be uploaded for you to and you'll be given a month or so to do what you gotta do (we can change the time limits if we need to, a month might be a little to long or short, depending)

Q: Tell me about this game.
A: Chronicles of Buttopolis IV: Oglaboot & Yrsty, is a sprawling epic that at this point doesn't really have a strory, but hopefully one will be made up as we go. I can't say what type of game the other people will make it, but the first four levels are your basic platform adventure.

Here are some screenshots.

Q: So who are you anyway?
A: I'm tjg92, I'm, like, the coolest person ever.

Q: I want to do this, but what exactly should I do?
A: Anything, really. The main guidelines are as follows:
*Pick up where the last person left off.
*Put in new story shit at the beginning of your bit.
*Explain new rules/controls.
*Keep it interesting.

Q: What exactly is Game Maker?
A: It's this program made by some dude. I started using it when I was a wee lad, and version 5 was brand spanking new. Basically it allows you to program games without having to actually program. For example:

It's so easy, a caveman could do it!

Q: What should I draw sprites with?
A: Whatever you want, but I recommend Graphics Gale.

Q: What music should I use?
A: Preferably really weird music. midi music is nice because it saves on the filesize, but as you'll notice, I used mp3s. The first two songs on the menu and story thing are music I wrote myself, and the songs I put on the first four levels are real songs that I recorded through a voice changer so that they would sound horrible. They are:
Slowdive - Dagger
Anathallo - Dokkoise House
Earth Wind and Fire - Shining Star
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum - Puppet Show

I'd rather not use any copyrighted music, but I figured since these songs are horribly disfigured nobody would mind. I have a shit ton of this voice changer music if anyone else wants to use them as their background music. Or you can get creative and make your own shitty music :) Also, here are some of my albums which you can feel free to use:

El Troojg - Ze Chronicles of Beartato
El Troojg - Ghost Disco
ANGRY >:( FACE - The Avantest Garde Metal Album

Q: Why do we have to use horrible music?
A: It adds to the psychological warfare element of the game. That is, you're literally driving the player insane.

Q: What kind of game should I do?
A: It's really up to you, you can keep doing a platformer, or you can do a shooter or some kind of racing game. Or puzzles, or maze games, just whatever. Or you could create a whole new kind of game entirely.

Q: Do I have to use the same character sprite?
A: Nope.

Q: Can I reuse sprites other people used?
A: I guess.

Q: I'm not sure I can do this, it seems hard.
A: I believe in you :]

Q: Do I have to pay for game maker?
A: Hell no. There's a light version and a registered version, and we're all going to stick with the light version.

Q: It's asking if I want to use advanced mode.
A: You definitely want to use advanced mode.

Q: What are we going to do with this game when it's finished?
A: Well among us discordians, it will hopefully be considered a Discordian Holy Game, the completion of which will result in enlightenment. As for the rest of the internet, we're going to put it on every independent gaming website we can find. I also like to burn copies of my games onto CD-Rs and give them to my friends. They all think I'm insane, but I think they think I'm, like, genius insane, you know?

Q: How do I make sound effects?
A: Download Audacity and record your own, then edit them with effects and whatnot.

Audacity is also how I record all of my bizarre music.

Q: I want to learn how to use Game Maker, and fast.
A: A good thing to start with is just messing around, and whenever you have a specific question, look it up in the manual. This will only get you so far, though, so check out this stuff as well:

The tutorials section has some helpful stuff. Please, though, mess around in a NEW GAME FILE, not in our lovely game. You can do that after you know what's what. You can, of course, ask questions in this thread or message me on MSN at 2ndplayer @

Q: When will this game be finished?
A: I guess whenever we all decide it's finished.

Q: Can I modify part of someone elses' section of the game?
A: I suppose if you ask them nicely and explain why you're changing it and what you want to do.

1. People don't like shemale porn in their video games. If I've learned anything in my years as a game creator, this is the most important thing.
2. All game creators will have to post, in some detail, what they did to the game and explain what everything is. You will be responsible to answer any questions the future designers may have.
3. The game can be fucked up, but it must be playable.
4. Post your game in .exe form and in editable form, so people can play the most up to date versions of the game without having to have game maker. Also, .zip that shit.
Upload it to any of these:
5. Screenshots are nice :)
6. If you have a registered version of game maker, don't be an asshole and use any registered features. Then the rest of us cheapskates can't do anything >:(

Now, this post is just the introductory post. I'll have to make another post later that will pass the game on to you guys and explain what everything is. Until then, feedback, questions, and people who want to sign up, post!


Ask Captain Utopia.  He has an idea for a video game called E-Democracy. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

President Television

Quote from: RWHN on July 24, 2010, 10:48:47 PM
Ask Captain Utopia.  He has an idea for a video game called E-Democracy.  


I was working on a flash game with two people a couple of years ago. It was never finished on account of my horrible productivity(I was working on the graphics). The guy who did the music is Discordian. Is that close enough?

EDIT: Also, it was about a can of pineapple with a clock on it hopping around slashing horrible genitalia-based monsters with the sharp edge of its lid to rescue its favourite transvestite prostitute, who was kidnapped by a sentient dying sun with an artificial heart, who was disguised as an exotic fruit. Surreal enough for you?

EDIT EDIT: So yeah, I spent a lot of my time drawing dicks.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Also, the music doesn't have to be horrible to affect the player's sanity, it just has to be harsh. The music guy was putting together some really old-school industrial tracks for the game. His style is very abrasive.
My shit list: Stephen Harper, anarchists that complain about taxes instead of institutionalized torture, those people walking, anyone who lets a single aspect of themselves define their entire personality, salesmen that don't smoke pipes, Fredericton New Brunswick, bigots, philosophy majors, my nemesis, pirates that don't do anything, criminals without class, sociopaths, narcissists, furries, juggalos, foes.


There are dick enemies on level 3  :mrgreen:

Seriously, though, you guys should get involved, it'll be fun. Plus I spent a lot of time making that post so I'll feel dumb if nobody wants to do it :(

President Television

Quote from: tjg92 on July 25, 2010, 04:54:42 AM
There are dick enemies on level 3  :mrgreen:

Seriously, though, you guys should get involved, it'll be fun. Plus I spent a lot of time making that post so I'll feel dumb if nobody wants to do it :(

I would like to make a game, but I still remember how well my last attempt went. And it was all my fault. The programmer still refuses to speak with me.
My shit list: Stephen Harper, anarchists that complain about taxes instead of institutionalized torture, those people walking, anyone who lets a single aspect of themselves define their entire personality, salesmen that don't smoke pipes, Fredericton New Brunswick, bigots, philosophy majors, my nemesis, pirates that don't do anything, criminals without class, sociopaths, narcissists, furries, juggalos, foes.

Lord Cataplanga

This sounds interesting. Maybe I'll give it a try as soon as I can get my "new" computer assembled.


Very interesting. I've been thinking about making a game for a while, and i could do with a project to keep me busy for the next few weeks since i'll be having to sit up all night with very little to do except surf the interwebs. I'll start having a play around with it this week and see what i can come up with.


Cool. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to post what I have so far.


This is a cool idea! I would like to help. However, my time is kind of stretched already, I'm not sure I'll have the time. Perhaps I can doodle some MS Paint sprites or something? I can also write dialogue / narrative / text / fluff / flavor if somebody gives me the specifications.

President Television

My shit list: Stephen Harper, anarchists that complain about taxes instead of institutionalized torture, those people walking, anyone who lets a single aspect of themselves define their entire personality, salesmen that don't smoke pipes, Fredericton New Brunswick, bigots, philosophy majors, my nemesis, pirates that don't do anything, criminals without class, sociopaths, narcissists, furries, juggalos, foes.


Alright, so here's the latest version of CoBIV:O&Y. Below I'll explain the inner workings of what I did so future developers won't get confused, and we can discuss where to take this thing.

Here's the playable version, for those who just want to check it out without game maker:

Also, see if you can do this:

Starting with sounds. We've got 12 sounds so far. The first six are background music and the rest are monsters grunting. I didn't want to overload the game with sounds, so the only ones I put in my bit were monster death sounds. You can put in as many sounds as you want to your parts. To see which monsters make what sounds, look in the collision event of each one for the bullet. The music goes like this:
main menu: menumusic
storyroom: storymusic
lvl1: dagger
lvl2: dokkoise
lvl3: shiningstar
lvl4: puppetshow

I rigged it so that when you hit the next level arrow on each level it cancels the music you're already listening to and starts the next levels music before it actually sends you to the next level. This way when you die and restart in the next level it doesn't have to start the song over.

One important thing about sounds: You really can't use mp3s as sound effects. It can only play one mp3 at time, so if you have mp3 background music and then have regular sound effects in mp3 format, it stops playing the background music. So, mp3/midi for background music, wavs for sfx.

background0 is for lvl1
background1 is for lvl2
background2 is for lvl3
background3 is for lvl4
background4 is for the main menu
background5 is for UR_GAME_HERE (a completely useless room, just a placeholder for the next developer).

path0 is just for the bunny

There are a lot of objects, so I won't describe everything. They're all in a subfolder labeled tjg92 so it won't get confusing hopefully. I don't think I used "demon" at all, so you can take that sprite. This is important: make sure when you use the "Save Game" action, you should let it save to the default "savegame" file.

The game is set up so that when you hit "New Game" it shows you a bunch of "story" stuff. Actually I just picked a bunch of random bible verses to quote, and I also quoted a choose your own adventure book and some The Mars Volta lyrics, while playing some dramatic music. Then it starts the first level.

I'm having a few issues atm so I'll have to post the actual editable file tomorrow. I guess you guys can just play it for now lol.

President Television

My shit list: Stephen Harper, anarchists that complain about taxes instead of institutionalized torture, those people walking, anyone who lets a single aspect of themselves define their entire personality, salesmen that don't smoke pipes, Fredericton New Brunswick, bigots, philosophy majors, my nemesis, pirates that don't do anything, criminals without class, sociopaths, narcissists, furries, juggalos, foes.


Sorry I haven't posted the editable yet, I forgot I made this thread  :lulz: