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Hotsuma's Ranting: Vegitarianisim is fucking stupid.

Started by ~~~~Closed~~~~, August 04, 2004, 10:09:01 AM

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Read the topic title, then accept it as fact. why? because I've never heard a valid argument that supports vegitarianisim. allow me to recite a few.

Well I think that it's wrong to kill animals.
as a general rule of thumb, people who use this are usually wearing leather shoes. apparently your against killing animals unless it's for your benifit. hypocrite.

the cow had a family too.
yeah? and odds are that the cow's ramily was butchered right along with it. no harm, no foul.

it's the same thing is if I went out and started eating little kids
aside from the obvious "what the fuck are you smoking?!" response. I'm still going to eat meat, if you go out and start eating children it's not going to make me change my mind.

there are many others, but I'd like to continue with my rant.

Recent discoveries in the fossile records show that our ancestors' brains didn't start to increase in size until there was animal protien in their diet. how does one get animal protien in their diet? duh, eating animals. simply put, the human race wouldn't be here today if we hadn't eaten other animals. we have canines, they're designed for tearing flesh. we're omnivores. were supposed to eat meat and non-meat items.

and lets not forget that not eating meat can seriously fuck up your your diet. many vegitarians don't get enough protien in their diet. it also much easier to eat meat and veggies/fruit as opposed to keeping track of what fruits/veggies you've eaten so you know when your protien levels are in the green.

ironicly enough, plenty of veg-heads eat Jello.
NEWS FLASH: Gelatin is made out of meat you dim wits. next time you make chicken stock put some of it in the fridge overnight, and in the morning tell me what popular desert item is now in the container.

and to top it off, it doesn't matter if you don't eat meat. people are still going to buy it. your not saving any animals by depriving yourself of meat.

any veg-heads are more than welcome to post arguments for me to shoot down.

doesn't like vegitarianisim.


Vegetarians taste better.....less preservatives and weird hormones that have been injected into beef cows..Ya know...They are usually more juicy a ripe red pepper! :twisted:


Each and every cereal eater has the blood of a thousand rodents on his or her hands.
Namu the Maxwell Angel
United we stand, divided we run free at last !

Vegetarianism is more efficient as far as resource consumption goes.

The grain vs the cow that eats grain.

Quoteand lets not forget that not eating meat can seriously fuck up your your diet. many vegitarians don't get enough protien in their diet. it also much easier to eat meat and veggies/fruit as opposed to keeping track of what fruits/veggies you've eaten so you know when your protien levels are in the green.

I know several pythagoreans. The only ones that have stuck with that lifestyle for a signifigant portion of time have done so because they became educated in terms of nutrition.

I eat meat because at this stage we still can.

I think thats part of species diversification.


I eat very little meat. My reasons for doing so are purely selfish.
My body seems to function better when I keep meat consumption to very low levels.
I have more energy and get fewer tummy aches.
Plus, I like the taste of veggies better than the taste of meat.

As for jello being a meat by-product, every vegetarian I know is aware of that.

PS: You forgot to mention religion as a reason for vegetarianism.

Doesn't understand how you are affected by what other people eat.


reason x:  i don't want to eat farmed meat.

mostly for personal health reasons..  i guess this don't make me a veg..  but i usually say i'm a vegetarian cause it's easier than explaining my diet to every yahoo.  :)

ps.  mine is a perfectly good reason to eat children, too.

consistancy is the blah blah-blin of blah blah blah

The Commander

I'm not a vegetarian, nor do I play one on TV.  However, I can certainly think of at least a couple of reasons people, as a whole, should reduce and/or eliminate the amount of meat they consume in their diet.

From an environmental standpoint, if everyone reduced their meat intake, less land would be use for livestock, which can have a devestating affect on the grond water of an area, not to mention soil erosion.  In turn, there wouuld be less of a need to set aside land for livestock feed, such as corn and grain, and more of that land could be used for produce, corn, wheat etc that would be consumed by people.

Yes, our bodies are desingned to be omnivorous (sp?) but vegetables and grains process much easier in our digestive system than meat does.  Incisors are used for eating fruits and vegetables, just as much as for meat.

In short, yes, we need meat as a source of protein in our diet, but we don't need meat at every meal.

And yes, I PROMISE I am NOT a vegetarian.  

BTW....from an ethical/moral standpoint....while I don't subscribe to the idea myself, just because someone is a hypocrite, it doesn't automatically invalidate the moral arguement against eating meat.

I think we should all add more pirate to our diet. :)  Aaaaaargh!

The Commander
The Commander
Discordian Intelligence Agency


being a herbivore, i am a strict vegetarian. i depend on others,
like cnn, to devour my meat bearing victims.


Constitution?!?!? Isn't that a D&D stat.

Horab Fibslager

Quote from: 0)))Vegetarianism is more efficient as far as resource consumption goes.

actually no it isn't. live animal cultivation is more land and feed efficent than non-animal food stock. can't remember where i read this, but nonetheless. growing food takes more land, more machines, mroe labour, mroe fuel, and kills lots of little furry creature and introduces hundreds of tonnes of industrial pollutants into our soil(a main ingredient in 'industrial' fertilizer is ironically industrial toxic waste)

from a moral or ethical poitn of view, i find vegetarianism to be racist bordering on nazism, since we are merely choosing one life form over another to devour. yeah those abstadrd palnt kingdom pigs! they all will brun! mark me, they'll pay for what they've done to us!!!!!!!!

i personally have lsot alot of respect for religions wghich dont' eat meat, especially since these faiths tend to claim all life is sacred. so i wonder what a veggie is then? i spose, since it's onyl 3 or four times more alive than a slaughtered cow, then it clearly doesn't count when it is consumed thusly.

wash your hand sin the carrotein of a hundred million carrots, and no that every life extinguished puts vegetarianism one step closer to nazism....
Hell is other people.


tomorrow is harvest day, and to them, it is the halocaust.  DAMN YOU!  let the rabbits wear glasses.


i heard that in japan they say if you put too much wasabi on your sushi it makes you stupid.

kim, eating stupid.
consistancy is the blah blah-blin of blah blah blah

Ok, heres another thing:

QuoteIt takes up to 16 pounds of grain to produce one pound of edible beef in a feedlot. Half of U.S. farm acreage is used to produce feed crops for livestock. A meat-centered diet requires about seventeen times the land area per person than would be required for a purely vegetarian diet. Animal agriculture also requires tremendous inputs of chemical fertilizer and pesticides, irrigation water, and fuel - commodities which are becoming very scarce worldwide.

I'm in a hurry to find the figure I need, so unfortunately thats the best source I could come up with ( I have to leave for work, well, right now.)

Real quick:

QuoteIt takes about 2,500 gallons of water to produce a single pound of meat. According to Newsweek, "The water that goes into a 1,000 pound steer could float a destroyer." In contrast, it takes only 25 gallons of water to produce a pound of wheat.

QuoteThe world's cattle alone (not including other livestock) consume food enough for 8.7 billion people.

Quote.U.S. livestock produces 20 times the excrement of the human population.Their waste no longer serves to fertilize pastures a little at a time, since they spend much or all of their lives in factory sheds or feedlots. Wastes are often simply flushed away dangerously raising ammonia and nitrate levels in our drinking water. Going vegetarian helps to clean up our nation's water more than any other single action.

Those come from here:


That's because we insist on grain-feeding the bastards.  Come on, their whole worth as food animals was that they can eat *grass* and turn it into *meat*.
- DJRubberducky
Quote from: LMNODJ's post is sort of like those pills you drop into a glass of water, and they expand into a dinosaur, or something.

Black sheep are still sheep.


Quote from: Hotsuma
Well I think that it's wrong to kill animals.
as a general rule of thumb, people who use this are usually wearing leather shoes. apparently your against killing animals unless it's for your benifit. hypocrite.

maybe you've only met poser veggies, but i've met people that seriously didn't want to harm animals. they went out of their way to not do anything like wearing leather shoes and such.

Quote from: Hotsuma
it's the same thing is if I went out and started eating little kids
aside from the obvious "what the fuck are you smoking?!" response. I'm still going to eat meat, if you go out and start eating children it's not going to make me change my mind.

some people don't consider humans to be any greater than other animals (i included). therefore in their minds, that arguement is valid.

Quote from: Hotsuma
Recent discoveries in the fossile records show that our ancestors' brains didn't start to increase in size until there was animal protien in their diet. how does one get animal protien in their diet? duh, eating animals. simply put, the human race wouldn't be here today if we hadn't eaten other animals. we have canines, they're designed for tearing flesh. we're omnivores. were supposed to eat meat and non-meat items.

so? just because it helps us out, doesn't make it right.

Quote from: Hotsuma
and lets not forget that not eating meat can seriously fuck up your your diet. many vegitarians don't get enough protien in their diet. it also much easier to eat meat and veggies/fruit as opposed to keeping track of what fruits/veggies you've eaten so you know when your protien levels are in the green.

their choice. why does it bother you so much?

Quote from: Hotsuma
ironicly enough, plenty of veg-heads eat Jello.
NEWS FLASH: Gelatin is made out of meat you dim wits. next time you make chicken stock put some of it in the fridge overnight, and in the morning tell me what popular desert item is now in the container.

maybe PLENTY of them do, but not all. don't put down a whole group based on the actions of a poser majority.

Quote from: Hotsuma
and to top it off, it doesn't matter if you don't eat meat. people are still going to buy it. your not saving any animals by depriving yourself of meat.

it's not about changing anything. it's about making a concious decision to not do it. by not eating meat, their conscience is clear. why do you care enough to bash them on a thread like this?


consistancy is the blah blah-blin of blah blah blah