
"Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed." - Jesus

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Started by Remington, August 25, 2010, 07:44:36 AM

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Hear Ye, Hear Ye, the Oracle Speaks!

The Oracle stretched out on the moonlit hill outside the tiny hamlet of Discordia, enjoying the  beautiful meteor shower. Tiny streaks of light flashed through the sky as he watched, bright enough even to be seen despite the full moon. All was quiet.

The Oracle laid on the hill for nigh until midnight, and was about to retire back to his house when it happened. The moonlight dimmed, casting darkness onto the entire village. The silence of the night was broken by the sound of wings, and a dense cloud of ghastly bats seemed to arise as if from nowhere. The Oracle threw up his arms and cried out as the foul apparitions burst through him, passing through his body as if it were air. He fell, and the bats streamed over him in an eldritch torrent of fur and leathery wings. Time seemed to slow; and the Oracle stared at the glowing red eyes of the things as they passed.

Intangible to the touch, yet able to inflict a deadly curse upon the soul, the accursed creatures swarmed down the hill and entered the town. The Oracle watched in horror as they swarmed and converged. A single scream was heard, brief but fleeting, and the Oracle stood ashen-faced. The curse of the Wolf may have left them, but the curse of the Bat was now here to stay.

Unbeknown to the Oracle, he was not the only one to witness this horror. Professor van Helsing had also born witness, from his camp on the outskirts of Discordia. He watched the proceedings with a grim sort of resignment: it was something he had seen countless times before. Dracula had arrived, and the villagers' lives were now in mortal danger. The Professor picked up his crossbow and began to wind it. It was the beginnings of a tragedy he had seen a hundred times before, but this time would be the last. It had to be.

Werewolf IV: DRACULA has now begun!


1. Doktor Howl
2. Mistress Freeky
3. Risus
4. Requia
5. Fred
6. Jenne
7. Dr. James Semaj
8. Rumckle
9. BDS
10. LMNO
11. Sigmatic

Dracula ------> Amdis --------> Xannin -------> Asclan


At the beginning of the game, there is only one vampire: Count Dracula.

Count Dracula

Although the daily lynching process is the same as in Werewolf, during the night Count Dracula chooses one villager and converts him or her, rather than killing. This creates the beginnings of a vampire chain.

Count Dracula ---> Vampire #1

The next night, the new vampire chooses one villager to convert, adding him or her to the chain. This is repeated until a third-generation vampire is created.

Count Dracula ---> Vampire #1 ---> Vampire #2 ---> Vampire #3

Once it is passed down the Vampire #3, the vampiric curse is too weak to be passed on again. Count Dracula then starts a new chain, thusly:

Count Dracula ---> Vampire #1 ---> Vampire #2 ---> Vampire #3
                        \---> Vampire #4

"But Remington!" You say. "That's too unbalanced! The villagers will be overrun in days!" Not so. For when one vampire dies, all those further down his or her chain die as well.

Count Dracula ---> Vampire #1 ---> Vampire #2 ---> Vampire #3
                        \---> Vampire #4
                                 Means that
Count Dracula ---> Vampire #1 ---> Vampire #2 ---> Vampire #3
                        \---> Vampire #4

Thus, multiple vampires can be eliminated in one lynch.  Should the Count himself be killed, all the vampires die and the villagers win (the vampires win when they outnumber the humans). This hierarchy means that each vampire knows only the identity of the vampire who sired them and the identity of the vampire they sired; only Dracula knows who all the vampires are.

One last thing: taking the place of the Psychic will be Dracula's nemesis, Professor Van Helsing. The player chosen to be Van Helsing can protect one person per night, shielding them from any and all vampire attacks. Should Van Helsing accidentally try to protect a vampire, a battle will ensue. If the vampire Van Helsing fights is not Dracula, he will have a 1/3 chance of killing it, escaping from it, or dying. If he does blunder into the Count, his death is assured.


It is now night. Count Dracula, please choose your victim. Van Helsing, choose your person to protect.
Is it plugged in?




So, you're saying it actually doesn't matter that I'm a werewolf?

The Wizard

Is Van Helsing an NPC, or will one of us be assigned to be him.
Insanity we trust.


How come we're lynching and not "staking"?

The Wizard

I vote to lynch Alphapance.
Insanity we trust.

Requia ☣

Quote from: Jenne on August 25, 2010, 04:59:25 PM
How come we're lynching and not "staking"?

Remington is Dracula, he's trying to keep us from killing him the right way.
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.

Doktor Howl

I vote we stake Requia.  She's always the bad guy.
Molon Lube

The Wizard

It's definitely Alphapance. The werewolf thing is just a smokescreen.
Insanity we trust.





Actually, I'm trying to get Rem to notice I haven't been listed, even though I signed up like three times.  :argh!:


The hell?  I'm Team Jacob, not Team Edward, for Christ's sake.

The Wizard

QuoteThe hell?  I'm Team Jacob, not Team Edward, for Christ's sake.

Right, that's what you want us to think. String him up!
Insanity we trust.


Quote from: Sigmatic on August 25, 2010, 07:10:29 PM
Actually, I'm trying to get Rem to notice I haven't been listed, even though I signed up like three times.  :argh!:
Sorry  :oops:
Is fixed now

Quote from: Dr. James Semaj on August 25, 2010, 03:30:07 PM
Is Van Helsing an NPC, or will one of us be assigned to be him.
Someone has been assigned to play Van Helsing.

Quote from: Requia ☣ on August 25, 2010, 06:01:19 PM
Remington is Dracula, he's trying to keep us from killing him the right way.
Is it plugged in?