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Unlimited Maine/LePage Hilarity Thread

Started by AFK, January 17, 2011, 05:12:20 PM

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Olympia Snowe isn't running for re-election to the Senate.  I think the GOP will likely now lose this seat. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Unless of course the Democrats fuck it up, which of course is entirely possible.  I mean, it is the Democrats fucking up which gave us our current Governor.  (Thanks a lot Libby!)

There is already some hot-stove rumblings about both of our Dem Reps, Michaud and Pingree having some level of interest.  Michaud is a no-brainer.  He is more blue-dog than Pingree who is much more liberal and will not really appeal to the more rural district of the state.  However, Pingree has a Democrat establishment money machine behind her.  I can just see her sticking her nose in it and screwing it up.  Michaud I think would win the general election handily.  Pingree would give the tea party candidate a decent shot at winning.

There are also rumors about former Governor Baldacci having some interest.  He probably would win fairly handily too.  But he sucks so I hope he stays out of it. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


I thought there's a large "Government out of my Medicare" faction up there, though.  Weren't a lot of people angry at Snowe's moderate stances? 


I'd say there definitely is a very vocal faction, but I don't think they are large enough to have any sway in the general election.  And I think there is probably a large enough establishment faction of the GOP in Maine that they will want to field a more moderate candidate, as it will be very tough for a tea party type to win.

Unless, the Democrats run a real liberal like Pingree.  She would do well in the Portland-containing district, but would probably lose in the rural more Conservative district of Maine. 

The other wildcard is that Independent candidates have been fairly successful in Maine.  I could see someone like former Gov. Angus King (I) getting into the race or Eliot Cutler who just barely lost to LePage.  That would really make the race interesting. 

I personally would like to see Michaud run.  Though, it will be a hard choice for me if King or Cutler got into the race as well.  I like all three of those guys and really like the idea of having another Independent in the Senate. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Reverend What's-His-Name? on May 08, 2012, 01:24:24 AM
So this happened at the Maine GOP Conventi on this past weekend.


I despise Ron Paul, but the fact that Romney's people are finding a way to block the delegates is repulsive.
Molon Lube


They are unwise to fuck with the Maine Paulites.  They will end up giving their vote to Obama by either voting 3rd party or sitting on their thumbs.  If they are robbed they sure as fuck won't vote Romney in the general.  Romney apparently doesn't know how to think medium and long term.
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Reverend What's-His-Name? on May 08, 2012, 02:15:59 AM
They are unwise to fuck with the Maine Paulites.  They will end up giving their vote to Obama by either voting 3rd party or sitting on their thumbs.  If they are robbed they sure as fuck won't vote Romney in the general.  Romney apparently doesn't know how to think medium and long term.

I sure as fuck wouldn't.

"We don't like the way you voted, so we're going to toss your votes out."

Fuck that noise.  I'd cross the aisle in a heartbeat.
Molon Lube


This also happened at the convention.

WASHINGTON -- At the Maine GOP convention on Sunday, Gov. Paul LePage (R) received an enthusiastic standing ovation from his fellow Republicans for saying that all able-bodied out-of-work Americans need to "get off the couch" and go find employment.
[/size]LePage called on the state legislature to pass structural changes to welfare, saying, "Maine's welfare program is cannibalizing the rest of state government. To all you able-bodied people out there: Get off the couch and get yourself a job."[/size]
[/size]Yes, Mr Guvernor, all the jobless people are lazing about on the couch eating Cheetohs.  I don't know why they aren't out there applying for all of those jobs you created.  Oh, wait, you were too busy sitting on YOUR couch whining about Democrats to create those jobs?
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Reverend What's-His-Name? on May 08, 2012, 02:33:39 AM
This also happened at the convention.

WASHINGTON -- At the Maine GOP convention on Sunday, Gov. Paul LePage (R) received an enthusiastic standing ovation from his fellow Republicans for saying that all able-bodied out-of-work Americans need to "get off the couch" and go find employment.
[/size]LePage called on the state legislature to pass structural changes to welfare, saying, "Maine's welfare program is cannibalizing the rest of state government. To all you able-bodied people out there: Get off the couch and get yourself a job."[/size]
[/size]Yes, Mr Guvernor, all the jobless people are lazing about on the couch eating Cheetohs.  I don't know why they aren't out there applying for all of those jobs you created.  Oh, wait, you were too busy sitting on YOUR couch whining about Democrats to create those jobs?

They're just playing to win.  :lol:

Maine's unemployment rate is, what, 7.2%?  With all those open job slots waiting, right?

Your governor seems to be retarded.
Molon Lube


That's one word to describe him.  He's even pissing his own party off, like he did last week when he called all of the people who work in mid-management State jobs "corrupt".  Every single one of them.  Prominent GOP legislators in the state legislature have publicly demanded he apologize.  But of course, he won't, he's like Palin, in his mind, he never makes mistakes.
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Reverend What's-His-Name? on May 08, 2012, 02:45:57 AM
That's one word to describe him.  He's even pissing his own party off, like he did last week when he called all of the people who work in mid-management State jobs "corrupt".  Every single one of them.  Prominent GOP legislators in the state legislature have publicly demanded he apologize.  But of course, he won't, he's like Palin, in his mind, he never makes mistakes.

What are his odds for reelection?  His approval rating seems to bounce around between 31% - 47%, but that doesn't always mean anything.
Molon Lube


Elliot Cutler, who just narrowly lost to him, has hinted he wants another go at him, I think that's why he stayed out of the race for Snowe's Senate seat.  So it would seem like LePages chances for reelection would be pretty dire.

Except the Democrats will field a candidate, so there is always the very possible chance we will have a similar outcome, where the dumbass Dems who didn't learn last time vote for their person, siphoning votes off from Cutler, and LePage is back in.  You can always count on the Dems to snatch failure from the jaws of victory. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Wow. Is Maine like the South Carolina of New England or summin?  Or maybe the Arizona.... :lulz:


Well, it wasn't until 2 years ago.  LePage, the administration, isn't very representative of Maine, at all. The man himself IS very representative of some in the old school French-Canadian population.  You guys hear how ECH and I joke about the Quebecois who come into the state every year and are loud and annoying, yeah, he's cut from that cloth.

We're not really Arizona or South Carolina, we're just, Maine.  It really is a fluke he was elected.  He isn't the typical Maine Republican.  A good chunk of elected Maine Republicans are fairly moderate.  Maybe not quite as moderate as Snowe or Collins, but certainly more moderate than your Boehners and Cantors. 

And I also have to give them credit because they are not rubber stamping LePage's agenda.  In fact, they've tripped up a lot of what he wants to do.  They compromised with Dems on the supplemental budget that was voted on a couple of months ago, including putting back funding that LePage wanted to cut to community and school health programs.  (That is funding that funds about 85% of the agency that employs me.)  LePage wanted to scoop out a chunk of unspent funds in a certain budget category that is supposed to only be devoted to health promotion programming, and put it into the general fund.  They denied him on that. 

So, I guess it could be a lot worse than it is, but, it could also be a lot better, and would be if Cutler had been elected.  I hope he runs again.  I hope the Democrats wise up and run a weak sauce candidate and get out of the way for Cutler. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.