
I live in the Promised Land, except the Chosen People are all trying to get out. 

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Inspiration has struck... Possibly, maybe...

Started by ThatGreenGentleman, April 09, 2011, 08:19:16 AM

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   She has a heart of stone and a smile like a reptile. Whenever she'd walk down the street, construction workers would whistle at her and call "Drop Dead Gorgeous". Oh how horribly true that comment would become. She worked for a law firm, where she was envied by everyone. She loved it. Unfortunately, her personality did not match her looks. She was beautiful, but she was a stone cold bitch. In high school she was the head cheerleader, and had pulled a prank on some unfortunate person. She never gave it a second thought after it had happened, and went on with her life. The unfortunate person though, would obsess over it for the rest of their life.

   As the woman with the reptile smile walked to her car, she heard someone running up behind her. Turning around, she saw a baseball coming into contact with her forehead. She fell down with her head bleeding, and the unfortunate person standing over her body.

   Heartbreak is a terrible bitch, with a reptile smile.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


Quote from: ThatGreenGentleman on June 20, 2011, 11:42:37 PM
Heartbreak is a terrible bitch, with a reptile smile.

Damn, TGG...

This, I want on a T-shirt.
Death-dealing hormone freak of deliciousness
Pagan-Stomping Valkyrie of the Interbutts™
Rampaging Slayer of Shit-Fountain Habitues

"My father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake, and they live in a state of constant, total amazement."

Quote from: The Payne on November 16, 2011, 07:08:55 PM
If Luna was a furry, she'd sex humans and scream "BEASTIALITY!" at the top of her lungs at inopportune times.

Quote from: Nigel on March 24, 2011, 01:54:48 AM
I like the Luna one. She is a good one.

"Stop talking to yourself.  You don't like you any better than anyone else who knows you."

Dysfunctional Cunt



goddamn!  I've been stuck on this thread for over an hour, reading all of these.  That's some talent, you have.  A post in this thread mentioned you are young, but you write like a jaded, coherent version of Poe.

I don't give out mittens lightly, but you deserve like 20 for these, they are incredible!
There's good news tonight.  And bad news.  First, the bad news: there is no good news.  Now, the good news: you don't have to listen to the bad news.
Zen Without Zen Masters

Quote from: Cain
Gender is a social construct.  As society, we get to choose your gender.


   Awakening to a bright new world, Max's peripheral vision flickered to life. He slowly sat up, feeling the grass he had been lying on. It was a bright green, the sky was a perfect blue, with an ocean that reflected it perfectly. As the wind was blowing and whistling in his ears, Max closed his eyes and breathed in the salty air. He had never gazed upon such a beautiful scene, since he grew up in a concrete jungle. He had no clue how he got there, but he wasn't in any hurry to return to The City. He got to his feet, and began his descent towards the ocean.

   Those who know nothing, understand nothing.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


   Her name was Octavia, but on the battle field, she was known as Athena. This woman was the most ruthless warrior on the field, especially during the Android War. It was called this because a new war machine had just been released on both sides. They were essentially tall robots that stood somewhere between 13 to 17 feet high, but were hulking masses of technology. These were the whole enchilada here. They had guns and lasers up the yin yang. They were monstrous on the field. But Octavia was more of a monster than them. Octavia knew no fear or mercy. Unfortunately, when she was sent on a mission to damage the generators that were on the enemies side, she and her squad fell through a hole. When they fell through this hole in the earth, they had inadvertently stumbled upon the ruins of a lost technology. Octavia, being fearless once again, marched up to the ruins.

   The ruins were glowing a light blue, but once Octavia touched the ruins, they started to glow an eerie red. Wind started howling, even though they were underground. While her squad was practically wetting themselves, Octavia only felt a rush of adrenaline. She began to laugh manically, and smile a crazy smile. Octavia's squad was gone in flash, but not because they ran away. They were eaten... By the machine. Only Octavia remained. But she had "gone round the bend" if you catch my drift. When she was found, she was sent straight to an asylum. She would speak incoherently when she tried to explain what had happened. The reason for this was, her head was filled with demons, quite literally. Whenever she opened her mouth they would all try to talk at once. She lost her both her names, Octavia and Athena.

   Yesterday once more.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


Quote from: ThatGreenGentleman on June 25, 2011, 01:09:10 AM
   Her name was Octavia, but on the battle field, she was known as Athena. This woman was the most ruthless warrior on the field, especially during the Android War. It was called this because a new war machine had just been released on both sides. They were essentially tall robots that stood somewhere between 13 to 17 feet high, but were hulking masses of technology. These were the whole enchilada here. They had guns and lasers up the yin yang. They were monstrous on the field. But Octavia was more of a monster than them. Octavia knew no fear or mercy. Unfortunately, when she was sent on a mission to damage the generators that were on the enemies side, she and her squad fell through a hole. When they fell through this hole in the earth, they had inadvertently stumbled upon the ruins of a lost technology. Octavia, being fearless once again, marched up to the ruins.

   The ruins were glowing a light blue, but once Octavia touched the ruins, they started to glow an eerie red. Wind started howling, even though they were underground. While her squad was practically wetting themselves, Octavia only felt a rush of adrenaline. She began to laugh manically, and smile a crazy smile. Octavia's squad was gone in flash, but not because they ran away. They were eaten... By the machine. Only Octavia remained. But she had "gone round the bend" if you catch my drift. When she was found, she was sent straight to an asylum. She would speak incoherently when she tried to explain what had happened. The reason for this was, her head was filled with demons, quite literally. Whenever she opened her mouth they would all try to talk at once. She lost her both her names, Octavia and Athena.

   Yesterday once more.

The end!?   Please expand this!  It's really good, but feels like the beginning to something really epic and fantastic!

I know you have a short story kick going ITT, but this one is ripe for continuation!
There's good news tonight.  And bad news.  First, the bad news: there is no good news.  Now, the good news: you don't have to listen to the bad news.
Zen Without Zen Masters

Quote from: Cain
Gender is a social construct.  As society, we get to choose your gender.


   Norman was an old man, who was withering away alone. He sat in a decaying rocking chair, looking at an old photo booth picture he had taken with his two best friends. Both his friends had been taken by the cannibals, but at different times. When the world as they knew it had come to an end, the three of them were only in their teens. There were riots, massacres even. The one who Norman considered a brother was taken by those who resorted to cannibalism. It was vivid in his memory. They had been running for days, and when his friend (who he considered a brother) sat down to catch his breath, arms came out from the darkness. His screams could be heard as he was dragged away. Norman and his remaining friend became sickened at the crunching noises and at the friend who had been dragged away, his screams begging for death. They ate him alive.

   For a few years, Norman and his friend who he thought of as a sister, were safe. Well, as safe as they could be. But the cannibals came again. Norman had been out looking for food, while his friend was cleaning some clothes, when they came. Norman was lucky, but was heart broken when they took his remaining friend. But his sanity wasn't spared. When he came back, he saw them eating her. They hadn't noticed him, but he grabbed for his axe. Needless to say, he avenged both deaths, but now he was all alone. Norman then decided to get rid of all cannibals. And he had gotten rid of most of them, but because of this, the remaining cannibals then were out for him. Years passed, and now he was too old to be able to do much of anything. So he sat in the rocking chair, looking at the only photo he had of him and his deceased friends. He knew the cannibals would be coming for him, so he sat there, waiting. Waiting with an axe and gun, because he wasn't going down without a fight. And he went down like a champ.

   The body is distorted in order to bend to that twisted figure.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


   The streets were bustling with people and carriages, as a small child, with brown hair, named Rachel received a balloon and a flyer from an odd looking clown. The person, rather people, dressed as a clown had the head of a boy and a girl. "Come to the Dark Woods Circus, it's fun!" Both the heads shouted with excitement and smiles on their faces. Their eyes flashed from blue to red then back to blue, but Rachel was too busy eagerly reading the flyer. It said "Come to the Dark Woods Circus! Watch the deformity!" When Rachel looked back up, the strange clown ran off down the street to hand out more flyers. But the girl head shouted back to Rachel "Stop by and see him! The chairman with the big eyes! He's ten meters tall! You can't miss him!" Then the clown ran around the corner before the small Rachel could reply. Rachel then headed off deep into the woods, where The Dark Woods Circus was located.

   Other people were heading towards the big tent, while someone who worked for the circus was shouting "All of the cast is jolly! Their forms are rather strange, but it's oh so fun!" There were two people on stilts. One of them was a man with a long white pony tail and dressed in a blue suit with a blue top hat to match. The other, was a woman with an equally long blond side pony tail, and dressed in a teal party dress. They must have been quite used to wearing stilts, for they were dancing a waltz. Or perhaps they were just abnormally tall. Rachel went inside the tent to watch the show.

   After everyone was settled in their seats, the show began. As the ring master called out three names/titles, some spot lights were turned on to show which of the performers were which. "The one with two heads!" It was the odd clown Rachel had seen before, the boy and girl head, but they were actually attached to the same body. You could tell because of the visible stitch marks on their body. The girl head was smiling while the boy had was frowning. "The deformed diva!" It was a young lady with horse legs, and a horn. She had long beautiful green hair, but she had a sort of visor to cover her eyes. Her dress was short in the front to show off her beastly legs, while the back of the dress was long and trailing. "The blue beast that loves to eat things cold!" It was a young man in a blue restraining coat, with a little bit of drool coming out of his mouth. He was called the blue beast because his hair was blue. The things that were cold that he loved to eat were severed limbs. Rachel was amused and repulsed at the same time, but enjoyed the show.

   When the show had finished, she decided to sneak a peek at the performers, through a small hole in the tent she had seen before she saw the show. Rachel put her eye up to the hole, and this is what she saw: The deformed diva was sitting in a cage crying, asking the one with two heads if anyone wished she were alive. "Am I so undesirable in this body?" she inquired. "Why do you both look at me like that? This face that is rotting is so painful." The boy head then said, "It's painful, and it can't be helped, but still we continue this circus." He began to brush the deformed diva's hair for her. Then the girl head began to say, "Forever! It's fun, so fun! This circus is so fun. Enough rotten fruit to dissolve my eyes! My skin festers, reflected in my eyes!" The girl head was obviously mad, but she didn't seem to mind. "I hate you and I want to die," The deformed diva said bitterly. "it's impossible for anyone to say and feel here."

   A tall woman, who seemed as if she was ten meters high, in a red dress with feathery fan walked up behind Rachel. When Rachel turned round to see who was behind her, she gazed upwards at the tall woman's big round eyes. The big round eyes that were scary and seemed like they were going to swallow you whole. Rachel was about to scream when the tall woman lunged towards her, and Rachel's screams were heard no more. The two circus workers who were on stilts, or just  had unfortunately long legs, were still dancing their waltz throughout the night with the shining moon as their light.

   The streets were bustling with people and carriages, and a small child with brown hair dressed in a red dress was handing out flyers. She looked like a fairy in those clothes. She runs up to you, hands you a flyer, and flashes a big smile. Her eyes flicker from green to red then back to green, as she says,"It's fun."

   Both sides of any story are never listened to equally.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


   After that "incident" at the banquet last week, Casandra hated Harold even more. She walked down the street, heading towards her apartment, since her fiance ended the engagement. Because of Harold, of course. Casandra stopped in her tracks when she saw a figure leaning against the door of her apartment building. It was Harold, who was probably drunk. Again. Casandra sighed, and walked up to him. "Oh... Hello there Casandra. What are you doing at the King's golf course?" He was most definitely drunk. "You're not at the King's golf course Harold. You're at my apartment, again. Now shove off for home sailor," Casandra said in a sarcastically stern tone. "I'm a sailor now? But I thought I was a walrus!" Casandra sighed again, and went into the lobby to call Harold's butler, Jeremy, to come pick him up. She went back out onto the stoop, to make sure Harold didn't wander off somewhere. "Casandra, do you regret it?" "Regret what you silly bastard?" "Regret ever having met me, even though you can't forget me," Harold said with a drunken smirk. Casandra shoved him, he fell over going "WheeeEEeeeeeE". Jeremy the butler finally arrived, though he had to ask help from Casandra to get Harold into the car. Harold made some stupid remark, Casandra punched him the gut. The car drove away as Casandra went to her apartment.

  In the car, Harold said, "They don't make them like her anymore, do they?" "No they don't sir," Jeremy said in joking voice. "I may be a cynical bastard, but I always think of her," Harold whispered to himself as he stared into a glass of scotch, that he had gotten from the car's bar.

  Not everything is in black and white.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


   He had no memory of what had happened to him. No memory of who or what he was. This nameless person wandered the desert, looking for something but had no idea of what it looked like, or if it even existed. In the distance he could see a water tower, and a small oasis. He staggered towards it, hoping it wasn't a mirage, bu expecting it be one...

   A strange girl with three tattoos under her left eye sat on top of the water tower that was covered in grafitti. She sat there, staring at the sky. If you stared close enough, it looked as if she was flickering in and out of existance. Something out in the distance something caught her eye. She couldn't tell from where she was, but it seemed as if it was a boy in some sort of head pain. She got down from the water tower and ran towards the figure. As she got closer she could make out the figure a bit better, and she was right. It was a boy in some sort of head pain. But there were dark figures in a circle around the boy...

   His back was sprouting a mysterious type of machinery that seemed to be the source of his head pain. The girl had seen this before, but it was such a long time ago. She still remembered what to do. She cautiously got closer to the boy and pulled at a string that had also sprouted from his back. The machinery sprang from his back and then melted away. Where the string had been, a small hole opened in his back, and a strange mechanical creature with a large red eye that took up most of it's body, scrambled to get out. The girl picked it up and swallowed it whole. She had saved the boy, but she would die very soon. But she was not afraid, she lived such a long life. She had out lived her people, who had died centuries ago. The water tower, the oasis, and herself were all that remained. She smiled as she turned into sand. Now all that was left of her were her clothes.

   The boy had a strange dream. Machinery was sticking out from his back, and standing across from him was a girl with three tattoos under her left eye, with machinery coming out of her mouth. They stood there for a while, until she melted into sand. Then he awoke to a desert. Looking around, he saw clothing covered in sand. He stared at it, not knowing if he was still dreaming. Slowly standing up, he then ventured off into the desert once more, oblivious of the hole in his back.

   Their time stopped long ago. Will yours?

p.s. I'M ON CRACK! (not really... but yea...)
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.



TGG, you're an amazing writer.

Apple, not far from tree here.


   He had come so close, but fell short. She jumped the gun, but landed too far. They had met more than several times, but those moments were fleeting, as time often runs too quickly for most of us. He was some rich kid from uptown of someplace, while she was very lower middle class. They first met on the street when he was about to get mugged by a local thug. She rode in like she was the knight in shining armor and he was the princess... Or something like that. They became close even though they didn't see each other often, to the point where they almost actually developed feelings for each other. Almost. His parents were forcing him into an arranged marriage which he wanted no part of. So the girl whom he almost actually had feelings with said that they should run away together. This was where she had jumped the gun, but landed too far. So now he had a decision to make. Be rich and miserable, or be poor and happy. Sadly, this did not end the way most fairytales do. He chose being rich and miserable over poor and happy. So he married someone who did not almost actually develop feelings for. This was where he had come so close (to almost loving someone), but fell short. They never saw each other again.

  Don't question yourself every time.
As a gentleman, it is my duty to wear top-hats.


Quote from: ThatGreenGentleman on July 22, 2011, 07:15:19 AM
  He had come so close, but fell short. She jumped the gun, but landed too far. They had met more than several times, but those moments were fleeting, as time often runs too quickly for most of us. He was some rich kid from uptown of someplace, while she was very lower middle class. They first met on the street when he was about to get mugged by a local thug. She rode in like she was the knight in shining armor and he was the princess... Or something like that. They became close even though they didn't see each other often, to the point where they almost actually developed feelings for each other. Almost. His parents were forcing him into an arranged marriage which he wanted no part of. So the girl whom he almost actually had feelings with said that they should run away together. This was where she had jumped the gun, but landed too far. So now he had a decision to make. Be rich and miserable, or be poor and happy. Sadly, this did not end the way most fairytales do. He chose being rich and miserable over poor and happy. So he married someone who did not almost actually develop feelings for. This was where he had come so close (to almost loving someone), but fell short. They never saw each other again.

  Don't question yourself every time.