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Hotsuma's Reviews: Viewtiful Joe

Started by ~~~~Closed~~~~, September 09, 2004, 07:36:31 AM

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Title: Viewtiful Joe (PS2)
Developer: Clover Studios (aka, Capcom)

Grapics: Despite that Viretiful Joe had amazing graphics on the Gamecube hasn't seemed to hinder anything on the PS2, they're a but darker but it isn't really prevelant. the cell shaded style really suits the game's attitude and definetly sets it apart from other titles. 9

Gameplay: tied for the best part of the game, the gameplay is superb. Clover managed to make combat easy, but not make battles easy. Joe learns a variety of powers through out the game, including slow-mo, mach speed, and zoom-in. slow mo is essentially bullet time, allowing you to dodge bullets,or punch them back. Mach lets you enleash a flurry of punches/kicks at lightning speed, so much so that he may burst into flames. zoom gives you the close up you asked for, and with the reduced screen size it may stun some enemies. aside from those you can purchase some attacks from the in game shop to add bombs, flaming kicks, super mach speed, and other things to your aresenal. other than the obvious battle implications, the powers serve the purpose of puzzle solving. can't jump high enough to rech the flying platform? just slow down time to make it's propeller not spin as fast. is the enemy making a sheild of fire? just use mach until your ablaze and pass right through it. that type of thing.  10

Story: the other best part of the game, put simply...they story is funny. Joe's oblivious nature, and desire to show off really makes for some interesting conversations with bosses. on top of that the whole game is one big movie parody. from "some like it hot" to "star wars" there's more parodies in this movie than I'm probably aware of. 10

Sound: the voice acting is generally good, as is the music...however some bosses can be kinda hard to understand. 9

Other: there's alot of slowdown during one of the boss fights, and all of the extra characters dialouge is dubbed over by gibberish...very annoying...oh yeah...and dante's skivvies... 8

Final Verdict: Viewtiful Joe is one of those games, that should be in every PS2 owners collection, and on that note...Henshin a go go, Baby! 9.2


Word. I'm still working on getting the GCN version of VJ.

More to come...
1. e4             e5
2. Bc4           Bc5
3. Qf3           Ne7
4. Qxf7++


at least you wont have to deal with "speedo dante" as he's lovingly called.