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Okay, I think it's time to get medieval on some asses.

Started by Freeky, July 20, 2011, 05:42:09 AM

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Freeky  Repost, I know, but it feeds my point.

Where does the stupid end?  I'll tell you where, NOWHERE.  That's where.  It's like some big practical joke, yanno?  Fucking idiots are vying for the throne, as rickety as it may be, and this sort of stupidity is being allowed to run rampant, is even encouraged at all levels of society!  I keep waiting for the "HA HA FOOLED YOU" but oh my god this is a terrifying thought I don't think it's going to come.  IT NEVER ENDS.

And then, there's you and me.  We're brighter than them, we know it, and it isn't just accumulated knowledge so shut that trap right now.  Do you really think that I'm going to sit here and let anyone tell me these people are as good as I am?  Well apparently so, because BREAKING NEWS:  MORONS RUN THE WORLD, AND I DON'T WANT TO. 

So what is it that they have, other than those pieces of green linen paper?  A way in.  That's what they have.  They all have these insane ways in, and it's like they pass them down to the next dope who wants on the inside.  You and me, oh yeah, we're on the outside.  But the ways in can't be completely guarded all the time, can't cant CANT be all accounted for.  I donno about you, but I need one.  I WANT one.  I will find one.  I'll get in, and then the great equalizing will begin.

Money will change hands, rumors will spread, dirty laundry will be aired.  Screams in the night will be stifled.  Blood will be spilled!  BONES FOR THE BONE THRONE, LET'S TAKE THIS BITCH TO THE WALL!  A way known is a way that can be shared among equals, and you are my equal, for certainly.  The smallest crack can be the breaking point for a tidal wave.  What do you want in for?  What the fuck do I care?  You're in, same as me!

I see:  A highway full of silent and still cars.  I see "Line forms here" signs dusty,  plastic numbers dark and broken.  I see supermarkets full of wares, but lacking shelving and defenders of the hoard ready to kill strangers in their place.  I see secret knowledge - math, science, history, written and spoken languages, ideas, critical thinking skills - I see these passed on in dark, private holes the damned will call home.  There will be whispers of survivors, just over the next hill, but no corroboration, nor any spine to see the other side of that hill.

And...Hm?  Oh.  After I finish getting my degree in electrical work, and have more stability, I guess.  Oh, fuck it.  Wanna get a coffee?

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube