
I know you said that you wouldn't tolerate excuses, but I have a real good one.

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For Your Sanity

Started by Phox, September 13, 2011, 02:47:19 AM

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Dear children,

If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Why, your feeble, underdeveloped mind may ask? That's precisely why. You must not question. Questioning leads to disorder and insanity.

After all, you can't call yourself "well-adjusted" if you go around questioning things all the time.

You see, the facts of life are really far simpler than you may be led to believe:
1) Boys and girls are completely different, and mutually exclusive.
2) Jesus loves you. But he hates it when you sin1.
3) Amurrica is the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE, the land of OPPORTUNITY2.
4) You are a special, unique snowflake3.

This is all you ever need to know. After all, what kind of world would it be if people just walked around willynilly, saying whatever was on their mind, especially things that went against these cardinal truths? It would be horrible!

Stay safe, kids. Never have sex, keep your eyes on the prize, always do as you are told, and never say rude things. It will keep you alive longer, you know.

Love and kisses,
Doktor Phox

1 = As a general rule of thumb, everything you can possibly do is a sin. Don't sin.

2 = Unless you belong to a group which 'murrica finds distasteful at the time.

3 = This doesn't mean you can actually do anything to change your lot in life, but why should you do anything anyway? Aren't you entitled?
