
I liked how they introduced her, like "her mother died in an insane asylum thinking she was Queen Victoria" and my thought was, I like where I think this is going. I was not disappointed.

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Started by Mesozoic Mister Nigel, October 02, 2011, 03:37:56 PM

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from Dear Coke Talk..........

On occupying wall street.

fuck you for your lack of support to the wall street kids. you must be pretty fucking out of touch with reality. those "bunch of fuzzy-headed antiglobalization dorks loitering around lower Manhattan confusing their own vegan farts for a whiff of revolution" include my friends, many of whom are forced to work shitty underpaid jobs without insurance just to eat. my best friend just had to have emergency surgery without insurance. compounded with her student loan debt, she's now facing eviction. go to hell, seriously.

You're not gonna squeeze any sympathy out of me because your friends work underpaid jobs without insurance. I've been there, asshole. It's called being in your twenties. Everyone without a trust fund has to do it, so quit whining.

As for the protest, it was just a bunch of fuzzy-headed antiglobalization dorks when I wrote that two weeks ago. It's not anymore. They've picked up some momentum and a few celebrity endorsements. Good for them, but it isn't nearly enough, which has been my point all along.

This is still just the cultural equivalent of a temper tantrum. It's steam harmlessly escaping from a pressure release valve. It's toothless. That doesn't mean it can't explode into something with the potential to alter the American experience. Hopefully it will, but to do that, it'll have to evolve way beyond an unfocused expression of socio-economic frustration. It will have to grow teeth.

Wanting more from this protest doesn't mean I lack support for the kids out there on the street, especially when they're getting the shit kicked out of them by the NYPD.

I'm down for the revolution. Bring it.

But so far, this ain't it.


The most likely thing to happen is some of the antiglobalization dorks will get beaten up a fair bit by the police, smarten up because of it, and start getting a little more radical in their demands.

PRO-TIP: when was the last time protests worked, anyway?  The Civil Rights movement?  Start looking at people who have been successful in their attempts to remake society.

Precious Moments Zalgo

Quote from: Nigel on October 02, 2011, 05:01:47 PM
Quote from: Cainad on October 02, 2011, 04:23:06 PM
I heard about this on the radio. I'm rather surprised that this is actually happening, and I am eagerly awaiting the tales of mass disruption.

QUICK, place your bets on how long it will be before the propaganda machine tries to connect the Occupiers to terrorism!

The moment they realize the problem is too large to ignore it, there will be accusations of terrorism, and also most likely some horrific violence which will be blamed on the Occupiers. I predict a bombing. This will be used to "justify" extreme police violence against the Occupiers.
I think what will happen if it starts to get too large, and I'm already seeing signs of this, is the movement will be co-opted and neutered by mainstream establishment Democrats.
I will answer ANY prayer for $39.95.*

*Unfortunately, I cannot give refunds in the event that the answer is no.


from IOZ....

I guess what I like most is the sort of polite befuddlement of liberal Americans, your average NPRische type, colledgucated and vaguely sympathetic with the idea that Something Has Gone Wrong in America--perhaps not personally struggling too mightily, but, you know, one Subaru payment away from ruin--as they gaze on the Occupy Wall Street types.  They may vaguely recall that School of the Americas rally they attended as college students back in their Kenyon days or whatever . . . or was it Free Palestine?  But what they really want to know is, what do they want?  What is Occupy Wall Street's agenda?  What are their demands.  The course seems lacking in a syllabus.  It isn't in outline form.  No one seems prepared to PowerPoint it.


Of course, it is not like any other ideologically incoherent group has managed to garner mass media attention and gain political power in recent history.

Doktor Howl

All these fuckers are going to an unnamed facility just as soon as an "incident" can be arranged.

Protests...All they do is line up the hippies for photographing/arresting/beating/shooting.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on October 03, 2011, 06:53:07 PM
Of course, it is not like any other ideologically incoherent group has managed to garner mass media attention and gain political power in recent history.

See my above post.  And think about the horse in Animal Farm.
Molon Lube


If they are antiglobalization dweebs, as Coke Talk attests...there will be more than a few undercover officers present, in addition to any the NYPD (which, let us not forget, was running intelligence for the CIA, illegally, in NYC) have smuggled in.

The best thing the protestors can do is immediately mob anyone who utters "black bloc" without the following words "are almost always fucking stupid ideas, dreamt up by undercover police officers, to give an excuse to arrest everyone and shut the protest down".

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on October 03, 2011, 07:01:56 PM
If they are antiglobalization dweebs, as Coke Talk attests...there will be more than a few undercover officers present, in addition to any the NYPD (which, let us not forget, was running intelligence for the CIA, illegally, in NYC) have smuggled in.

The best thing the protestors can do is immediately mob anyone who utters "black bloc" without the following words "are almost always fucking stupid ideas, dreamt up by undercover police officers, to give an excuse to arrest everyone and shut the protest down".

Protesting, to me, seems almost like watching the French (or America) "fight the last war", if you catch my drift.

Old ideas.  Old methods.  Methods that The Machineā„¢ has had more than a century to figure out how to deal with.  Either something new will be devised, or the hippies all get beaten up and tossed in internment camps for nothing.
Molon Lube


Yup.  They think because they're using iPhones (which can track everywhere you go and have a backdoor in them for government access) and using Facebook (ditto) and flickr ( is actually pretty cool) that this somehow makes up for the complete and utter lack of imagination they exhibit, and the orthodoxy of their techniques.

And the thing is, the more they fail, the more likely we will eventually see a Baader-Meinhof style backlash, which will of course lead to an even greater state backlash.

There is a lot to be said for the application of fast, brutal but ultimately effective action.  What we are seeing here is someone picking at a festering wound.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on October 03, 2011, 07:08:39 PM
Yup.  They think because they're using iPhones (which can track everywhere you go and have a backdoor in them for government access) and using Facebook (ditto) and flickr ( is actually pretty cool) that this somehow makes up for the complete and utter lack of imagination they exhibit, and the orthodoxy of their techniques.

And the thing is, the more they fail, the more likely we will eventually see a Baader-Meinhof style backlash, which will of course lead to an even greater state backlash.

There is a lot to be said for the application of fast, brutal but ultimately effective action.  What we are seeing here is someone picking at a festering wound.

That's because Americans have become pathologically incapable of doing ANYTHING full bore...or, for that matter, even finishing anything.  It started in 1969-1976.  We went to the moon and quit, and we haven't done a fucking thing properly since.
Molon Lube


I will say, in their defence, that "this shit is broke, fix it" is actually a fairly coherent demand.

I don't recall anyone asking the Teabaggers for legislative drafts of alternatives to the American Healthcare Act.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

I would say that at this point, this has potential to actually go somewhere if the numbers of people who claim interest actually participate. Here in Portland over 6000 people are members of the FB group, and actively recruiting for more.

Of course, reality is that probably only a tiny percentage will actually GO OUTSIDE AND DO SOMETHING when it comes right down to it. Because going outside is scary, and they might get hurt.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Jaime, Alex, Tiffany and 7 more of your friends like VIOLENT REVOLUTION.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Cain on October 03, 2011, 07:45:37 PM
Jaime, Alex, Tiffany and 7 more of your friends like VIOLENT REVOLUTION.


Molon Lube