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Female Orgasm in 3D (not what you're all thinking right now)

Started by Telarus, December 06, 2011, 07:49:59 PM

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 :lulz: Spags. Broke your set.

First 3D Movie of Orgasm in the Female Brain


An orgasm has now been imaged in 3D video in the brain as it happens — and for possibly the first time in the history of science, women came first.
The video, which was presented at the recent Society for Neuroscience conference in Washington, D.C., is the first to look at the exact order in which women's brain regions are activated in the progression that culminates in sexual climax. The findings have not yet been peer reviewed for publication.
While this may seem like a silly line of research, in fact, understanding how the brain experiences the most pleasurable sensations may be essential for figuring out what underlies conditions in which desire and motivation go awry, like addiction and depression.
Lead author Barry Komisaruk, professor of psychology at Rutgers University, imaged brain activity in several women who were able to masturbate to orgasm in the decidedly unsexy atmosphere of a functional MRI machine. (Orgasm was achieved by either manual stimulation or use of a "passive dildo" in the form of a Lucite rod; vibrators contain metal, which cannot be placed in magnetic scanners.)

Komisaruk discovered activity in more than 80 regions of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in higher-order thinking, and which earlier imaging of the female orgasm by Dutch researchers had found to be inactive. "There's an apparent contradiction in the literature," says Komisaruk. "The group in Holland says that the frontal cortex goes down in activity during orgasm and we see that it goes up."
That could be due to differences in scanning technique, Komisaruk says. Or, a more interesting reason may involve the fact that in the Dutch study, sexual stimulation was applied by the women's partners, rather than themselves. "It could be different [because] women inducing orgasm in themselves may involve executive control characteristic of the prefrontal cortex, whereas in partner-induced stimulation, women may surrender to their partner and that could be the basis for the reduction in activity," he explains.

The sequence of brain activity itself is telling. First, not surprisingly, activation is seen in the sensory regions of the brain that map the genitals. Earlier research by Komisaruk's group showed that nipple stimulation also excites this sensory region, helping explain why it can be erotic.
Next, a region called the insula lights up. "Not only is [the insula] active during orgasm, it's also active in response to pain," says Komisaruk, explaining that brain imaging is difficult to interpret because "activation" can mean different things in different brain cells. If inhibitory neurons are active, this actually reduces the signaling of other neurons — and could mean something is being prevented rather than processed. "We see strong inhibitory interaction between orgasm and pain," he says. "During orgasm, women are much less sensitive to pain."
Komisaruk notes that facial expressions during orgasm (the "O face") are often indistinguishable from those made in pain, and suggests this may be explained by activity in the insula.

Next, the anterior cingulate, an area related to the insula, lights up before the action moves to the amygdala. Although it is best known for processing fear-related information, the amygdala is actually involved in all types of emotion — and may provide some of the intense positive emotion typically experienced during orgasm.
Activity is seen next in the hippocampus, which processes memories and may be involved either in sexual fantasy or in recording the experience or both. The hippocampus is also able to activate many brain regions at once, which may underlie its role in both orgasm and seizure. "The hippocampus is often involved in epileptic seizure activity," says Komisaruk. "There's a lot of similarity between seizures and orgasms in the sense that they involve many brain regions concurrently."
After the hippocampus, Komisaruk saw activity in the prefrontal cortex, the region involved in planning, abstract thought and behavior control. He's currently doing a study comparing partner-induced and self-stimulated orgasm to see if he can resolve the question of why some studies show activation here and others don't.
Following the cortex, activation flowed through a region involved in movement and muscle tension, which occurs during orgasm. Next, the hypothalamus came online. This region releases oxytocin, the notorious "love hormone" involved in social and emotional bonding and connection.
Finally, it's on to the brain's "pleasure center," for the peak experience of orgasm, which likely involves release of dopamine in the highly activated nucleus accumbens.

And then, the brain goes quiet.

Movie Link:

Begin Commentary:

WHOA. Y'know... it's that last line that's super interesting. Brains don't "go quiet"... not while you're conscious ( & not chilling in Nirvana). VERY very interesting.
Telarus, KSC,
.__.  Keeper of the Contradictory Cephalopod, Zenarchist Swordsman,
(0o)  Tender to the Edible Zen Garden, Ratcheting Metallic Sex Doll of The End Times,
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Mesozoic Mister Nigel

I am very very surprised that the researchers didn't seem to consider the incredibly obvious factor of fantasy to account for the increased cerebral cortex activity in the masturbators.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


I think you would find that stuff happening more in the Limbic System.  I think it makes sense that it is lighting up more in the self-pleasurers as I think that activity is going to employ more executive function which is what happens in the cerebral cortex. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


I think that the description of the activation moving from 'lower' (further in the hindbrain) 'up' through the amygdala, and then to the prefrontal cortex to be super interesting.

But only because I have this in my High Weirdness file:

QuoteA friend sent me a taped radio interview with T. D. A. Lingo, founder of the Dormant Brain Research Center in Denver, Co. T. D. A. Lingo is now deceased.

    T. D. A. Lingo was a member of general Patton's armored tank group in WWII, and was greatly disturbed by the acts of violence and homicide he witnessed. After the war, he studied at 4 universities, always asking the same question: "Why must mankind kill his brother?"

    Finally, a professor in Chicago answered this question. He tapped on his forehead with his fingertips, and stated that the answer lies within the human brain, but that research to date had yielded no explanations. If Lingo wanted the answer, he would have to open his own research lab and find the answer himself.

    After 15 years of studying brain research material, Lingo and his associates found that the anterior part of the amygdala gland is a gateway into the frontal lobes of the brain. By entering through this gateway, you can increase your consciousness and become more spiritually developed. You begin to use a larger percentage of the brain. Through his discoveries, Lingo felt that entering into this gateway enabled us to tap into a universal consciousness. In this way, those that learn to access the frontal lobes of their brain can bring about a peaceful harmony in the world.

    When you are in the posterior amygdala, you deal with the traumas and dramas of life. If you can jump, or "click" forward into the anterior portion of the amygdala, you can reach euphoria. He calls this process, "clicking." As people learn to control this function, they can actually feel and hear this click in their minds.

    A simple way to locate the amygdala gland is by placing your thumbs in your ears, and then place your middle fingers near the inside corners of your eyes. The amygdala gland is found about 1" into the forehead where your index fingers fall. The frontal lobe of the brain can be located by placing your palm on your forehead. The entire area covered by your palm is where the frontal lobes are located.

    On the tape, Lingo talks about three types of exercises: 1. Self-guided Imaging, 2. Closed focused Meditation, and 3. Self Trauma Drama.

    The radio interview did not allow time for him to go into all the exercises. However, he did give one quick example on how to increase the energy flowing into the amygdala gland using the Self Guided Imaging technique. [cut bs self-rationalization mystic mumbo jumbo -Tel] When done successfully, you will actually feel and hear this click inside your brain. The sensation will last for 2 to 5 seconds before you click back into your posterior, trauma consciousness. To achieve a universal consciousness and total love, you have to access the anterior portion of your brain through the gateway (the amygdala), into the frontal lobes. However, Lingo states that for humanity to deal with day-to-day life, like driving, working, shopping, etc., we must be in the posterior amygdala. With practice, you will be able to easily click back and forth.

        A quick way to enter the gateway through the frontal lobes is to sit quietly, alone, and imagine an energy source coming from outside yourself- call this energy God, The Source, Light Energy, or whatever you like. See this energy entering your forehead like a laser beam and splitting in two. Guide each beam into each side of your forehead and see the beam enter the front (anterior) portion of both the right and left amygdala. Now visualize the energy increasing; 1 volt, 2 volts, three volts, etc. This simple exercise will cause the click forward

The italicized portion matches other "move the Light-Energy" meditations I've found in Zen, Sufi, and many other traditions.

Here's something else on the guy:

Dude looks weirdly like Kerry Thonrley, but that's probably just my pattern matching already scrabbling for a hold on anything after I first read that Weirdness.
Kerry (you're glad I didn't use THAT picture. GoogleImage Search for Kerry Thornley with Safe Search off at your own risk)
Telarus, KSC,
.__.  Keeper of the Contradictory Cephalopod, Zenarchist Swordsman,
(0o)  Tender to the Edible Zen Garden, Ratcheting Metallic Sex Doll of The End Times,
/||\   Episkopos of the Amorphous Dreams Cabal

Join the Doll Underground! Experience the Phantasmagorical Safari!