
That line from the father's song in Mary Poppins, where he's going on about how nothing can go wrong, in Britain in 1910.  That's about the point I realized the boy was gonna die in a trench.

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Started by hirley0, January 28, 2012, 08:41:39 AM

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will i ever LeaRn ? i doubt it .1 i see no need
for constants {invarients | 4Me it all changes | including time & space
Time is thought not only to change but in fact can reverse itself under
proper conditions, an as for space being continuous? i see no reason to
suspect that rule either, i see no reason why space cannot have holes
in it | & 'poise discontinuity  here there & everywhere actually

So bac2BS BYome stretch of imagination i concluded earth Mass to have
doubled { no wait i meab earth Diameter has doubled  since day 1
i wonder if i can find the link 12/31 & 1/1,33962.0.html  1/1 Link
12/31 R47

i agree it makes little sence
My main point is the Earth Diameter increased & Earth mass also
{ a lot
Next point? Moon also increased in mass | some 24e7 Years
currently Moon receeds from Earth |orbital period increases. | at day 1
Moon Launch from Earth the Lunar Rotation was same as Earth, as it
moved away | thus falling behind the Earths rotation, The outbound moon
must hav had near escape velocity to be where it is now.

escape from the Earth; it is 11.3 km/sec or 25,300 mph.
in my theory of the Lunar{from earth Launch) reached an
insert event, resulting in the Moons present parameters 
{moving away
thus? A plot {animation | of the formative days should be possible and a table
of lunar distance {from Earth the first 1/3 of a day
distance from Earth to the Moon is 384,400 km  /11.3Km/s = 34000 seconds
=567 Min == 9 hrs |(imo} had there been no second event (insert} there
would be no Moon today, thank U object 2 {insert.tit | Make ¢ents?


ad 1649 4get the prior BS , get on with agreements{Lov dis+agree{Hat & 2con{Na
ok? thUS, i rebegin from a table of numbers that
Me Myself & i will call "GIVENS"
GIVENS themselves are not considered constants
in fact givens are assumed to be variables
& are only expressed as numbers for convience
Givens again {i say to myself) are variables
the rate OR random way they vary are probable
unknow, & maybe unknowable at this stage of
the game.

given 1 is a distance, distance itself is
considered by me not to be a constant but
a fluctuation {never mind F's for now ..
G1 = diameter of Earth takes the followin #'$
G1_Me 12.7Kkm
G1_SelF (12) -
G1_i (13) +
i round up to 13 for a # some when in the future +
Myself rounds down to a real time in the past  -
& Me, Me, Me accepts a geographic term of Thousands of kilometers


moving right along to the next ad 1654
Me? volume of a sphere = 4/3πr³
volume of EARTH
MYSELF ? parameters ^ 22 ? OF 24
I DID NOT SEE ELECTRICAL CHARGE or state of ionization
Mass (10^24 kg)                 5.9736
Volume (10^10 km3)             108.321
density g/cc  ????/    maybe 6/110 5.4545..*10^12 Kg/Km^3

ad 1672 fade?1686Δ14 oK Lemme thin' i mean offer the blood .. i arrived
at the spin period of earth ? THAT i'poise changed as mass was added?
Faster[_] Slower[_]? with an abrupt alteration at Lunar Launch day
i'LL call it LL_0 &then2 Lunar orbital period in terms of Earth spin time
v Ephemeris T {is that spelled correctly?
Did you mean: ephemeris time?
ad 1699 -ad 1700
Alright ?ES 3:11 2013 05/18 MY question is about Mass
how does{did) the orbit of isS change as mass was added
it seams rather straignt forward and simple. find data.
Ok: never mind then, if it does not exist why look 4iT
i must star some where! Right? preA
Mass is not =2 Cartesian or Keplerian |a e i ω Ω ν| aei
= =
Trad DaTa
03:45 ?

Semi-major axis    a    Defines the size of the orbit.
Eccentricity    e    Defines the shape of the orbit.
Inclination    i    Defines the orientation of the orbit with respect to the Earth's equator.<
Argument of Perigee       Defines where the low point, perigee, of the orbit is with respect to the Earth's surface.
Right Ascension of the Ascending Node       Defines the location of the ascending and descending orbit locations with respect to the Earth's equatorial plane.
True/Mean Anomaly       Defines where the satellite is within the orbit with respect to perigee.

initial conditions were both constants such as planetary masses, from outside sources,
and parameters such as initial positions and velocities,
2003 masses for the planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Earth-Moon system
were updated to newer research. ////\/EW constants
2007 minor inconsistencies which remained in the planets' masses due to time ?
2008 latest estimates of planetary masses //////\/EW new$

ad 1709
14:26 2013 05/18 so it goes: the present method
whiTch obviously is beyound my grasp. Yes i got
an F in Group. I AM not A Grouper. Just Me &
hiss.Story. Anyway it is clear from reading
THAT the problem "they" have is assuming the
concepts of constants. whiTch obviously are NOT
_ thus my suggestion to them is for them to try
to plot the change in Mass per unit of time/T
and it is my futhor guess is T = 24e7 GOT IT?
== yes of course that also is a VAriable get
over it and get some plots for Mass of Earth
Moon &ETC5-? it should be possible for Earth
::: WHat nexT i ask myself, Geologists is my
guess, OR possibly Anthropologists? Some one
interested in Layers of Dirt per Time Frame
???? i did come up with My fig 2X in 20Gy
thats Gal.Years 24e7 Not giga yeaRs (e9)
20*24e7=480e7 Or 4.8e9 is NOT 4.5 Billion!.!
/TilT/ mY guess is The Rate increases thus
Gy1 is a longer period than Gy10 And 10>20
Meaning the Galaxy contracts & rotates
faster with time : on the inside
~bt~ on the outside | beyound so dD it may
expand & slow, those are my guesses about
Time itself OR orbital ve;ocities{galatic
.BB. tic'S {Never mind | My guess is g.1s
would arive at the opposite oppinion in
100+Gy's ETc. Now bac2other.myrthy.myths


ad 1714
ad 1733 DE408 Better values of the planets' masses {1995-2005 :fnord:
ad 1737 i'D point the figure at geologists or archaeologists
1744 1750 1756 1763 1768 1773 1774 1776 1786 1791 1797
1801 05 09 10


A brmn position was taken in the nine am pdT hour
whiTch is the current one for another 1/2 { A GLOBAL position OR 2 (-3,+10)
Math quest is the rate of change in Mass of Earth yesterday today 2morrow
Never Mind eXactly why science needs constants
is beyond my comprehension THERE ARE NONE
Remember i got an F in Group theory & cleerly it is true
boo to such a thought of those SCIENTIST'$ boo boo BOOBOO

& NOW? on to the bigger picture? is the Milky Way
GalAxY 1? or AM  i correct in thinking it may be TWO?
the REASON GalAxY'$ have 2 arms MW has 4.
count them:


0k chemistry:anyway Atkinson {Link when found: :fnord: CH.4&5
does due some Atmospherics & i would follow the data if only
i could
finger out how to do it. As a chemist {iz AssSayHer he'$ a bit
obscure? True i have approached the position & know he is with
HER in the standing {with the FORCE} never mind  the $JoK
anyway YESterdAY we were watching the Sun Set about 8:22
in the shade of a tree on SW 13th {good view of the west hills
the sun angle and lighting conditions were such that light reflected off
of small objects fliting about over 13th & the space between 13th 7
the freeway? it sort of reminded me of a cloud of nats, which i have
sen in the park? only they were more scattered Yards not inches:::

so yeah the inter GalAtIC question popped into mind
was what i was seeing ther over 13th particle of MW2 i ask U p



Above below is My version of the two galaxy model
The Scutum Prseus Galaxy is shown in RED
The Norma Sagitt Galaxy is shown in Blue
an astrix * represents the Sun? part of (Um}?
AN Orion Sper? part P,S part S,N } U are North
is my best guess // the math is Matlab script
i 4get the year // i c a 2009 date \\ post '09?


'poise for a moment i'z correct &THAT THEY ARE WRONG
A normal galaxy has only 2 arms | & their4 what we call our galaxy is wrong.
Lookii anouther way to view this is the F in group
as far as i'M concerened, My Group Grade can just as easily be translated
that GROUP gets the failure in individual understanding.
Never mind: bac2QU 'poise again the plane of PS is comprehensable
the cosmological QU becomes is NS in the same Plane?
or on the plain are the two planes NOT THE same. My guess is they are NOT
Meaning the cosmologist are cleerly NOT doing their JOB.
So Boo to them if they do NOT know for sure if they are on the same plane
bac2CH & the constant ad "google.go's"  {ad 1844


so who is the ALPHA  cosmologist these days anyway?/?
Friday 20130607 {PRIOR to 1am Board time {{Maybe
Assme RED {Scutum Perseus} to be the heavy (F)
{Norma Sagitt} TO BE LIGHT (m) 
and that He/she has an angle | not in the same plane ?

that Norma {Looking down {S) from North ABOVE) IS ABOVE Scutum
YES of course either i or they have the gender wrong
& further that Sagitt is below {farther than Perseus

it seams cleer to me that THOSE distance's N-S & S-P should be SAME
& THAT it should be an obtainable figure for any given Φ/θ

Friday 20130607 {PRIOR to interuption


1878to start my cosmology i added my BIRTH CHART
THE MATLAB version of the milkit WAY for chat
not that i expect any its just BS | ok on the Way there is up from sun
to  Galaxy center {Sagittarius and down } to G.edge

     My 1st Look {Looking UP) in the direction of Sagittarius 18Hr?RA



it appears cleer to  me the bright spot right is tangent thru Scut
I sure wish U could knock off the drop carrier routine for a while {foEee
while the bright blue left is Tan thruogh SagiTT Got it?
and that Sag is lower than Scut {the heavy {{Normal {{{Level =======
the blue blob above Sag is probably far Per {point maid


Ad 1907 Last night? between 930pm& 10 Venus & Mercury
were seen setting over the west hills horizon
{never mind?,30739.15.html
Look ^UP for what i call the Gemini-Cancer Gravity Train
now its about face time | instead of looking towards the Sun & Train
it is time to look towards Orion & beyond our Galactic space

         in other words beyond Lalande {180 on the chart

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


    1938 {12:24:53.48am
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on June 12, 2013, 07:16:55 AM
ad 1948  SO MUCH FOR COSMOLOGY: It does appear to me
nether Brown nor SayGang Will show up to espouse a view. THUS: i May
as well turn to the Local details at this time? PrObably spring of '48 We
lived on Vater street SE at the foot of the hawthorn bridge. THUS we
had a first hand daily view of the brown water there on SE Water. What
i remember more than the water was the RATS as they moved up onto
dry land where we were & my sister & i made good money trapping
river rats, as there was a bounty {i forget how much Maybe 5 per
they wer the really large Brow kind and we lost more than 1 trap as
they could drag the trap away if we did not use extraoordinary means
to prevent this
{ never mind. the other 100 year flood was in 84
Forty Eight spelled backwards but it was 1884 not 1948 100 Yr prior {LOC:
Ok as i remember{din Look the 84 was 33 feet (11M) &
48 was 24 (8M)
Allright, these calculated guesses are about the
!K floods | its not about Missoula 10Kyr (333' 111M) say between 11&111
avg one two two /2 =61*.1.25 = 15&1/4(Meters) Got It?
Maybe PRep for the 1000 Yr Flood on the Columbia &
Willamette can use some preliminary preperation ? Sand Bag anyone?
Really sand bagging is not my choice
  • opposed ? nor do i favor
    V.K.'s ply wood in place, tough the move did get TV coverage &
    US PreZ presence still 4Me it was a Boo Boo.[/color]what is needed
    in the coming week or 2 are stream flow v dam it cappicities B

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Oh, man, if the city would put a bounty on rats again I could make a FORTUNE.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."