
TESTEMONAIL:  Right and Discordianism allows room for personal interpretation. You have your theories and I have mine. Unlike Christianity, Discordia allows room for ideas and opinions, and mine is well-informed and based on ancient philosophy and theology, so, my neo-Discordian friends, open your minds to my interpretation and I will open my mind to yours. That's fair enough, right? Just claiming to be discordian should mean that your mind is open and willing to learn and share ideas. You guys are fucking bashing me and your laughing at my theologies and my friends know what's up and are laughing at you and honestly this is my last shot at putting a label on my belief structure and your making me lose all hope of ever finding a ideological group I can relate to because you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about and everything I have said is based on the founding principals of real Discordianism. Expand your mind.

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Seriously, NOW where is the Youtube thread?

Started by Mesozoic Mister Nigel, July 17, 2012, 06:33:03 AM

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Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: NoLeDeMiel on February 02, 2017, 09:16:04 PM
This is the first of a short series of videos that invented (discovered?) the genre Yacht Rock:

They also went Beyond Yacht Rock to start a podcast called Beyond Yacht Rock ( where they invent arbitrary genres of music, do a countdown of songs that exemplify that genre, toss in some funny ass commentary and shit gold!

Right now I'm listening to their "I Can't Believe It's Not Vedder!" countdown. It's Stunning.

I bet it is.  :lol:
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Sexy Octopus of the Next Noosphere Horde

There are more nipples in the world than people.


How to husk a coconut.  Methods covered are "stick" and "teeth" methods.



The Wizard Joseph

Quote from: Cain on March 15, 2017, 10:22:25 PM
Posted for future reference: Sir, please, I am the Garbage Man.mp4

:cry: That was the most beautiful, bravest garbage man I ever saw on YouTube.
You can't get out backward.  You have to go forward to go back.. better press on! - Willie Wonka, PBUH

Life can be seen as a game with no reset button, no extra lives, and if the power goes out there is no restarting.  If that's all you see life as you are not long for this world, and never will get it.

"Ayn Rand never swung a hammer in her life and had serious dominance issues" - The Fountainhead

"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation."
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality :lulz:

"You program the controller to do the thing, only it doesn't do the thing.  It does something else entirely, or nothing at all.  It's like voting."
- Billy, Aug 21st, 2019

"It's not even chaos anymore. It's BANAL."
- Doktor Hamish Howl


Quote from: Cain on March 15, 2017, 10:22:25 PM
Posted for future reference: Sir, please, I am the Garbage Man.mp4

Ok, I've watched this at least 5 times, and found the AnCap's voice on I didn't even realize that voice was computer generated until the second time watching it.

I have plans for it.

Thanks, Cain.
Formerly something else...


Quote from: Cain on March 15, 2017, 10:22:25 PM
Posted for future reference: Sir, please, I am the Garbage Man.mp4

1.30 odd - dodgy age of consent reasoning made that perfect
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


The world is a car and you're the crash test dummy.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

All that Bob Saget's ass made me speechless.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


crackin tune from The Riptide Movement I heard on the radio today, realised I saw these lads a few years back at a gig when I was in college
Sleepless nights at the chateau



2 mins of gameplay from the new Quake Champions. My body is so fucking ready for this. On the downside - there goes sculpting practice :sad:

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark


Quote from: P3nT4gR4m on April 07, 2017, 02:45:24 PM
2 mins of gameplay from the new Quake Champions. My body is so fucking ready for this. On the downside - there goes sculpting practice :sad:

I'm personally unhyped. I miss Quake 1 way more than I miss Quake 3, and I have never, ever thought to myself that all Quake 3 needed was to be more like Overwatch. (I really just wish that Team Arena had been more popular -- the pickup-based class system was good and the game modes were well-made and in-line with the high speed destruction derby nature of the gameplay.)

Unfortunately, the Quake 1 community has somehow become riddled with Kekites and their slithery malformed ilk. I'm fortunate that the truly high quality people in the community are obviously opposed, so I can still enjoy the maps coming down the pipe without feeling filthy.

Nevertheless, I'll be right there with you -- I can't force myself to stay away from a Quake game.