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Brit Spags! So Jim fixed it...

Started by Mangrove, October 23, 2012, 08:23:22 PM

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As you'll see in part 10, the original examining magistrate was removed from the case of Dutroux based on a technicality, and his replacement, Jacques Langlois, catergorically denied the existence of child abuse networks and put investigators to work on bogus leads that led nowhere and kept them away from the main thrust of the investigation thus far.

The X Dossier interviewees, whose task force had been acting mostly independently at that stage, were also rolled into a team under the control of Gendarmerie Commandant Jean-Luc Duterme.  Langlois did not read their testimonies themselves, and relied on Duterme to interpret them - investigators felt Duterme was purposefully highlighting what they considered disinformation in order to discredit the witnesses entirely.

Or it's possible he really just was that stupid.  Any country with the amount of corruption and secrets that Belgium has no doubt also has its fair share of people who got their positions based on who they know, and not what they know.


Ah, thanks. I'll finish the thing before further comment/questions
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Also look out for Police commissioner Georges Marnette - he was named by X2 and Nathalie W. as an abuser.


And because this may help inform the Dutroux "Dossier X" affair

QuoteThe allegedly abused children of Portugal represent a fraction of a global industry. Its annual revenues were estimated in 2003 to exceed half a trillion dollars globally. This is twice the value of all United States currency currently in circulation at any given time, more than the annual gross national products of many countries.

To understand the sheer size of profits accruing from such terrible misery, consider this: a million dollars in gold would weigh as much as a Japanese Sumo wrestler. A half trillion dollars would come close to exceeding the entire population weight of a medium sized Australian city.

The profits come from child sexual trafficking in all its forms: white slavery, sex rings, pornography, the sex tourism industry, lap dancing, bogus adoption schemes and procuring the victims -- the untold millions of children globally entrapped in the sex trade industry who are forced to allow their bodies to be used in exchange for food, money, shelter, alcohol and drugs.

Children are bought, sold, traded and misused in underground child sex markets daily. Every state in the United States, and every other nation, contributes in some fashion to the steady flow of children, the customers and exploiters.

It is estimated that the profits from this vast evil empire, when properly invested, would draw an interest exceeding US $2 million an hour. The sexual trafficking in children is not so much an industry but a global empire.

Sovereign and expansionist, it is frequently torn by internal struggle -- fights to the death between the Chinese Triads and the Russian Mafia, between the multi-gangs of the Balkans, are commonplace. But the empire presents a secret front to the world. It is from there it plunders our children, snatches them, never to be seen again.

The predators who control the sexual trafficking in children are well organized. They have thugs who snatch and break the resistance of children; banks who account the empire's profits without asking questions; ships that convey the hapless children from one continent to another and private planes that transport them to clients around the world.

Yet there is little or no cohesive and sustained war against this terrible evil. The United States and Britain try to stamp on the trafficking within its own borders. But as yet there is no universal challenge to the ever-growing sexual trafficking in children.

Yes, I know, Canada Free Press is a crank website, but the author of the article, Gordon Thomas, is not.  Though he is Welsh.  Regardless, what this article shows is the sheer global extent and massive profits that child sex trafficking can make.

And if this is happening all over the world, the only reason to assume it's not happening on our own cities is because our police are less corrupt and more diligent, our political processes more open and fair.  Except, of course, they're not always, are they?


Got about 40 pages in, one of the toughest things I've had to read for a while.

The potential level of implications here is huge. It really does put the Icke crowd in a bit of different light. They're lunatics, but not for the reasons I originally thought.

Will press on with it tonight, is there much follow up to the royal family links/allegations?

I have no idea how Belgium gained the cultural stereotype of "boring", "horrific" seems more apt for anyone of prominence. 
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


I believe the most highly ranked person implicated directly in the X dossiers is a baron, though, in an interview, Nihoul claimed he had photographic evidence of Prince Albert forcing himself on a 16 year old girl, for a six figure sum.  But then, can Nihoul really be trusted?


I think it's going to take some fine parsing between testimony and hearsay.  They say that extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof -- and I now believe the astonishing (sickening) level of inhumanity that was reached, due to this quite extraordinary proof. 

But to say that "I saw a picture of Prince Albert raping a child" just isn't enough for me at this point.  I could be true, but right now there's not enough to tip it over the 60% probability that I generally use as a guideline for "true things".


Yeah, Nihoul's a tainted source, making an allegation without corroboration.  His testimony alone is not strong enough to be considered any kind of proof.


QuoteMr De'Ath was asked on Today about a previous claim that Savile had spent the night in a hotel with a girl who was probably 10-years-old.

Mr De'Ath said it had "never occurred " to him to go to the police.

"I did say to [Savile] 'I think you're living dangerously'," he said.

"I was pretty shocked and disgusted. Also, I was physically frightened of Savile. He had been a boxer and a wrestler and he was in with some very rough people.

"I would never have dreamed of grassing him up."


And while I'm here:

QuoteTasked with flushing out ­paedophiles preying on vulnerable youngsters at children's homes, Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll relished the challenge.

But the officer suddenly found himself booted off the case and put on a ­disciplinary after revealing ­politicians were named among the suspects.

At least one of the figures is understood to have been an MP.

And former Labour councillor Anna Tapsell claims she was visited by a police chief to "warn her off" after she raised concerns that detectives would not ­properly investigate allegations of ­paedophile activity in care homes.

Mr Driscoll launched his probe into child sex abuse claims in the South London borough of Lambeth in 1998.

But he claims Scotland Yard began meddling as soon as the politicians were named.



Yeah.  This was a case in the late 90s, not the most recent one, but still worth noting.

If you read the full article, you'll see it's another case of already convicted pedophiles being allowed to slip through the cracks or otherwise protected.  In the words of the article:

QuoteMichael John Carroll, the former boss of the Angell Road home, was arrested in 1998 by Merseyside police for abuse spanning decades.

By that time Ms Tapsell had spent more than 10 years highlighting his case after she discovered Lambeth bosses let him run children's homes until 1991 despite ­executives learning in 1986 he was a convicted ­paedophile.

QuoteMs Tapsell told the judge that Carroll, who had not at that point been arrested, was "protected" by Lambeth social ­services bosses along with paedophile Les Paul who worked in South Vale.

Paul was jailed for two and a half years in 1994 for abusing three boys including one from the children's home.

Ms Tapsell wrote: "Les Paul took little boys home and on holiday, just as Carroll did with the full knowledge of area staff. The examples are numerous.

"Almost all the internal abuse issues have involved collusion across divisions.

"I have no doubt Angell Road may have been used for organised child abuse which involved adults other than staff.

Everyone knew.  Previous convictions ignored.  The social services apparently cool with the whole situation.

If that's not suggestive of a coverup, then almost nothing is.



I must admit I'm a mixture of shocked (takes quite a lot) and disappointed. That old saying about evil being the inaction of good men ... A lot of people that could have and should have, did fuck all to help those kids. I saw an interview with Mr Death at the time and I remember thinking it'd be nice to throw the cunt in jail for aiding and abetting just to spite him. A guy is about to bang the arse off a ten year old. Who he is becomes kind of irrelevant at that point. Either you put him down or you get a hold of people who can do it for you but you don't brush it all off and go back to your room.

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark


Couldn't agree more.

I have to admit though, I would have liked for him to have been pressed more on exactly what it was about Savile that physically intimidated him.  That section put me in mind of the article, way back near the start of this thread, about his nightclub bouncers and the characterization of Savile as closer to a mob boss than a club middle manager.

I could certainly see that being the case, but the period he seems to be talking about is the 70s, whereas Savile was doing his club thing mostly in the 50s and 60s.  Or did he mean some other associates?  I would imagine, given Savile's club and showbiz connections, a potential drug connection would not have been out of the question, especially in the 70s.  Or did the unfortunately named De'Ath mean something else?