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To those who know how to write Apps, etc: Be a good person, make bank.

Started by LMNO, July 17, 2014, 07:12:45 PM

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QuoteTechnology for CF Life Transitions Challenge seeks a technology-based solution that will keep life organized and manageable.

CF adds layers of complexity in managing transitions throughout adulthood. Create an elegant and seamless solution that helps adults with CF manage the challenges they face when experiencing these transitions. Make it less about CF and more about life - this should not be another "adherence" app, and creativity is expected.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a rare, life-threatening genetic disease affecting approximately 75,000 people worldwide.

People with CF are born with a defective gene that leads the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus that affects multiple organs, including the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. There is no cure for CF. As patients grow-up, they are faced with increasingly complex care regimens that take several hours daily.

Today, for the first time in history the majority of people with CF are over the age of 18 and they are facing life transitions. These include transitions from pediatric to adult care, from high school to college and young adult life and from parental control to independence regarding self-care. Unfortunately, all of these transition points are further complicated by the unpredictability of CF, which may require multiple, unexpected, weeks-long hospitalizations. It is within this context that people with CF strive for a "normal" life.

First place is worth $50,000.  And the chance to make someone's life better.


While laudable, I have no idea what they're actually looking for here. The description seems so vague it just sounds to me that they want something that combines texting (employer/etc.) and banking(bills/etc.) with adherence(already exists) but is friendly because that turns you into an adult?

Perhaps the funds would be better spent ensuring every sufferer is actually in adequate care or, you know, a modern-ish phone.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.