
To the "allies," if you aren't complicit in my crimes then you are complicit in theirs.

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Started by Billiam Poster, May 12, 2015, 01:34:45 AM

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Billiam Poster

Joseph K.: I don't pretend to be a martyr, no.
Hastler: Not even a victim of society?
Joseph K.: I am a member of society.
Hastler: Do you think you can persuade the court that you're not responsible by reason of lunacy?
Joseph K.: I think that's what the court wants me to believe. Yes, that's the conspiracy: to persuade us all that the whole world is crazy, formless, meaningless, absurd. That's the dirty game. So I've lost my case. What of it? You, you're losing too. It's all lost, lost. So what? Does that sentence the entire universe to lunacy?

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


Dear Mr or Ms. Poster:

Having read your posts, it appears that you may be having some difficulty forming complete thoughts. Have you considered cramming together several incomplete thoughts, and making them rhyme, or possibly arrange them in the form of a haiku? It probably won't help, but it might at least give somewhat of an appearance that you put some effort into it.

Hope this helps,

E. Howard
Formerly something else...


Basement, sock-huffing
spamming's so outlandish
I'm an individual, just like everyone else.

Doktor Howl

OP is banned, for what it's worth.
Molon Lube


There once was a poster named Billiam.
Outlandishly trite was his idiom.
Terence Mckenna
was on his agenda.
He'll prolly come back as a Brazilian
Formerly something else...


There once was a difference, lone,
To none 'cept itself ever prone.
Lacking distinction,
Becoming prediction:
Before parting, now's never postponed.
just this