
I just don't understand any kind of absolute egalitarianism philosophy. Whether it's branded as anarcho-capitalism or straight anarchism or sockfucking libertarianism, it always misses the same point.

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9 the shit

Started by Lake of Lethe, August 01, 2015, 06:53:23 PM

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Lake of Lethe

9 is ALL and functions as a construct tool (for want of a better word) within this place....where as on the reflected side 9 becomes unnecessary as a creation tool and becomes no thing.

We can say that singing and dancing have always been important to the human for throughout history (or any one else's story)
So sounds and forms.
Sounds through the vibration caused by vocalizing and forms caused by imitation through body movement.
Therefore we have 2 of in reflection and cause.
So we are left to remedy.......a timeless nature of a being.
Can we utilize language....I would determine words on the whole here are used to 'further' a self.
Can we see a lack of 'time' within emotions....again I would think not as 'feeling', good or bad, requires a past to feed upon.
Can we remedy via a connection to others.......I think not as 'time' is limited to my 'feelings' regarding the above....quick or slow time is a perception limited within my own gymnasium of fear!
So.......are we left with the beauty of emotionless math?
So there I was having a dream last night and some one was telling me about 3 6 9 and how it was in fact a reflection of 171-171, also it being the trinity and why all is always with a nature of 3 forms???
I awoke and my first thought was to note all which I had been you would.
So step out of bed, to get a pad and pencil.......and step straight into some sick which one of my cats had left for me as a gift. Not nice but hey, they cant exactly buy me beer down the pub
So I clean up my foot and then clean up the sick....check my cats are ok (which they are) then think sod it and go back to bed.
So I do not recall any more what was told.
I had to do some work today and on my way home, as I was driving, I was having thoughts about 3 6 9. Nothing in particular until I considered the repetitive and relative nature of the numbers.
This is what I got....I am pretty sure it is meaning less.......but hey you never know, some one may find use for it???
Take 1-9 one by one as in lets look at 8 (the . in this is meant as a break) .136.144.152 etc
So from this if you add the numbers into a single number each time you get:
24 =6
As you can see there is a repeating pattern.
The pattern for 8 is 876543219 if you start at 8.
If you start at 0....then the pattern would be 987654321/987654321/987654321/987654321/987.....
Here in order from 1-9 are the repeating patterns STARTING with 0:
1 = 912345678 repeat
2 = 924681357 repeat
3 = 936 repeat
4 = 948372615 repeat
5 = 951627384 repeat
6 = 963 repeat
7 = 975318642 repeat
8 = 987654321 repeat
9 = 999999999 repeat
Of course there are repeating patterns within the above repeating patterns!
Take number repeats in the order of: 97531 8642 97531 8642 97531 8642....
I thought all this quite funny just to look at.......then looked at the relation between the 1-9 and the number of repeats.
So you get:
0 = 1 repeat (all 9's)
1 = 9 repeat (912345678 then repeat over and over)
2 = 9
3 = 3
4 = 9
5 = 9
6 = 3
7 = 9
8 = 9
9 = 1
So a silly and different number system....I dont know just seem funny.
Instead of 0123456789
you have 1993993991
Then I looked at a point in time 09-11-2001 and today. You get 11999119 and 19139199
If you then take one from the other and divide down to get a time scale you get 13 years and 59 days. Not correct but I have not allowed for anything.
Not saying anything, dont think it means anything or is even correct....just wish I hadn't stepped in cat sick.
Oh just thought I missed the reason why I put nine as zero!!!!!!
If you take all the repeating number sequences, by starting at the number you are looking at, then all end in 9.
But if you consider most, including the fibonacci spiral, then zero is normally included in which case to look at these numbers....then the inclusion of 0, to keep the start of the sequence the same as the repeat cycles then looking at each of them
0 = 9
The thing which gets me is the repeat....repeat....repeat....repeat.......
That it is all 9 3 or 1 but the 1 I am considering should be a 6?
Also that within the repeat there are also repeats and these could, I think, be linked to external........?
It seems interesting if a bit, la la
If you take the first repeating patterns then divide each single number by the next in line you get these patterns which have within each set reflection of the other sets.

1 = 912345678 repeat

6/7=0.857142857(then recurring 142857)

2 = 924681357 repeat

5/7=0.7142857142857(then recurring 142857)

3 = 936 repeat


4 = 948372615 repeat

3/7=0.42857142857(then recurring 142857)

5 = 951627384 repeat

2/7=0.2857142857(then recurring 142857)

6 = 963 repeat


7 = 975318642 repeat

9/7=1.2857142857(then recurring 142857)

8 = 987654321 repeat

8/7=1.142857142857(then recurring 142857)

9 = 999999999 repeat


Within each there are repeating 142857 which of course has no 3 or 6 or 9.
But in the above blocks for 3,6 or 9 there is no 142857. Or is there

If you consider the first thoughts on pi....rather than it being 3.1415926535897932 etc but using the simple 22 / 7 you get 3.14285714285714285714.....
So a repeating 142857

If you take 47.......divide 4 by get 0.57142857142857142857.....
So 142857 repeating again.

Now if you take 142857.......and go from each number to the next finding the difference (so 1+3=4, 4-2=2, 2+6=8, 8-3=5, 5+2=7 continue repeat so 7-6=1, 1+3=4...) you get....

326326 repeating.

If you then multipy the first by the next each time ( so 3*2 then 2*6 then 6*3) you get 6, 12, 18.......of course this could be put as 6, 3, 9.

Could we say that 3,6,9 is equal to energy and 142857 is energy construed as the matter we perceive?

6 being stage 1 of matter built into the code of 142857
12 (so 3) being stage 2 of matter built into the code of 142857
18 (so 9) being stage 3 of matter built into the code of 142857

On a deeper note....if you take 9 and divide it by 142857 you get 0.000006300006300006300006300......repeating

by this same route:



1/142857= 7000007

13 = 91000091

33 = 231000231

911 = 6377006377

Cant find the number which matches 369.....369 but which ever number I divide by 142857 I get a repeating pattern.

What you think? Is it nuts that repeating patterns are within repeating patterns?
Personally I think that to continue we could find a true value for the golden ratio (I know it approximates within the Fibonacci sequence from 55 to 89 and above) but 1.618 etc I do not feel is the truth?

Also within the above blocks there are many other linked patterns, which maybe we should examine?

So far....interesting.......maybe building blocks?

And again which ever number I divide by 142857 I get a repeating pattern?
Could it be that the next stage would be to equate forms / shapes to the structure of 142857 embedded within each other so as to complete a material form by the use of energy derived by the 369....which of course is hidden in a patterned form of 142857

Continued, yer sorry butt fuck you!
Really.... It's not personal....... It's just me passing limitation, or time, or whatever....... get over it!

Lake of Lethe

Then I 'feel' that we need to find the corresponding vibration to the shapes created by the division by 142857....which we know that sound creates finding a correct frequency within the 'built' material structure, formed by embedded shapes which have been formed by grid relative number forms.......we may all go home lol

Lets use 47....we know that this number corresponds to a repeating pattern of the number 329
Is there a shaped form in nature which could be linked to 47
Or should 47 be taken to be 4+7= 11 so then the repeating pattern would be 77
Are there sounds related to 329 or / and 77

What type of reality forms? when you hold the shape in your mind and release the corresponding / correct vibration via sound?
Even through pure empathy one cannot swim within the currents and chaos of another's sea of awareness.
This limiting factor cry s out to be join once again with self.

The aspects of reflection inked and imprinted via limitation through veils can only thus create a semi transparent being.......this being then degrading its own true nature by the now accepted and believed lack of worth with which it funds 'time' replicating the now new to it's thought reality as natural and as it's 'truth' or 'god'.
Reflection of an image upon multiple constructs, of course will lose the perfection of the original form.
Could one then state that all which is thought of is only a reflection of the original?
Within creation one could determine that all reflects one....but limited by current knowledge.
So all around me is a refection of my selfs belief.......but then one must ask....who am I

This then leads to thought....but who's thoughts?
Mine, as in actually me that which is truly me, or another?
The reflections upon the transparent would accept a distortion via this so called light of beauty.......multiplied by each layer

Is a refection the truth of YOU?
Or could a transparent version of you be regarded as a ghost image of you, shinning (infecting) your now corrupted image upon all else?

My cats act as I do.
Could this mean that I am responsible for their actions?
If so....then this whole existence is only a ink blot on the papered veil attempting to mimic the truth of me.
This must mean that I am I would not wish to have 'reflections' of my being as this denotes responsibility as being mine for all others!
I did not know but there are pages on the net with reference to 142857 although they do not seem to have considered the repeating patterns found by the division of any number by 142857.
Interesting, lol well to me anyway, that I wanted to find shape and sound within the numbers....and then I find this

Quick thoughts, Japan culture has 6 elements, if we were to add static as a 7th then we require the 8th.

9 may be a 'glue'.......functioning as the order within chaos, but maybe not lol.
Zero, I feel acts as a start / end circular construct enveloping the whole which is created by the given patterns.

You also then have the shapes which will be needed to be aligned with the sounds as they are matched with the numbers by their corresponding frequency.

Now would reality be formed by nested 3D shapes or would only 2D shapes using the reflection of light to give a 3 dimensional structure be required considering that all is formed of light....maybe?
Or would it need a combination of light and dark to create form which leads back to the maybe 6th element Nether which represents all things dark, deathly, deadly and shadows.

144000 divided by 142857 =
1.008001008001008001008001008001008001008001008001 00800100800100800100800100800100800100800100800100 8...

Now that is the most beautiful self reflecting repeating pattern so far fact I do not think a more perfect one could be found.

1008001 divided by 7 =
144000.1428571428571428571428571428571428571428571 42857142857142857142857142857142857142857142857142 8...
Theres our 142857 again

Looking at frequency via music and the octave there seems to be argument as to the amount within a range....7 or 8 or 12 or 13?
Considering that the reflected patterns when dividing by 142857 all are divisible by 7 and that the base repeating pattern found in the base 7 system is 9 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 and that this is the only number which splits odds and evens distinctly.......I feel that within our reality vibration would be in the 7 range.
Looking at music symbols we can find many every day seen patterns including religious and ancient.

If we were to look at this 'end on' we may see the phi symbol (also used in music and I did see the G Clef symbol within Greek archaic symbols, math I think?) reflecting on each side, of this solar system?

The zeros could be seen as either Theta or Teht (cross within a circle)

The eight could be viewed as the infinity symbol?

Now steps in the frequency....lets take the number 4.
4 always seems to end in an 8 once divided by 142857 such as

4 = 28 .......level of wave collapse 1
14 = 98 .......level of wave collapse 2
114 = 798 .......level of wave collapse 3
1114 = 7798 .......level of wave collapse 4
11114 = 77798 .......level of wave collapse 5
111114 = 777798 .......level of wave collapse 6

Once past this point on to level of wave collapse 7....we get a change:

1111114 = 777805
11111114 = 777875

Seems we may have gone through a 'gate' to a different necessary physical have gone past the 8 to the inverse?? :?

I say wave collapse as looking at the reflections for the base 10 (and all the others) system we get:

1 divided by 142857 =
0.000007000007000007000007000007000007000007000007 00000700000700000700000700000700000700000700000700 0007...

10 divided by 142857 =
0.000070000070000070000070000070000070000070000070 00007000007000007000007000007000007000007000007000 007...

100 divided by 142857 =
0.000700000700000700000700000700000700000700000700 00070000070000070000070000070000070000070000070000 07...

1000 divided by 142857 =
0.007000007000007000007000007000007000007000007000 00700000700000700000700000700000700000700000700000 7...

10000 divided by 142857 =
0.070000070000070000070000070000070000070000070000 07000007000007000007000007000007000007000007000007 ...

100000 divided by 142857 =
0.700000700000700000700000700000700000700000700000 7000007000007000007000007000007000007000007000007. ..

1000000 divided by 142857 =
7.000007000007000007000007000007000007000007000007 000007000007000007000007000007000007000007000007.. .

So we can see that it would be possible for creation to determine different structures by the simple change of vibration.......electron 'jumps' comes to mind.

Also realities which are reflections could enter each other if one was to 'past through' the 8.... .......

Now as you see that 1 reflects 7 and 4 reflects 8....the rest ( no I haven't gone through every number but)
2 = 4
3 = 1
5 = 5 (its self hmmm)
6 = 2
7 = 9
8 = 6
9 = 3

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." Albert Einstein
Should also state that I said that all the reflected numbers are divisible by 7 then you may look at this

1008001 divided by 7 =
144000.1428571428571428571428571428571428571428571 42857142857142857142857142857142857142857142857142 8...

and say "well your wrong"

Thing is 1008 divided by 7 = 144 = 9 and 8001 divided by 7 = 1143 = 9

I just do not know nor do I think it correct to split 1008001 in any way!
Actually I may be wrong but on first research....all the other reflections of numbers in their whole form are divisible by 7.......not just the singular nature of the one side?

such as taking a random number....845
845 divided by 142857 =
0.005915005915005915005915005915005915005915005915 00591500591500591500591500591500591500591500591500 5915...
so 5915005915 divided by 7 = 845000845
5915 divided by 7 = 845

lets take 846
846 divided by 142857 =
0.005922005922005922005922005922005922005922005922 00592200592200592200592200592200592200592200592200 5922...
so 5922005922 divided by 7 = 846000846
5922 divided by 7 = 846

Maybe we can see that 1008001 is actually unique??
In the fact that it on each side conforms....but as a then reflects its own nature by projecting 142857 in the repeat pattern?

1008001 divided by 7 =
144000.1428571428571428571428571428571428571428571 42857142857142857142857142857142857142857142857142 8...
I was told that 171171 is a reflection of 369 is correct and that 9 = 0 is also correct.

If you take 244530 divided by the special 142857 you get:
1.711711711711711711711711711711711711711711711711 71171171171171171171171171171171171171171171171171 1...

Now take the digital root of 244530 you get:

If Im correct 9 is ALL and functions as a construct tool (for want of a better word) within this place....where as on the reflected side 9 becomes unnecessary as a creation tool and becomes no thing.

Now it is quoted as 369.......but I think it should be 693 (we even look at it this way on a clock face if only digital roots were to be used).
9 being a transport and creating out of all the fractals being held within 3 (trinity), so allowing 6 to become at our emotional whim!
Notice how the 6 symbol is the rotated form of the 9....both having the 'look' of the Fibonacci sequence.
142857 is the way that the 'physical' is defined here again through fractal levels of frequency being defined by the interaction of the 9 and 3.

To see it the way I am trying to.... consider the 144000.......this becomes 1008001
We can see that 1008 is this side (universe) and 8001 is the fractal possibility (mutiverse)....both sides digital roots are 9, which once functioned to create that which is wanted, becomes 0, nothing, circular awaiting the next required fractal part (spin, rotation, etc) emotionally asked for?

693 as 6 holds a fractal of a recurring 3 within it and 3 holds a fractal of a recurring 6 within it.......but 9 is and can only be 9 or no thing!

3 = 936 repeat

6 = 963 repeat

9 = 999999999 repeat

7 would seem to be the angle (the only single number to not have a spiral nature) which defines the fractal shape within this place, given through the 9 from the 3 to the 6.

You may say well 4 is not curved, but in the past it was, infact it looked like a u with an extended right hand side (as has been placed on some memorial sites!!).

Also 142857 is, of course, the only number which divided by 142857 = 1
Now 1....a whole defined complete structure......can only be on this side as a physical 'thing'.
It cannot be on the 3 side as its not a possibility which can become.

This is where the frequency's come, the wave forms, the collapse.......the FALL(of man) into the physical?

As I see....1008001 defined by 144000 divided by 142857

The left hand 1 is us defined by 7 using 142857 to create the whole.
The 8 combines with either 1 as a portal....becoming 9.......then disconnecting to no thing (zero) but re-becoming as 8 (infinite) to create again?
The right 1 is all possibilities of any want need emotion form which is there as a fractal.

So electromagnetic properties and harmonic frequencies here....including time and space.......defined by singular WHOLE constructs, drinking from a perfect unending possible fractal of the nature of themselves!

I, as we all here know, have been lied to about most or all things. This leads me to think about maths and how nature or creation would structure this experience.
This leads me to consider the 'place' we are in and its structure as being defined by creation.
I believe, now, that the numbers for pi and phi and the Fibonacci sequence to be lies or distractions.
Creation would not become by the use of unending flippant forms.
A use of fractals would be needed to define here, this form of being, and above and below.
But a form which can define its own nature by simple terms, not the constant change our current maths shows or tells to be the truth!
So....I dont really know how to put this into a post.......but here it is, for what its worth?

Pi is actually as stated before 3.142857142857142857...repeating 142857
This is one of the fractal natures of reality which is required to harmonically define a form.

Tesla said along the lines of.......understand the beauty of 3 6 9 and understand the universe.
I would say....understand the energy created by the structure of 3....gated by the 9....and reflected by the 6.......and understand the mutiverse.
Now I am not so dumb as to compare myself to Tesla....Im no where near his plane of thought.
But....I see things in my way.
And my way may be completely wrong or corrupted? Honestly....think about this!

So a spiral....which defines itself by its own nature.......the gaps between the numbers define them.
If you look at the Fibonacci sequence....there is NO definition of the next number, except add the last two together to make the next!
Daft.......creation would not be so la la.
Between the numbers is meant to be a link to the golden ratio.
Yes....if you like your links to be changeable between each and every numbered point.
They go like this....this is the relative ratios between the numbers for the first 12.
1.666666 recurring
1.618181818 recurring
from here you get a continuation of the 1.618.....blah blah blah whatever is needed to make it work!
Would creation do that?
A constantly changing non relative to itself or the next in line ratio?
How would you then create alternate planes of being or different time lines?
Could you structure 5th density defined by a non structured 4th density which is defined by a non structured 3rd?
Anyway....I have this.......take it as you will?
I have shown 142857 to be a....'thing'
The numbers 3 6 9 also are 'things'
Also 7 is the construct of this plane.
All defining the creative force via 144000.
Dont know about you but the symbolic nature of our number not lost on me
So a new spiral....
1,7,49,343,2401,16807,117649,823543,5764801,403536 07,282475249,1977326743,13841287201,96889010407,67 8223072849,474756150994....
there just went through 3 different dimensions....all being defined by the same FRACTAL nature of a few numbers! Simple for creation to unknown number codes lol.
Gets can now also go the other way?
Yes 1 is a point within one plane....117649 is the station platform for the next plane, still defined by the same numbers but now a fractal of the first. The point which mirrors 1 in the next plane is 823543.
The other way from 1 is the reflection of the same above so below.
Turtles all the way down?
So Im going to leave out a load of the why.....but
1 =142857 / 142857 =1
the base of this place is 7 so next
1 / 142857 = 0.000007000007000007 recurring and defining the next number (remember FRACTAL nature)
so dividing by the posted about and found 142857....
7 = 0.000049000049000049 recurring
49 = 0.000343000343000343 recurring
343 = 0.002401002401002401 recurring
2401 = 0.016807016807016807 recurring
16807 = 0.117649117649117649 recurring
Now lets stop here a second.
All of these numbers are multiple of 7 and all the previous numbers can be found by dividing by 693 which I have before stated as being this place.
Lets take one of the above.......2401
2401 / 142857 = 0.016807016807016807... recurring so it finds its own next fractal.
2401 / 9999 = 0.204120412041...recurring so with the gate of 9 it finds itself.
2401 / 693 = 3.4646464646...recurring
2401 / 396 = 6.0631313131...recurring
2401 / 9 = 226.7777777777...recurring
2401 / 6 = 340.1666666666...recurring
2401 / 3 = 680.3333333333...recurring
This is just a few things!

The fractal nature of creation defining its self.......nice
To go to the next 'place' is a repeating pattern of this place so requires the same again.
From 117649 up....or are we going down???
now the division is by 142857142857
so a reflection of the fractal we get to

823543 which then dividing by our new reflection = 0.000005764801000005764801...recurrring
5764801 = 0.000040353607000040353607....recurring
40353607 = 0.000282475249000282475249...recurring
282475249 = 0.001977326743001977326743...recurring
1977326743 = 0.013841287201013841287201...recurring
13841287201 = 0.096889010407096889010407...recurring
HOLD ON.......shouldn't we have changed the base division now from142857142857 to another reflection of it?
Well yes that what I thought but it would seem that now in this 'plane' we have an extra level?
The numbers still work perfectly....but we do have an extra level?
On the reflected side, down or up from zero, we get 1 less level??

So our change comes again soon.......

96889010407 = 0.678223072849 678223072849...recurring
now we need to divide by an extra reflection so 142857142857142857 to get the next 'plane'....

so 678223072849 = 4747561509943....... ....and on it goes always using the same few construct numbers....up or above so below

In this place we have 7 sounds
In this place we have 7 forms of triangle

A circle should be defined by 396 not 360 as this reflects 142857
396 / 2 = 198 / 7 = 28.285142857142857142857...recurring
396 / 3 = 132 / 7 = 18.857142857142857142857...recurring
396 / 4 = 99 / 7 = 14.142857142857142857...recurring

Remember this world is structured by 142857
Given energy by 369
Formed by 7 ....great calculator

every thing is a mirror of its own creation / nature
if you wish to know your self....look in the mirror
369 is all
142857 is structure
fractal is defining levels of awareness within us
these levels are remembrance

we live every part of every choice within one a fractal....until combining again.

we live every part of every choice within one a fractal....until combining again.

Theres lots more such as the numbers all seem to add up to a digital root in the order 174174174...

Oh and something I meant to put in....

the frequency of any part of a single 'plane' is defined by the decimal place.
Of course nature would not use a decimal.......but it is only a fractal again.

So you have in the first level of any 'plane' 5 zeros defining the 'spread' of reflection.
Then 4
then the change, up or down, starting again at 5.

But the levels get the next from first has 6 not five and the below of first has 4 not 5.

Wonder if any of you actually read this? Doubt it
Really.... It's not personal....... It's just me passing limitation, or time, or whatever....... get over it!


Doktor Howl

Someone's cutting and pasting Timecube.

ETA:  Cain already posted that.
Molon Lube

Lake of Lethe

Actually I have never heard of nor seen time cube?

I wrote this shit myself, did all the numbers etc, took me a couple of days.
Yes I did copy and paste it but from where I posted it.
The chain project forum.
I just never got any further with it, so I ask?
Really.... It's not personal....... It's just me passing limitation, or time, or whatever....... get over it!


What the actual fuck did I just scroll past?  :eek: :?

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark

Doktor Howl

Quote from: P3nT4gR4m on August 02, 2015, 12:41:35 AM
What the actual fuck did I just scroll past?  :eek: :?

The Future, P3nt.  You just scrolled past The Future.
Molon Lube


Wow! Does that mean I've arrived back in the past?  :horrormirth:

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark


"9 the shit"

Actually, Lake of Lethe, this really is shit, and a total waste of your/our time. Sorry man but that's just the way it is.

See 9 is just an upside down 6, and there's nothing at all interesting about 6's, is there? No there really, really isn't.
Unless you chose a more angular 9, but then when you turn that one upside down all you get is a b; and that isn't even a number at all :(

Have you considered taking up macrame?
"The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make and could just as easily make differently" David Graeber


QuoteCheryl: You're not my supervisor!
Pam: Shut up! We're going to go to prison.
Cheryl: No, we're not. Say the right stuff and they just send you to a mental hospital for ten months.
Gilette: I just this second realize why you do macrame instead of knitting.
Cheryl: Yeah, no sharp weapons on the ward. They were really strict about that.


"a real smart feller, he felt smart"


Quote from: rong on August 02, 2015, 12:13:31 PM
all numbers are interesting

That's an interesting point. Your link said that, far from there being "nothing at all interesting" about the number 6, as I claimed, it is in fact a Perfect Number.  So I guess that would mean that 666 would be a super-pluperfect number, and not just the number of the beast?

Numbers are still just a weird language that some geeky afficionados use to describe the metaphysics that modern theoretical mathematics has become and to help ordinary people deal with the everyday world, so they know stuff like how tall they are and how many apples make five. I get that numbers are useful, but that still doesn't make them "Real", they are just a function of the way that people perceive and interact with the physical world.
And you can still make a 9 by turning a b upside down.
"The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make and could just as easily make differently" David Graeber


Quote from: Cain on August 02, 2015, 11:39:53 AM
QuoteCheryl: You're not my supervisor!
Pam: Shut up! We're going to go to prison.
Cheryl: No, we're not. Say the right stuff and they just send you to a mental hospital for ten months.
Gilette: I just this second realize why you do macrame instead of knitting.
Cheryl: Yeah, no sharp weapons on the ward. They were really strict about that.

I've never watched "Archer", but if I had this would have reminded me of a friend I had back in the 60's who was a macrame freak. It would also have explained a lot about her  :eek:
"The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make and could just as easily make differently" David Graeber

Lake of Lethe

Quote from: MMIX on August 02, 2015, 10:13:26 AM
"9 the shit"

Actually, Lake of Lethe, this really is shit, and a total waste of your/our time. Sorry man but that's just the way it is.

Have you considered taking up macrame?

In all thought I would actually agree..... yes it looks like and most probably is shit! Reading it as I have rather a few times, it still makes me think "what the fuck" but I would add that after typing the last line at 3 in the morning, pissed as.......... , I had the most complete OBE that I have ever had!

So yes, if it reads as shit, looks like shit and is glossed over as shit, then maybe it is shit.....or maybe not.......maybe it was just to skip a flat ern across this lake?
I dont know thank fully.

Any way Ta very much for your thoughts of me  :fap:

I think this has done us both good

PS the macrame is coming along very well and I enjoy it greatly ( except for the knots, there always hard to unravel )

Really.... It's not personal....... It's just me passing limitation, or time, or whatever....... get over it!


Quote from: Lake of Lethe on August 02, 2015, 05:31:33 PM
Quote from: MMIX on August 02, 2015, 10:13:26 AM
"9 the shit"

Actually, Lake of Lethe, this really is shit, and a total waste of your/our time. Sorry man but that's just the way it is.

Have you considered taking up macrame?

In all thought I would actually agree..... yes it looks like and most probably is shit! Reading it as I have rather a few times, it still makes me think "what the fuck" but I would add that after typing the last line at 3 in the morning, pissed as.......... , I had the most complete OBE that I have ever had!

So yes, if it reads as shit, looks like shit and is glossed over as shit, then maybe it is shit.....or maybe not.......maybe it was just to skip a flat ern across this lake?
I dont know thank fully.

Any way Ta very much for your thoughts of me  :fap:

I think this has done us both good

PS the macrame is coming along very well and I enjoy it greatly ( except for the knots, there always hard to unravel )


You are misusing that fap emote. Unless you're sexually aroused by numbers and arguments.
Poe's law ;)