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General Trump hilarity free-for-all thread

Started by Mesozoic Mister Nigel, November 22, 2016, 04:26:22 PM

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The thing is, Congress can simply reinstate Mueller, which the Democrats have made clear they will do if he is fired.  But it's not so clear what the Republicans will do.  Hence the ratfucking, the media campaign to sway them via swaying the public.  We're already seeing the lower tier alt-lite outlets going with Mueller being in the pay of the Clintons etc.  Soon the larger rightwing media campaign will follow.  Get the mob fired up and you can do anything.

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Color me unsurprised. Weren't we saying this all along?
QuoteMaxwell's gender-based analysis of the Blair Center Poll's results for this year has just been released, and it shows that sexism absolutely did matter. Trump's voters were more sexist than Clinton's (and Ted Cruz voters were even more sexist than Trump voters). Republicans were far more sexist than Democrats. White respondents were more sexist than black Americans and Latinos. Female respondents, not to be outdone, were also quite sexist! And Bernie primary voters who didn't vote for Clinton in the general were more sexist than those who did.

Maxwell's report:
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on June 13, 2017, 06:29:53 PM
Color me unsurprised. Weren't we saying this all along?
QuoteMaxwell's gender-based analysis of the Blair Center Poll's results for this year has just been released, and it shows that sexism absolutely did matter. Trump's voters were more sexist than Clinton's (and Ted Cruz voters were even more sexist than Trump voters). Republicans were far more sexist than Democrats. White respondents were more sexist than black Americans and Latinos. Female respondents, not to be outdone, were also quite sexist! And Bernie primary voters who didn't vote for Clinton in the general were more sexist than those who did.

Maxwell's report:

I'm noticing a lot more overt sexism lately... like racism I think it feels safe for these assholes to start talking openly about how they always felt.

The bright side is these recent movies featuring central female characters must be inducing a fair amount of stress-induced coronaries.
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: Hoopla on June 13, 2017, 06:47:24 PM
Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on June 13, 2017, 06:29:53 PM
Color me unsurprised. Weren't we saying this all along?
QuoteMaxwell's gender-based analysis of the Blair Center Poll's results for this year has just been released, and it shows that sexism absolutely did matter. Trump's voters were more sexist than Clinton's (and Ted Cruz voters were even more sexist than Trump voters). Republicans were far more sexist than Democrats. White respondents were more sexist than black Americans and Latinos. Female respondents, not to be outdone, were also quite sexist! And Bernie primary voters who didn't vote for Clinton in the general were more sexist than those who did.

Maxwell's report:

I'm noticing a lot more overt sexism lately... like racism I think it feels safe for these assholes to start talking openly about how they always felt.

The bright side is these recent movies featuring central female characters must be inducing a fair amount of stress-induced coronaries.

Yeah, I feel like there's a distinct "culture wars" vibe around feminism right now. A lot of people on the left have yelled and hooted about how it's not necessary anymore for a long time, but as overt sexism and misogyny becomes more visible and impossible to ignore, I think that position is getting harder and harder to maintain. At the same time, aggressive gendered marketing toward men is ramping up notably, as well as social messaging about masculinity and manliness.   
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."


It's extremely noticeable online, Gamergate helped bring it to the fore of social media and online culture, via /PUATheRedPill/ReturnOfTheKings/rape is awesome crowd and its since developed into an entire online media industry of its own.


Seen snippets of sessions testimony, it's practically the opposite of Comey. Presents very badly, screams dishonesty and is clearly trying to curry favour with idiot rather than actually help explain anything.

I mean, I expected as much, I just thought the prick would be a little slicker about it than this. Will go through the full thing because I'm sure there's basis for criminal charges given how long it's gone on. I assume sessions knows this as well and is expecting idiot to save him from any fallout.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


The whole thing boils down to this: "I can't answer that because it's between me and the president." "Are you invoking executive privilege?" (i.e., are you an idiot) "No, you and I both know I can't do that. I'm giving the president the option to invoke executive privilege later on." "Will you answer these in closed session?" "Maybe."

And -- most important, I must stress. "Have you met with the Russians to overthrow the rightful rule of law in the United States?" "I don't remember doing that but if I did it was very proper and nothing improper happened at all."

Oh, and poor Sen. Harris getting talked over by 5 different fucking people with a look of long-suffering patience on her face.


I sadly couldn't watch due to being at work.  From what I understand, Senator Harris was herself a former prosecutor, and Sessions was noticeably nervous at being questioned by her.  Were the interrupting parties Republican?


You know that's a silly question, right? I believe it was McCain, I was watching a version that kept cameras on sessions face.

Overall, it was a piss poor performance from him. Telegraphing to idiot where he should claim executive privilege was quite obvious. His non answers to Harris and clear attempts to just run the clock out should have made him embarrassed but this is sessions.

A reliance on "policy" where you can't produce the policy is a bit of a no-no. No questions on any other diplomats met from other nations so little way to gauge if he met more or less than is usual with kislayak. Reluctant to commit to future appearances. Cotton practically sucked him off for his segment. Piss poor memory throughout. In general the opposite of comeys testimony. Evasive answers, little info, quick to recall a conversation with kislayak from the start of the Crimea debacle, couldn't remember standing 2 meters away in a group photo at a speech at the start of the year.

His "I get nervous" to Harris is telling. I'd be nervous too if I was trying my best to avoid criminal charges under oath.

Anecdotal, but when I've had to testify under oath I was in a similar situation to comey (stacks of contemporary notes, email chains, detailed timeline of actions taken, wronged party) and the other side was similar to sessions with a "we thought we could, so we did." It didn't end well for them and I predict the same for sessions, eventually.

So, bets on when idiot decides to hang himself under oath? Tuppence on week after next and never.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Well, Cindy McCain did get a State Department job recently. US Ambassador-at-large for Human Rights.

According to The Hill "Trump personally, aggressively courted her" for the role.  In other words, he bought McCain off.  Trying to derail Comey and cover Sessions was the price.


That explains Mccains section this time and last week then. Also adds an interesting factor if idiot testifies as he's now got "that thing" with Mccain, and I would assume others?

What's in it for Cotton? Just butthurt over comey or other incentives possibly at play?

Other things - sessions repeatedly reffering to the panel as "colleagues" in a "I'm one of you" way was a little off. Body language noticable shifted depending on questioners and the quality of the questions went with that.

Passing implications that methods of communication between parties were dead drops and such, not open meetings. If there's more on that or any substance to it everyone involved is screwed to beyond hope. That probably qualifies as straight up treason.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.



Quote from: Cain on June 14, 2017, 12:37:42 PM
Tom Cotton is Trump's life coach for the White House.

Holy shit  :lulz: :lulz: :lulz:
Quote"What you see is what you get with the president Idiot," Mr. Cotton said. "I think that's a good measure of a man. Not just someone in politics. You don't get much different in private than in you do public."

The natural implication here is he's just as stupid and incompetent in private as he presents himself in public.

Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Someone maybe just tried to hit Congressional Majority Whip.

QuoteA US Republican politician and aides have been shot during baseball practice in Virginia, US reports say.

Police in the upmarket Washington DC suburb of Alexandria said they were investigating a "multiple shooting" and a suspect was in custody.

Fox News said House of Representatives Majority Whip Steve Scalise and aides have been hit by gunfire.

Police tweeted they were "investigating multiple shooting 400 block E Monroe St. Suspect believed in custody."


And now we have a very real spectre of marshal law over our heads.