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ITT Mandela Effect fuckery biblical or otherwise

Started by The Wizard Joseph, July 02, 2017, 04:14:15 AM

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The Johnny

To the OP:

Like, idk, memory isnt a computer-like, well-done archiving sort of deal, we remember not what happened, but what we can, corrupted by the most efficient way to remember it... as time passes, one constructs a narrative, which loses a lot of the details, specially the ones that contradict the main narrative, and the narrative itself is built around what is convenient, useful or what we desire.

And beyond the natural "disfunction" of memory, then theres deliberate techniques to alter it... hypnosis to create false memories... torturing someone until they believe their own false confessions... bombarding an audience with enough disinformation and propaganda until its the criterion of historical truth...
<<My image in some places, is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a string and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively.>>

-B.F. Skinner



Quote from: Brother Mythos on July 09, 2019, 04:25:35 AM
Quote from: tyrannosaurus vex on July 09, 2019, 04:11:53 AM
Buddy Holly was the musical equivalent of store brand diapers.

Nobel laureate Bob Dylan is A Living God. And, I'm here today to testify that I have witnessed, with mine own eyes, the worshipers gathered in reverent silence on The Holy Ground where Jim Morrison is buried, his discarded body thus further sanctifying that already sacred place.

But, to denigrate the memory of Buddy Holly is not only blasphemy, it is heresy!

May The True Gods of Rock 'N' Roll™, both living and ascended, curse you to listen to The Bay City Rollers, Gary Puckett & the Union Gap, and Tommy James and the Shondells for the rest of your natural life!

Dude, Crimson & Clover rocks
"Soon all of us will have special names" — Professor Brian O'Blivion

"Now's not the time to get silly, so wear your big boots and jump on the garbage clowns." — Bob Dylan?

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
— Walt Whitman



Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on July 09, 2017, 04:14:00 AM
Quote from: Cramulus on July 06, 2017, 07:50:11 PM
Just for posterity
The Mandela Effect is just false memories + the sleeper effect.

The mechanism is that when you imagine something that happened in the past, at first, your brain can easily tell the difference between the real memory and the imagined scenario. But that imagined scenario gets stored much like a real memory does.

Over time, the "metadata" decays--it becomes harder to distinguish the real memory from the imagined one. The weaker a memory, the more vulnerable you are to being misled by false memories.


Do you remember how it rained during your prom?

imagine that

imagine it really hard, visualize it, tell me some details about it

10 years from now, you won't be so sure it didn't rain.

Sounds like a nice, tidy, and perfectly sensible explanation. But is it correct in being "just" that? Surely some of the reported differences are just this or even full blown psychosis in action, but in your guts and expanded awareness you're working on are you certain?

Folks are willing to fight over this stuff. The bible stuff alone is enough to cause some serious Strife indeed.

The reason the False Memory effect is so pervasive about events that happened 10+ years ago is because the mind is so suggestible. All it takes to generate a false memory is a leading question.

This is the reason that there was a whole "Satanic Ritual Abuse" scare in the 90s.. therapists at the time were big into "recovered memories", and would ask children leading questions at what they suspected happened. "Did you ever see satanists in the woods?" -- "Did the satanists do anything to you?"  Kids think about it, and gosh, they do remember something now that you mention it! Lots of people went to jail over this, the head of the american psychological association (Elizabeth Loftus) proved that these forms of testimony (based on children's memory recovery) are unreliable at best, and basically had to flee to Australia because she got a lot of innocent people (assumed to be satanic child abusers) out of jail. And you know how we hate that.

This is why leading questions are not allowed in court. If you ask somebody "Was there a big red stop sign at the intersection?" they will say yes, like, 30-40% of the time, even if there was no stop sign.  If you don't lead with that image, and just ask them to describe the intersection, very few people report a stop sign.

Every article I've seen about the Mandella effect asks leading questions. They will say "Remember the Berenstein bears? Turns out it's always been spelled Berenstain." They lead with the false information first, and suddenly, you can't distinguish the weak memory of how that word is spelled and the image you just visualized.

In my gut, do I think this explains all of the Mandella effect phenomenon? Yes, actually. I haven't seen a single instance of the Mandella effect that can't be explained via false memory, misinformation, or the simple conflation of two elements you barely remember. Not to mention, lots of trolls have generated images that make it more confusing.

Honestly, what do you think is more likely? That people have trouble remembering forgettable media and news items from 20 years ago, or that we're in a bizarro universe where history changes, but only about super minor things like Sinbad's acting career?

I think it's much more likely that memory is fallible and is not an exact record.

Abbot Mythos

Quote from: Hoopla! on July 09, 2019, 06:26:27 PM
Quote from: Brother Mythos on July 09, 2019, 04:25:35 AM
Quote from: tyrannosaurus vex on July 09, 2019, 04:11:53 AM
Buddy Holly was the musical equivalent of store brand diapers.

Nobel laureate Bob Dylan is A Living God. And, I'm here today to testify that I have witnessed, with mine own eyes, the worshipers gathered in reverent silence on The Holy Ground where Jim Morrison is buried, his discarded body thus further sanctifying that already sacred place.

But, to denigrate the memory of Buddy Holly is not only blasphemy, it is heresy!

May The True Gods of Rock 'N' Roll™, both living and ascended, curse you to listen to The Bay City Rollers, Gary Puckett & the Union Gap, and Tommy James and the Shondells for the rest of your natural life!

Dude, Crimson & Clover rocks

I've already heard more than enough. Do you really want to listen to it for the rest of your natural life?


Quote from: Brother Mythos on July 09, 2019, 08:28:47 PM
I've already heard more than enough. Do you really want to listen to it for the rest of your natural life?

You mean, over and over?

Abbot Mythos

Quote from: LMNO on July 09, 2019, 08:34:57 PM
Quote from: Brother Mythos on July 09, 2019, 08:28:47 PM
I've already heard more than enough. Do you really want to listen to it for the rest of your natural life?

You mean, over and over?


The Wizard Joseph

Quote from: Cramulus on July 09, 2019, 07:50:35 PM
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on July 09, 2017, 04:14:00 AM
Quote from: Cramulus on July 06, 2017, 07:50:11 PM
Just for posterity
The Mandela Effect is just false memories + the sleeper effect.

The mechanism is that when you imagine something that happened in the past, at first, your brain can easily tell the difference between the real memory and the imagined scenario. But that imagined scenario gets stored much like a real memory does.

Over time, the "metadata" decays--it becomes harder to distinguish the real memory from the imagined one. The weaker a memory, the more vulnerable you are to being misled by false memories.


Do you remember how it rained during your prom?

imagine that

imagine it really hard, visualize it, tell me some details about it

10 years from now, you won't be so sure it didn't rain.

Sounds like a nice, tidy, and perfectly sensible explanation. But is it correct in being "just" that? Surely some of the reported differences are just this or even full blown psychosis in action, but in your guts and expanded awareness you're working on are you certain?

Folks are willing to fight over this stuff. The bible stuff alone is enough to cause some serious Strife indeed.

The reason the False Memory effect is so pervasive about events that happened 10+ years ago is because the mind is so suggestible. All it takes to generate a false memory is a leading question.

This is the reason that there was a whole "Satanic Ritual Abuse" scare in the 90s.. therapists at the time were big into "recovered memories", and would ask children leading questions at what they suspected happened. "Did you ever see satanists in the woods?" -- "Did the satanists do anything to you?"  Kids think about it, and gosh, they do remember something now that you mention it! Lots of people went to jail over this, the head of the american psychological association (Elizabeth Loftus) proved that these forms of testimony (based on children's memory recovery) are unreliable at best, and basically had to flee to Australia because she got a lot of innocent people (assumed to be satanic child abusers) out of jail. And you know how we hate that.

This is why leading questions are not allowed in court. If you ask somebody "Was there a big red stop sign at the intersection?" they will say yes, like, 30-40% of the time, even if there was no stop sign.  If you don't lead with that image, and just ask them to describe the intersection, very few people report a stop sign.

Every article I've seen about the Mandella effect asks leading questions. They will say "Remember the Berenstein bears? Turns out it's always been spelled Berenstain." They lead with the false information first, and suddenly, you can't distinguish the weak memory of how that word is spelled and the image you just visualized.

In my gut, do I think this explains all of the Mandella effect phenomenon? Yes, actually. I haven't seen a single instance of the Mandella effect that can't be explained via false memory, misinformation, or the simple conflation of two elements you barely remember. Not to mention, lots of trolls have generated images that make it more confusing.

Honestly, what do you think is more likely? That people have trouble remembering forgettable media and news items from 20 years ago, or that we're in a bizarro universe where history changes, but only about super minor things like Sinbad's acting career?

I think it's much more likely that memory is fallible and is not an exact record.

The most likely answer is not always the truth. I do not have an infallible memory. I am not impervious to suggestion. I do remember a great many familiar things differently than they are now.

Were I alone in this I would chalk it up to something not unlike what you described Cramulus. Thing is I'm not alone in this. I had never even heard of the Mandela effect until it was brought to my attention buy some friends, but I did notice certain changes Before they did.

One that stands out particularly clearly in my mind is Froot Loops. I always knew it as Fruit Loops. I remember thinking to myself that it was a little odd but perhaps they had changed it for marketing purposes. I found out later that this was one of the better known Mandela effects. When I was last hospitalized in 2018 the breakfast menu said Fruit Loops on it instead of the proper name that it has always had...  Apparently.

Whoever put the menu together spelled all the other cereal names correctly,  but not this one. were it not for my personal experiences and the notoriety of that particular Mandela effect I would have written it off as a simple typo, but I believe it wasn't. I believe whoever put the menu together spelled correctly something that they remember, but the name is no longer spelled that way and never has been spelled any other way than Froot Loops.

I don't expect my personal testimony to sway your opinion. I give it to highlight the fact that at least for me the 'most likely reason' that you proposed does not jive with my personal experience and the experiences of very large numbers of other people.

Perhaps I'm not being rational, not using Occam's razor properly or something. But what if, and I'm just saying what if, the cosmos is in fact irrational and full of mysterious things and events? It certainly seems that way to me. The Mandela effect isn't even the weirdest thing I've experienced... Incidentally I don't care to talk about the weirdest thing I've experienced, but in my world rational reductionism is folly. There's too much that is not understood About the cosmos and the world that we live in.

There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophies, or whatever.
You can't get out backward.  You have to go forward to go back.. better press on! - Willie Wonka, PBUH

Life can be seen as a game with no reset button, no extra lives, and if the power goes out there is no restarting.  If that's all you see life as you are not long for this world, and never will get it.

"Ayn Rand never swung a hammer in her life and had serious dominance issues" - The Fountainhead

"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation."
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality :lulz:

"You program the controller to do the thing, only it doesn't do the thing.  It does something else entirely, or nothing at all.  It's like voting."
- Billy, Aug 21st, 2019

"It's not even chaos anymore. It's BANAL."
- Doktor Hamish Howl


There's a particularly batshit bonkers take on Mandela that is entirely rational anyway, assuming you buy the many-worlds interpretation and believe that we inhabit an exceedingly unlikely universe.

Goes something like, given that the universe is essentially deterministic, and given that there is no such thing as a singular, individual object anywhere at the quantum level (e.g. particles are fields) it stands to reason that ANY particularly improbable event will in turn have particularly improbable effects, and therefore that if we have an improbable past event, improbable future events with no obvious causal correlation may nevertheless be instigated by it. In other words, what seems irrational and implausible might be more likely to happen just because something else really weird happened precisely once before. If you follow that idea to it's logical conclusion, over time weird shit gets more common. If weird shit is common, weird gets weirder (since there are more opportunities for the truly weird to happen).

It doesn't say whether the universe or the observers inside it changed, it just provides a mechanism of action. Either way, it's effectively rational, just bonkers. I don't feel like shitting on rationality is the right move. It has its uses, and rationality is a couple steps from rationalization. Think long and hard enough and you can explain ANYTHING in rational terms, including all the weirdness your heart could desire.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

The Wizard Joseph

Stumbled across this one and thought it was rather interesting. Apparently this particular Mandela effect where in Billy Graham died way, way before 2018 is extremely prevalent. Maybe more than Mandela's death. Personally I can't speak to this one. Until I started researching I didn't even know Billy Graham was dead.

I've actually argued with a friend because she was 100% certain that Billy Graham had died.  She, too, remembered the funeral on TV.  It took Wikipedia to prove that we both had odd, completely identical memories... that never happened.

Clearly all these people must just be victims of false memory and suggestion.
:lulz: :lulz:   ...   :lulz:
You can't get out backward.  You have to go forward to go back.. better press on! - Willie Wonka, PBUH

Life can be seen as a game with no reset button, no extra lives, and if the power goes out there is no restarting.  If that's all you see life as you are not long for this world, and never will get it.

"Ayn Rand never swung a hammer in her life and had serious dominance issues" - The Fountainhead

"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation."
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality :lulz:

"You program the controller to do the thing, only it doesn't do the thing.  It does something else entirely, or nothing at all.  It's like voting."
- Billy, Aug 21st, 2019

"It's not even chaos anymore. It's BANAL."
- Doktor Hamish Howl