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The Compleat Billy Chronicles (thanks to Zenpatista)

Started by Doktor Howl, November 15, 2017, 01:33:15 AM

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What are the chances of accidentally causing Universal Crunch with this one?
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Faust on November 12, 2020, 02:54:57 PM
What are the chances of accidentally causing Universal Crunch with this one?

Zero, this is more back to basics.  You shoot something/someone, but you miss.  Well now maybe you didn't.
Molon Lube


This doesnt sound like you will be able to order lasers/smoke machines/disco ball as easily, but I guess more accurate guns are good too.
When greenpeace stormed the building that makes the missile guidance chips, the reps response was "Do you really want less accurate missiles"
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Faust on November 12, 2020, 03:13:42 PM
This doesnt sound like you will be able to order lasers/smoke machines/disco ball as easily, but I guess more accurate guns are good too.
When greenpeace stormed the building that makes the missile guidance chips, the reps response was "Do you really want less accurate missiles"


Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

75 caliber, you say?

I can definitely get used to this, even if it's a bench gun.
Molon Lube


What's the case length? If you can say, of course.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: altered on November 13, 2020, 06:17:40 AM
What's the case length? If you can say, of course.

That's one of the things we have to establish.  The initial run is at 3.91".

I wish we would do things in metric, like civilized people.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Crates of rifles arrive Monday.

Well, technically rifles, as they in fact have rifled barrels.  They just don't look much like firearms, so much as one of those sorts of shop tools that mystify people who don't work in the trades.  They will be attached to rails on fixed stands.  We have actually managed to suck all of the fun out of obscenely large bore firearms.  I am both proud and ashamed.
Molon Lube


I've seen stuff like those rail-rifles before. Rich people in Florida love 'em. Windage and elevation adjustment on the bench, no sights, use a spotter setup to zero. Weird things.

Eyeballing the dimensions here, this is a weird loading. That's something like 20x90mm, best guess is small arms -- you'd just use the Vulcan if you wanted something not man-portable. Something like a payload rifle (but I'm pretty sure that program's dead) or an anti-materiel role is my bet, or maybe (if it's straight-walled) something like a cousin to that weirdo Russian 12.7mm round for individual weapons (they have a revolver and a combat rifle in it, the damn freaks). Either way, small enough the recoil isn't unmanageable for a human being. Not a fire-from-the-shoulder thing, unless it's straightwalled case, but yeah.

Pretty sure you can't share and I'm not trying to guess, more just... this is my nerd spot right here. I love this shit.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: altered on November 14, 2020, 05:08:09 AM
I've seen stuff like those rail-rifles before. Rich people in Florida love 'em. Windage and elevation adjustment on the bench, no sights, use a spotter setup to zero. Weird things.

Eyeballing the dimensions here, this is a weird loading. That's something like 20x90mm, best guess is small arms -- you'd just use the Vulcan if you wanted something not man-portable. Something like a payload rifle (but I'm pretty sure that program's dead) or an anti-materiel role is my bet, or maybe (if it's straight-walled) something like a cousin to that weirdo Russian 12.7mm round for individual weapons (they have a revolver and a combat rifle in it, the damn freaks). Either way, small enough the recoil isn't unmanageable for a human being. Not a fire-from-the-shoulder thing, unless it's straightwalled case, but yeah.

Pretty sure you can't share and I'm not trying to guess, more just... this is my nerd spot right here. I love this shit.

It's not the final scale.  It's just fucking weird because the bullet is loaded with electronics.

This at first seemed like another bozo idea, but it has actual potential.
Molon Lube


OH, I see where this goes from here. Very cool.

If it were up to me (it isn't and shouldn't be) I'd be tempted to make the projectiles into little copies of the old 13mm gyrojet bullets. Nothing says "hell yeah" like stuffing a wad of solid rocket fuel into the back of something you're gonna shoot out of a 20mm cannon.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

Doktor Howl

Norton:  "This is sick.  I can count 3 violations of the Geneva Convention right of the top of my head."

Me:  "Nonsense.  Its only a convention violation if these things get used in a war."

Norton:  "Where else would you use them?"

Me:  "Do you even have to ask?  Peaceful protestors are the new terrorists."

Norton:  "Oh.  OH."

Me:  "Don't let it bother you.  For all we know, these are designed for rich fatbacks to go elk hunting.  I mean, yeah, that makes this whole thing look like Michael Bay writing op eds in Fish and Game Magazine.  But also George Orwell writing policy for the Bureau of Land Management and maybe Guy Ritchie as the Attorney General.  But it won't be used militarily for three reasons."

Norton:  "Okay?"

Me:  "One:  It will be too effective."

Norton:  "And that's bad because...?"

Me:  "Because we will win wars too quickly and that's bad for the gravy train."

Norton:  "Okay, what's the second reason?"

Me:  "The DoD will not authorize the use of new weapons technology until it's old enough to be countered, because see reason #1."

Norton:  "That sounds cynical as hell, but also accurate."

Me:  "And the Department of Homeland Security has no such qualms, and they will hog them all up for use on teenagers in Portland."

Norton:  "eeeeee"

Me:  "It's not all bad.  Some of this will eventually go black market, and we'll have our own game of Gorkamorka that will last until the lights go out for the last time."

Norton:  "..."

Me:  "What, no objections?"

Norton:  "I'm kinda buying into this."



Dan *walking in*  "Who are we WAAAAAAAAGHing?"

Norton:  "Does it matter?"


Dan:  "Make moar dakka, then."


(Everyone I work with is a nerd.  Emmy has confirmed this.)
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Overheard in the bathroom:

Dude 1:  "Why is your splash so loud?"

Dude 2:  "Because I'm pissing on your laptop bag."

Tensions seem to be ramping up just a bit.
Molon Lube


Finally got round to catching up on the last couple of seasons of silicon valley. I totally read that as a conversation between Gilfoyle and Dinesh :lol:

I'm up to my arse in Brexit Numpties, but I want more.  Target-rich environments are the new sexy.
Not actually a meat product.
Ass-Kicking & Foot-Stomping Ancient Master of SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK
Awful and Bent Behemothic Results of Last Night's Painful Squat.
High Altitude Haggis-Filled Sex Bucket From Beyond Time and Space.
Internet Monkey Person of Filthy and Immoral Pygmy-Porn Wart Contagion
Octomom Auxillary Heat Exchanger Repairman
walking the fine line line between genius and batshit fucking crazy

"computation is a pattern in the spacetime arrangement of particles, and it's not the particles but the pattern that really matters! Matter doesn't matter." -- Max Tegmark

Doktor Howl

Mass tells space how to bend, and space tells mass how to move.
Money tells the market how to trend, and the market tells money how to move.
Physics is what kills you, but it's biology that wants you dead.
Molon Lube