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A challenge for all Bush-Haters

Started by Anonymous, January 20, 2005, 12:33:58 AM

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Quote from: Voice of Truth"You brought your shit here and now you're pissed that a bunch of people you've continually insulted and talked down to don't want anything to do with your Truth?"

I continually insulted?  Man, that's rich. :roll:   Every time I make one post I get 25 responses about how "brain-washed" I am and the latest comments about me being a "rich boy", apparently because I think capitalism is a good thing.  That's the biggest load of bs.  You'll be scooping up that load of shit for years to come, Wishyouhadintelligence.





Voice of Truth


You know, I've only had that said about, ohhh, I don't know 80 times on this site in the few weeks I've been posting.  If you're going to try and insult me some originality would be nice, dumbass. :wink:
Such pain I feel for not being a Discordian...



You know, I've only had that said about, ohhh, I don't know 80 times on this site in the few weeks I've been posting.  





<throws in 2c>

 Bush's speech was a manifesto, albeit one that is full of vagueries and contradictions that were so admirably identified by LMNO,Gnimbley et al.

The problem with any & all manifestos is that they are essentially Utoptian in nature. I think we're all big enough and clever enough on this forum to appreciate that creating Utopia is extremely unlikely, if not, downright impossible.

Therefore, every politician either on purpose or by simple force of circumstances will always be unable to deliver everything they have 'promised'. If anyone can show me any society in which the political system successfully delivered all of it's promises, I will be very impressed, surprised and calling the nearest psychiatric unit to collect you asap. As the gnome pointed out, even the Soviets thought they were freeing people from the oppression of Tsarism (insert ironic, Homer Simpson headslap + doh combo)

 George Orwell was reprimanded by the British Communist party because, he suggested that on a Sunday afternoon, one's time was better spent in the local park having a picnic with the family, than standing on corners doling out political leaflets. Whatever ideology you buy into, whether it's Bush or other, you must accept that they promise Utopia and never deliver. All you can do is make calculated risks on how much you think they can pull off and vote accordingly..(or not, if that's the choice you wish to exercise).

 On the other hand, if you actually, really, truly, honestly, totally believe that in 4 years Bush will solve all the world's problems and make everyone so shiny & happy, then you will ever be pwned by your own naivity and are subject to the most intense, savage satire that the residents of PD can muster. I wish I had Chef's zen-like simpicity.

 So VoT - while I uphold your freedom & right to maintain beliefs that I do not care for personally, it is time to make a decision. Either you're going to take your grand exit or you're going to stay and post regularly. But make up your fucking mind, man. You cannot both posess and consume the proverbial cake.

The neo-con schtick is played. Statistical analysis will reveal that the largest % of PD members do not support your chosen political model. Sorry. We don't, you do. End of. Do not be surprised or offended that few people here, if any, support Bush. If you think we're all arrogant, narrowminded liberal asshats, fine. Just leave. You are not being held against your wishes.

 What is it you want from us exactly?

What makes it so? Making it so is what makes it so.

Voice of Truth

"Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."  
 With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

-Abraham Lincoln

And so stated the greatest President this nation has ever known.  Damn him and his "utopian" desires...

My friends, I come from a very different point of view than you.  Obviously we know that.  I did not immediately come to this site, but after having civilized debates with some of you in the other forum and after talking with Bella, who is very well spoken and intelligable, I believed that, perhaps, there were more of you who could be engaged in political discussion in a civilized way.  I was told by her and by some of you that I should never expect much of anything, but I pressed on.  In the past few days, however, it suddenly turned into anything but civilized and intelligent debate turned into a Bush-bashing extravaganza.  That is why I decided I'm done debating POLITICS with you guys.

"So VoT - while I uphold your freedom & right to maintain beliefs that I do not care for personally, it is time to make a decision. Either you're going to take your grand exit or you're going to stay and post regularly. But make up your fucking mind, man. You cannot both posess and consume the proverbial cake."

Then there is this kind of shit.  Is that right?  I'm glad you feel so comfortably telling me what I am going to do.  And who exactly are you??  I was also never offended.  I have previously stated that I am not offended easily and that is the truth.  Like I said, I'm simply not going to waste my time debating the issues with you guys when it's going to turn into to what it has.  It's a WASTE OF TIME.  I thought I made that pretty clear, but since you didn't get it, maybe the all caps will make it hit home.  That being said, I wasn't aware that I could only post here if I wanted to debate politics.  I read what you guys talk about and it is often just joking around and calling each other names and whatever else, yet you have these requirements that I must live by to be part of your forum? :roll:

Some of you really are some arrogant piss-ants and you know it.  That's fine.  I hold my beliefs strongly, but the reason I debate with people about them is specifically because I am open to other points of view.  It's the same reason I don't just get my news from the single sources often mentioned by some of you.  You know dick about me and you know dick about where I form my beliefs.  You guys spend all of your time calling me brain-washed when it is far too fucking apparent all but a few of you get your info from Michael Moore and his ilk.  Again, why do I have to abide your rules to stick around??
Such pain I feel for not being a Discordian...


Quote from: Pope T.Mangrove xviiIf anyone can show me any society in which the political system successfully delivered all of it's promises, I will be very impressed, surprised and calling the nearest psychiatric unit to collect you asap. As the gnome pointed out, even the Soviets thought they were freeing people from the oppression of Tsarism (insert ironic, Homer Simpson headslap + doh combo)

One day, a politician will stand up and say 'During my term of office, I'll do my best to make things better for people, or at the very least, I'll try not to mess everything up too badly.' - and they'll force him or her out of office in hours.

Or: Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.
The Streeb-Greebling Cabal: We know where the fossilised remains of the infant Christ are buried.
Praise the Lord and pass the Vaseline!
That which doesn't kill us is the really good shit.
Second Reserve Deputy Co-Archbishop of the Only Church That'll Take You


Quote from: Voice of Truth"it is far too fucking apparent all but a few of you get your info from Michael Moore and his ilk.

Thats funny, in over 2 months I havent seen a single reference to Michael Moore.  He's not the only one to criticize Bush you know. To name 2 high profile ones, Gore Vidal and Noam Chomsky.  And I suppose the Guardian and Independent in the UK take their editorials from Moore?  What about the Times, who have been quite critical, in an oddly effective way for a Conservative paper owned by That Muppet (Ive disowned him as a fellow countryman, he is a prat).  I really do dislike this inference that only a lunatic fringe attack Bush and his policies.


Quote from: IAmNotAnonymous

One day, a politician will stand up and say 'During my term of office, I'll do my best to make things better for people, or at the very least, I'll try not to mess everything up too badly.'

He or she would get my vote.

The Open Bar

VoT - nice Lincoln quote from the man who's avowed never to discuss politics in the PD forum  :wink:

Why don't you stop by The Open Bar? We have both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, good food. There's a new restaurant opening soon too....we've not entirely figured that part out yet. (can you cook??)

 We also have cutting edge Bavarian polka/techno on the jukebox and if you ask LMNO nicely he will shoot a few frames of porno pool with you.

 Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go know you want to!



Quote from: Voice of Truth
blah blah a lot of bullshit blah some more...
Some of you really are some arrogant piss-ants and you know it.  
blah blah some more crapola blah blah blah

Dude, I'm tempted to be appalled at the supreme ignorance you show when it comes to knowing who you're dealing with.
I would be actually appalled, but I'm neither surprised nor particularly impressed.  You don't seem like the kind of person who would do something so elementary as to check out the ideals and the practices of the people he intends to start arguing with - although it hasn't escaped my attention that you are offended that we "don't know dick" about you.  The irony of your attitude is superlative.

You're dealing with a group of people who think that being called arrogant is a compliment - mostly because we know we have the wherewithal to back up that arrogance.  Also, the only people who get offended by arrogance are the people who have to suffer being embarrassed when their superiors put them back in their rightful place.
Your continued use of the term as an epithet clues us in as to which group you belong to, and many of us think that this is hilarious.
Secondly, Discordians have never claimed to be open minded and tolerant, that I've ever seen.  Jeez, most of us are the exact opposite.  Some of the things we're particularly intolerant of are:  stupidity, blind faith, willful ignorance, naivety, and political incompetence.

So you see, VoT, you really need to learn who you're talking to, and act accordingly, and then maybe your posts won't sound so uproariously ridiculous to most of us.  Then, maybe, you'll actually gain a little respect on this forum.  We will likely never respect, much less adopt, your beliefs.  But at least we'll stop making fun of you quite as much.
Elves suck.
Yeah, I said it, I went there.  Whatcha gonna do?

East Coast Hustle

I won't...

fuck Bush, fuck anyone in his administration, and fuck anyone who voted for him or supports him, either implicitly or tacitly...

with any luck at all, the day will come when the streets run with the blood of the america-ruining fuckbag conservatives...and no, VoT, I'm not kidding...go ahead and post some more trite bullshit about how fucked-up my way of thinking and yours will be first against the wall when the revolution comes...

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Quote from: Pope T.Mangrove xviiThe problem with any & all manifestos is that they are essentially Utoptian in nature. I think we're all big enough and clever enough on this forum to appreciate that creating Utopia is extremely unlikely, if not, downright impossible.
Utopias, in practice, seem to be mainly pathways to terrorism. Both
communism and fascism were held up as models of the future, pathways
on which mankind will be led to utopian paradise. Fundamental Islam
is another utopia, God's law manifest on earth, etc.

BTW, Lincoln was not a Utopian. He was a pragmatist. What [He Who
Shall Remain Nameless Since He Will No Longer Talk With The gnome]
quoted was political rhetoric Lincoln spoke. Really brilliant and
inspiring political rhetoric, granted, but rhetoric nonetheless. You
can find similar stuff from most every politician in history, going back to
those in the bible.  Doesn't prove anything, one way or the other.

(Trivia: How many slaves did Lincoln free when he signed the
Emancipation Proclamation?)

Quote from: Pope T.Mangrove xviiChef's zen-like simpicity.
Chef? Zen? Is that like a pasta dish or something?

Oh, here is a picture of olderdiscordians around noon today.

(BTW, I don't really insult people. I am more of a performance artist.)


Quote from: Voice of Truth

Hay guys!  ur all dumb lol!

I love how each succeeding post gets more shrill and makes less sense, VoT.  Thanks for giving us a rare look at conservatards self-destructing in the wild!
His Right Most Honorable Super Hella Reverend Llama Wishfart Rinpoche of the Church of Ed Gein (Deceased),
Temple of Cleveland

Rev Thwack

I think what VoT is missing is the fact that when you have a debate about someone in politics, you are either going to be bashing them or applauding them. The reason that most of us bash him is the simple fact that he has done some amazingly retarded and damanging things. In fact, I dare anyone to name one good thing he has done. The only thing I have ever heard people claim as good is that he has taken a strong stance against terrorism, but even there he failed as indicated by his continued dealings with the saudies. So, go on VoT or anyone else... prove me wrong and tell me one good thing he has done.
My balls itch...

Trojan Man

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For Her pleasure.