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What's the Matter, Bunky?

Started by Doktor Howl, May 29, 2018, 06:17:10 PM

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Doktor Howl

You look whupped.  A little peaked, perhaps.  It seems that your entire world has sailed away on a radioactive camel.

I know, nobody you know actually wanted Trump, but there were all those emails and Benghazi and that Pizza joint.  You knew, at some level, that there was nothing to those claims, but they still bothered you.  As if maybe you felt the need to "balance the scales".  I mean, elect a Black man?  Maybe.  RE-elect a Black man?  That might make you a little more nervous.  And if it makes you nervous, then imagine what it's doing to the inbred cousin-fucker set.

Only now there's a prison bus for infants, equipped with child seats (the Doktor is not joking, it's on Snopes) and there's "rendering" of minors from their parents at the border.  And 1500 kids in that system MISSING.  I have been told, though, by reliable activists, that ICE and ORR put the kids with undocumented adults who are afraid to answer the phone if it's DHS.  No, I don't understand it, either, but they're just trying to say "Trump isn't that bad" and it is - as always - sticking to their clothes.  They are also saying "SHUT UP...Human trafficking doesn't happen here, and you are detracting from the very real plight of the demisexual clunk fetishists."  So scratch one more person that might help (again, no bullshit, I was told this wasn't a thing yesterday.)


Only, where the fuck are all these no-bullshit, swastika-wearing Nazis coming from?  Yes, they seem to explode in spectacular ways, mostly (but not always), but they're still Nazis and how the fuck did THAT happen?  You can't swing a dead cat without hitting one of these assholes, and it's gotten so bad that we look forward to masked Marxists to show up and kick the crap out of said Nazis.  It's almost like our complacence summoned them.  And again, there are plenty of "activists" who will tell you that there aren't any Nazis at all.  Those Swastikas are just a fashion statement.


Remember 2010-2015?  Remember how it was non-stop virtue-signaling and 24/7 YOU'RE DOIN' IT WRONG?  Guess where those people are?  Guess what those people are doing?  They're doing FUCK ALL, except posting that this isn't the president's fault, hell, there's no problem AT ALL, because this sort of thing doesn't even happen in America.  It can't be happening, so it isn't happening.  This is not really happening!  But it is.  It totally is.  You bet your life it is.  You bet your Goddamn tumblr account that it is.


Don't even get me fucking started on the SJW set (I'm not referring to people who want social justice here, but people who want to VISIBLY want social justice).  They happily lynched Al Franken on one accusation, from a known political enemy.  One that turned out to be false.  And they STILL go after George Takei, after HE has been cleared.  Nothing the real danger does can be bad enough, and nothing the left does can be good enough, and you know, FUCK THESE PEOPLE.  We realize that we don't meet your angelic standards of purity, SO YOU SHOULD LEAVE BEFORE YOU GET THE POO ON YOU.  Get the fuck out.  Grab your shit and get out of the car.  You never liked us and we never liked you and I think everyone is happy that way.


I guess what I'm trying to say is, you're not much of a liberal/leftist/progressive if you are actively making everything WORSE just so that YOU can look pure.  No.  You are in fact a narcicist or a fool or a validation junkie or all three.  Nobody gives a fuck what you have to say, or what you want, or how this "micro-aggression" is pissing you off.  I don't fucking care, and the people who I actually know that are useful don't care.  I'll give you a Goddamn micro-aggression.  Hell, I might just go ahead and give you a macro-aggression, which is like an aggression I already wrote as a routine that I can call anytime the rest of the code needs a big FUCK YOU.


Or Kill Me.

Molon Lube

Doktor Howl


"If Bernie's not running this election, count me out."  HEY ASSHOLE.  YEAH, YOU:  ASSHOLE.  This isn't a presidential election year.  Bernie IS running, but unless you're in Vermont, you can't vote for him.  I realize that is totally unfair, but that is the way the system is set up.  BUT HE'S NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, NOBODY IS.

Let's you and I just get real for a moment.  Let's just set aside all the bullshit...You're a republican.  You know it, I know it, everyone who's ever heard your bullshit knows it.  You can vote FOR Trump's agenda or you can vote AGAINST Trump's agenda, or you can shit all over your ballot and pretend you're ABOVE IT ALL, which of course helps the incumbent, which means YOU JUST VOTED FOR TRUMP'S AGENDA.

Here is the point where you tell me or whomever why you can't vote dem.  Here comes the story of ivory tower virtue, of holding out for a hero...Only, there's just one problem. 


Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

And since this seems to be something people would really rather not get into, I'm going to go ahead and go full potato.


The vast majority of the social justice set are not prepared or willing to address actual injustices committed by actual fascists.

Policing "your own" is far safer.  All the self-righteous goodness, no risk.  I shit on them all.

And now for something a little less acidic:  At no point would a safety pin in your lapel have helped in any way.  I am not hating on the safety pin crowd, because they were willing to do something, perhaps even put themselves in harm's way (given that it kind of makes you a target), I am merely saying that it would have zero effect on the tide of horrible shit that's currently swamping us.  I still maintain that a sock with a couple of rolls of quarters in it is a better method of dealing with bad situations.
Molon Lube


Doesn't that goad the other side to get a bigger sock and more quarters?

Doktor Howl

Quote from: LMNO on May 29, 2018, 08:23:21 PM
Doesn't that goad the other side to get a bigger sock and more quarters?

Yes.  And apparently that is exactly what is happening in at least one place (Orange County).  But, historically-speaking, Nazis have a way of doing that...But also of fighting out of their weight class, as evidenced by every rally they've had recently.

And if it's individual fuckery, the Good Doktor prescribes intervention without warning.  The Late Great Chuck Kaiser once said "A sucker punch - properly applied - will usually end a ruckus."

Nobody owes these assholes respect, and warning shots are for the Navy.
Molon Lube


Congratulations rong for managing to let this thread get to 3 posts before "But Hilary".


The slactivism and the left devouring itself didn't come from nowhere. Platforms and media mascarading as "social media" were carefully constructed systems of control, to pacify and neuter people. First to divert the message away from where the message needs to be. Second to sedate those feelings of indignation, that something is wrong, channeling it away from ever having any meaningful impact.
The cliche still holds true, the revolution will not be televised and doesn't start with you changing your avatar in support as suggested by the large corporate entity.

They take your energy, feed it to their advertisers, and then sell it back to you, broken and ineffectual. They convolute the language you use so you can't even address the problem any more.

There are no allies, there are no problematic people, there are only people, so crucify them when they don't agree with your token issue of the day enitely, and then act shocked and outraged when they are nowhere to be seen when the next one comes up.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Faust on May 30, 2018, 03:45:51 PM
There are no allies, there are no problematic people, there are only people, so crucify them when they don't agree with your token issue of the day enitely, and then act shocked and outraged when they are nowhere to be seen when the next one comes up.

So much this.  There are multiple people I will not interact with no matter what their cause of the moment is.  There is a point at which I simply stop bothering...And the whole 2010 - 2015 thing accounts for almost all of them.

In addition, I learned the hard way that I'm better off being nobody's ally.  I'm going to do the right thing to the best of my ability, but acts of principle shouldn't be confused with loyalty, solidarity, or even common decency.

ETA:  When I've had enough of someone, it's not just that I can't be bothered with their causes, they also lose the ability to piss me off.
Molon Lube


Incidentally, posted by a VERY politically active progressive.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: LMNO on May 31, 2018, 09:05:20 PM
Incidentally, posted by a VERY politically active progressive.


On the other hand, there are half the old schoolers of the CotSG - who know better and have no excuse.


"So you'll be voting democratic in November, then."


"So you're okay with Trump and McConnell's policies?"


"So McConnell is an acceptable alternative to the DNC."


ad nauseum.  And this is by no means unusual.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

And I am, based on LMNO's post, going to put a qualifier on this thread:

"Stop worrying about the segment of the progressives who are still SOOOO DAMN ANGRY about Bernie that they are already talking shit about November."

Because, yes, I also know some "I'm going to hold my nose and vote against the GOP" progressives, and that's FINE.  Hell, that's how *I* feel.  I am a rock-ribbed socialist, and the dems do not make me happy.  But they aren't outright goose-stepping Martin Bormann imitators, either, so I will be voting for them straight ticket.  It will literally take me 25 seconds to vote, and 10 of those seconds will involve getting my glasses out and onto my face.
Molon Lube


I ran across a hilarious piece about this yesterday.  I'll see if I can drag it up.

ñͤͣ̄ͦ̌̑͗͊͛͂͗ ̸̨̨̣̺̼̣̜͙͈͕̮̊̈́̈͂͛̽͊ͭ̓͆ͅé ̰̓̓́ͯ́́͞

Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 29, 2018, 08:06:17 PM
And since this seems to be something people would really rather not get into, I'm going to go ahead and go full potato.


The vast majority of the social justice set are not prepared or willing to address actual injustices committed by actual fascists.

Policing "your own" is far safer.  All the self-righteous goodness, no risk.  I shit on them all.

And now for something a little less acidic:  At no point would a safety pin in your lapel have helped in any way.  I am not hating on the safety pin crowd, because they were willing to do something, perhaps even put themselves in harm's way (given that it kind of makes you a target), I am merely saying that it would have zero effect on the tide of horrible shit that's currently swamping us.  I still maintain that a sock with a couple of rolls of quarters in it is a better method of dealing with bad situations.

How are you not "policing your own" with all this self-righteous ranting as a self-avowed leftist?
P E R   A S P E R A   A D   A S T R A


I can totally see a reasonable, even-handed discussion from this post onward.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: LMNO on June 05, 2018, 03:53:33 PM
I can totally see a reasonable, even-handed discussion from this post onward.

Not taking the bait.
Molon Lube

ñͤͣ̄ͦ̌̑͗͊͛͂͗ ̸̨̨̣̺̼̣̜͙͈͕̮̊̈́̈͂͛̽͊ͭ̓͆ͅé ̰̓̓́ͯ́́͞

Quote from: Doktor Howl on June 05, 2018, 07:59:41 PM
Quote from: LMNO on June 05, 2018, 03:53:33 PM
I can totally see a reasonable, even-handed discussion from this post onward.

Not taking the bait.

Carry on your whine-fest without actually addressing the problems you're pointing out then.

P E R   A S P E R A   A D   A S T R A