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illuminatus book summary

Started by Slarti, January 21, 2005, 11:49:07 PM

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The Illuminati are a secret society that (DRUGS SEX DRUGS) control everything in the world (SEX DRUGS SEX) including all governments, financial institutions, and (DRUGS SEX DRUGS) intelligence agencies. No, they're not. Well, yes they are but not really. (SEX DRUGS SEX) They originated in Bavaria in 1776 (DRUGS SEX DRUGS). No, actually they go all the way back to Atlantis. No, (SEX DRUGS SEX) Atlantis never really existed. Yes it did. It's not just one society (DRUGS SEX DRUGS), it's a whole bunch of them (SEX DRUGS SEX) together. No, it's just one, and they go all the way back to Atlantis, which never (DRUGS SEX DRUGS) existed, oh yes it did. They've had an uninterrupted existence since 30,000 years ago (SEX DRUGS SEX) -- no they actually only go back as far as the 1800s (DRUGS SEX DRUGS). Fnord.

agent compassion

:lol:   Yeah, that's about the size of it. I just started on "Leviathan" and I'm still as confused as all get-out...and the Discordians in the book are pretty fucked up too...


'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

I found that link when I was about half way through the Illuminatus and laughed my ass off.  That was the most confusing book I ever read, and that is saying something, trust me.  But I ended up with a strange side effect, I was able to go to a deeper place meditating, to actually get to the outer edges of empty mindedness.  Then I finished the book and the clutter came back.  Keep with it, it is an interesting story.  Borders on porn in spots, but that's cool too. :twisted:


Quote from: eldora_avalonBorders on porn in spots, but that's cool too. :twisted:

Yes, the cool thing about the Illuminatus! Trilogy is that at one moment you are watching a spy thriller, the other moment, an account on tripping, then a conspiracy theory, and then you got your porno, and your attitude keeps changing all the time and the book trips you slightly by muddling with your emotions so much.
Rev. Episkopos Summus Sanctissimus REX the Pope Most Wholey Pedero,
the Royal Arch of Theoretical Authoritarians,
Maestosissime Commandante,
Los New Insurgentas de South America, Ltd.
A New ComIntern Division,
Primus Illuminatus,
Knower of Fnord,

This message has been Sponsored by the Holy Royal Knights of the Octarine Octa-Pie as Enunciated by God Herself and her Five Applestoles.

The Emperor of the Bering Strait had no say in this, aside from the fnords every now and then.

agent compassion

AND it has both Malacypses in it. And lots of pot. And a guy fucking a giant apple(nobody told me THAT part of the initiation.)

'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Quote from: agent compassionAND it has both Malacypses in it. And lots of pot. And a guy fucking a giant apple(nobody told me THAT part of the initiation.)
I'd love to tell you that's the weirdest part, but it's not.  In fact, I think it's not even close.

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Quote from: pedero
Quote from: eldora_avalonBorders on porn in spots, but that's cool too. :twisted:

Yes, the cool thing about the Illuminatus! Trilogy is that at one moment you are watching a spy thriller, the other moment, an account on tripping, then a conspiracy theory, and then you got your porno, and your attitude keeps changing all the time and the book trips you slightly by muddling with your emotions so much.
And false memories, you forgot false memories.  I will need to read it again in a few months.  It was to weird and too long to keep track of everything all the way through. :roll:  :wink:

agent compassion

More digging around in the SF section:

Dune Messiah
By Frank Herbert
Ultra-Condensed by Daniel Saults

Everyone: We're absurdly over-intelligent with identical personalities.

(The Conspirators do some mysterious conspiracy stuff.)

Muad'Dib: Now that I have two children which need my support and care, I'll wander off into the desert and die for no particular reason.

Everyone:    Wahh.



The Return of the King
By J. R. R. Tolkien
Ultra-Condensed by David J. Parker and Samuel Stoddard

Aragorn:    We must travel the Paths of the Dead.

Eowyn:    You'll die. (They don't.)

Gandalf:    The Hordes of Mordor will destroy Minis Tirith. (They don't.)

Gandalf:    We must attack Mordor. We'll all be killed. (They aren't.)

Gollum:    Mmmm, yummy finger! (dies)

Frodo:   The Ring has been destroyed, but now we will die in Mordor.

Sam:    Buck up, Master Frodo. (A bunch of feathered DEUS EX MACHINAS come out of NOWHERE and save EVERYBODY.)


'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon


And the classic:

(The Earth gets BLOWN UP.)

I'm a bit upset about that.
Yes, I can understand that.
(They fly around the galaxy. They go UNDERGROUND, where they see...)

The Earth.
Deep Thought
Forty two.

Rev. Episkopos Summus Sanctissimus REX the Pope Most Wholey Pedero,
the Royal Arch of Theoretical Authoritarians,
Maestosissime Commandante,
Los New Insurgentas de South America, Ltd.
A New ComIntern Division,
Primus Illuminatus,
Knower of Fnord,

This message has been Sponsored by the Holy Royal Knights of the Octarine Octa-Pie as Enunciated by God Herself and her Five Applestoles.

The Emperor of the Bering Strait had no say in this, aside from the fnords every now and then.

Zurtok Khan

lol.  I keep wanting to buy the Illuminatus Trilogy, along with a text copy of the PD (so that I can make illustrations too!), but I'm a lazy fuck, and haven't done it yet.

Give me money, or give me sex.  Better yet, give me both.
Resistance is Fertile.

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
-Mark Twain

I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
-Mark Twain


Illuminatus! is a fun read, but I usually glaze over during the dreaming/drugging/gee-I-wish-I-could-be-as-cool-as-Burroughs text cutups.

But the concepts are pretty clearly laid out.



illuminatus is getting progressively easier to find on filesharing programs, if you're too lazy to buy it but don't mind reading it on your computer. it's a loooooooooong read though.

(all those other book summaries were really great- the dune messiah one was very accurate too.)

Horab Fibslager

i've read illuminatus 5 and 1/2 times.

i fucking hate robert anton wilson and robert shea!
Hell is other people.


The Schrodinger's Cat (I don't care about the O with th dots) trilogy is Confusing in the order (Illuminatus trilogy)*n where n is... I dunno, like, this REALLY BIG prime number or something.

I find it annoying when Wilson arbitrarily decides to write an entire paragraph without punctuation in that book.

Incidentally, is anyone else of the opinion that the "Alice in Wonderland" books are good discordian reading? (In the right context, of course).

Horab Fibslager

only on several grams of mushroom, with some lunatic woman screaming "OFF WITH YORU HEAD!" every coupel minutes and jefferson airplanes on the radio.

shrodinger's cat is onyl; confusing when you forget it's all about sex with apes.
Hell is other people.