
If you really want to hurt your parents, and you don't have the nerve to be a homosexual, the least you can do is go into the arts. But do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites, standing for absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college.

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What Most Discorians Don't Understand About Discordia

Started by zarathustrasbastardson, May 24, 2019, 10:34:48 PM

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Quote from: zarathustrasbastardson on May 25, 2019, 02:48:36 AM
Because to me you are the gods who didn't invite me to the party.. instead of giving you a golden apple saying "for the prettiest one" - I am offering you an olive branch.

okay but your olive branch has "you dumbasses" printed on the side

as a huge dumbass, I'll take it, but you gotta know I'm gonna turn that olive branch into a laurel and parade around with it like I'm Caesar or whatever

Quote from: zarathustrasbastardson on May 25, 2019, 02:39:36 AM
And I think it is also a message of tolerance. Chaos has to be accepted - if not all hell breaks loose.. so, to get to the moral - it is an ethical, moral, metaphysical, and existential lesson.  Be mindful always of the sacred chao. In all things external, internal and temporal.. but again.. it must be accepted as the norm.

I keep hitting my thumb with a hammer and telling myself not to impose judgments and identification on the raw physical reality. After the 23rd whack, I think I got it. Also, jackin off using that (badly mangled) hand.

They call it "the stranger"

because it feels like a stranger hit your hand with a hammer 23 times and then jerked you off.


I think I got this right... Discorida is not simply Order vs Disorder, it's Chaos, and we make our own patterns, labeling some "order" and some "disorder"...

Gosh, why does that sound so familiar?

Doktor Howl

You guys are arguing with a schizophrenic person.

Take all the time you like.
Molon Lube



who's arguing? I'm having FUN 

look into your pineal gland, Dok


Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


The signature is the cherry on the top of that post

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube


Quote from: Cramulus on May 25, 2019, 02:37:38 PM
Quote from: zarathustrasbastardson on May 25, 2019, 02:48:36 AM
Because to me you are the gods who didn't invite me to the party.. instead of giving you a golden apple saying "for the prettiest one" - I am offering you an olive branch.

okay but your olive branch has "you dumbasses" printed on the side

as a huge dumbass, I'll take it, but you gotta know I'm gonna turn that olive branch into a laurel and parade around with it like I'm Caesar or whatever

*good point.. one shouldn't be handed a peace offering with an insult attached. But maybe that's what Eris wanted*

Quote from: zarathustrasbastardson on May 25, 2019, 02:39:36 AM
And I think it is also a message of tolerance. Chaos has to be accepted - if not all hell breaks loose.. so, to get to the moral - it is an ethical, moral, metaphysical, and existential lesson.  Be mindful always of the sacred chao. In all things external, internal and temporal.. but again.. it must be accepted as the norm.
chaos is truth
radiate better


Quote from: Doktor Howl on May 25, 2019, 07:32:25 PM
You guys are arguing with a schizophrenic person.

Take all the time you like.

Major depression, serious suicide attempts, anxiety, a good amount of substance dependence, unofficially diagnosed childhood abuse, and vicarious trauma to boot.

chaos is truth
radiate better


Quote from: LMNO on May 25, 2019, 02:57:55 PM
I think I got this right... Discorida is not simply Order vs Disorder, it's Chaos, and we make our own patterns, labeling some "order" and some "disorder"...

Close, but also a good way of looking at it maybe from your perspective.. the chaos is always there.. it is a matter of figuring out how to interact with it.  I realized also everyone has to develop their own system to interact with the chao.  Numbers are the first place to start.  Different numbers mean different things to different people (although some are universal). But again, it's not really a big deal, but hard for us humans to wrap our minds around.  Most of us crave order, because that is really how most of the universe works, and our ability as humans to harness those has brought us this far... (there are universal laws, laws of physics, mathematics etc..)
However, there is also the otherworldly and interdimensional.. at that point the plot thickens so I cannot speak on it. 
I will reiterate that I do believe it could be very helpful to conceptualize discord as a perpetual religious experience. 5/23 of this year felt like a high holy day to me.. and, maybe I was mistaken in my prophecy.. but I stand by the truth that Erisian philosophy/religion isn't simply about making a big mess and laughing about it (although sometimes that can be fun - if you're into that type of thing) but more (as has been quoted) a message of acceptance and tolerance.

And to circle back to the point, it is a certain way to find order.. but there is always a lack of order - sort of the ultimate catch-22.
chaos is truth
radiate better


"a real smart feller, he felt smart"

chaotic neutral observer

All numerological systems are useless and stupid.  Numbers have no inherent significance beyond the thing that is being counted.

Why would I accept something useless?
Why would I tolerate something stupid?

My discoria isn't about acceptance and tolerance, but about cutting through the crap.  Think for yourself, schmuck; A discorian is prohibited from believing what he reads; etc.

Disclaimer:  I reserve the right to redefine "my discoria" at any time, in order to suit whatever point I am trying to make.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.


This is why you piss me off, and I leave for a good long while.
You obviously had your beliefs challenged and reacted angrily.
What you are really saying is whatever you do, say or think is right, just because you think so.  That isn't discordian, that is ignorance.
And if you think I believe everything I read, you are a poor judge of character.
Further,If you were really an intelligent person and could actually comprehend my words, you would also understand that I am not thinking about numerology, I am thinking more in the realm of philosophy, and mythology.
But, I guess you're smarter than that? eh, genius?

Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 26, 2019, 03:04:55 PM
All numerological systems are useless and stupid.  Numbers have no inherent significance beyond the thing that is being counted.

Why would I accept something useless?
Why would I tolerate something stupid?

My discoria isn't about acceptance and tolerance, but about cutting through the crap.  Think for yourself, schmuck; A discorian is prohibited from believing what he reads; etc.

Disclaimer:  I reserve the right to redefine "my discoria" at any time, in order to suit whatever point I am trying to make.
chaos is truth
radiate better


Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 26, 2019, 03:04:55 PM
All numerological systems are useless and stupid.  Numbers have no inherent significance beyond the thing that is being counted.
Things that come in twos tend to interact very differently than the lone thing. There's gotta be patterns there.
I get trauma from stuff most don't even notice.


There are also rhythms.. We're getting in to music now.. I dig!

Quote from: Con-troll on May 27, 2019, 01:39:22 AM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 26, 2019, 03:04:55 PM
All numerological systems are useless and stupid.  Numbers have no inherent significance beyond the thing that is being counted.
Things that come in twos tend to interact very differently than the lone thing. There's gotta be patterns there.
chaos is truth
radiate better