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Hard Lessons to be Learned Before the Next Election

Started by Abbot Mythos, November 07, 2024, 04:56:43 PM

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Abbot Mythos

Quote from: Brother Mythos on November 08, 2024, 11:13:48 PM5. Negative campaigns are extremely effective. Running a positive campaign achieves no more than does "Preaching to the choir."

Don't believe me? Then, consider giving some thought to how well the "When they go low, we go high" strategy worked out for the Democratic Party.

Perhaps it's time to try some negative campaigning with a reverse psychology twist on The Republicult™.

Now, in reality, the MAGAts weren't even phased by the TTSS Wears Adult Diapers meme. And, some of them even took to buying and wearing "Garbage For Trump - MAGA" t-shirts in response to the newer meme. But, maybe we just didn't go negative enough, and low enough with our efforts.

So, taking into account how the MAGAts have responded to the political left's insults in the past, I would expect them to act pretty much the same way if faced with an organized "Liberals Will Educate the Uneducated" campaign, and/or a "Liberals Will Fix the Stupid" campaign. I can picture their inevitable responses as being absolutely hilarious.

Of course, this tactic isn't going to make the MAGAts completely disappear from the face of the Earth. But, it should cause a few of them to accidentally trigger a dormant brain cell, or two. And, that should lessen their ardor for their messiah.

Abbot Mythos

Quote from: Brother Mythos on November 09, 2024, 10:16:07 PM7. Facts and truth are mostly meaningless in modern 'Merican politics. The majority of 'Merican voters cast their ballots for candidates they both identify with, and find entertaining.

The majority of 'Merican voters are really very much like professional wrestling fans. The fans know the wrestling is scripted, but they don't care. The fans pay their money to watch because they identify with the "good guy" wrestlers who entertain them the most. Republican Party leaders know this to be true, and that's why Hulk Hogan was invited to perform on the last night of the Republican National Convention.

I never took an interest in Meta - Facebook/Meta Platforms, Inc. But, from what I've read in the media today, facts and truth have also become mostly meaningless for that particular social media corporation, as per its Chairman and CEO.

I have no doubt that, if he were alive today, the last Reichminister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, who was also the last Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War, would approve.

Abbot Mythos

Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 11, 2024, 04:45:24 PM8. 'Mericans vote for people they perceive to be strong leaders. They identify with them, want to be entertained by them, and want to be certain their potential leaders can defeat their common enemies.

So, to be perceived as a strong leader, a successful politician needs good, common enemies. And, if a politician doesn't actually have any good, common enemies, then good common enemies can be created.

For instance, do you want to elect people who can actually accomplish something against climate change? Then, make climate change the common enemy. And, I don't mean just talking about it. I mean showing the effects of climate change in its full, graphic, video glory, with "macho man looking" spokespeople as the narrators.

I started to post about this guy on another thread. It then occurred to me that "Mr. Empathy" here is a great example of the kind of person The Republicult™ absolutely loves to elect:

"Sen. Tuberville Says Californians 'Don't Deserve Anything' After Wildfires – Until They Enact Different Policies"

As per this article:

"Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) became the latest Republican lawmaker to say disaster aid to California should be conditional.

The Los Angeles area has been devastated by wildfires over the past two weeks. At least 24 people have died and thousands of homes have been destroyed or damaged. Republicans have responded by blaming California's leaders, and some have claimed that the fires have not yet been quelled because the state has hired too many firefighters who are not White men. Some GOP lawmakers – including Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) have even suggested California will not receive any aid until the state does what Republicans want.

Appearing on Newsmax on Monday, Tuberville lent his voice to the choir.

"Senator, why should other states be bailing out California for choosing the wrong people to run their state?" host Chris Salcedo asked.

"We shouldn't be," Tuberville replied. "They got 40 million people in that state and they vote in these imbeciles in office, and they continue to do it. And it's just a very small part of them in that state that's doing it. If you go to California, you run into a lot of Republicans, a lot of good people. And I hate it for them. But they are just overwhelmed by these inner city woke policies with the people that vote for them.""

Now, from his behavior in the U. S. Senate, I have no reason to believe this guy knows jack shit about our constitution, how to draft legislation, the law in general, how our government actually works, the purpose and workings of our military, foreign policy, etc. Yet, there he sits, an elected 'Merican Senator.

But, as per what I previously wrote, this self-righteous POS does check all of the required boxes to get elected, as follows:

1. Perceived to be a strong leader - Check - Winning former college football coach.

2. Entertaining - Check - Winning former college football coach. (Other than sex and porn, what's more entertaining than sports?)

3. Perceived to be able to defeat 'Merica's common enemies - Check - Winning former college football coach. (For many hardcore 'Merican sports fans, that other team is a real and present danger.)

4. Has enemies in common with many 'Merican voters - Check - The common enemies list in this article alone contains non-white firefighters, the wrong people to run their state (Meaning not belonging to The Republicult™), woke policies, state officials not building more dams, and state officials "not raking their forests" as per TTSS's frequent accusation. So, as he already has a long list of perceived common enemies, Tuberville doesn't even need to create any new ones to fight.


I honestly hope they deny aid to California, because Newsom has suggested that doing so would lead to California denying the fed payment of taxes.  I'd definitely like to see California keep that money and use it to fight fires.

Abbot Mythos

Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 07, 2024, 08:33:32 PM2. Macho 'Merican men want their womenfolk barefoot, pregnant, 'n' in the kitchen. They don't want no uppity, pantsuit wearin' women tryin' ta run no gubernment.

Here's an example of The Republicult's ™ elected officials scoring a "twofer." They're both purposely blocking the vote of a female member of the loyal opposition party, and virtue signaling the macho 'Merican men's version of the 'Merican Dream:

Pregnant Congresswoman Blasts 'Unreasonable' House Voting Rules

As per this article:

"Colorado Representative Brittany Petterson, who is unable to fly to Washington, D.C., for a vote due to her pregnancy, called the House of Representatives' unwillingness to let her vote remotely "unreasonable.""

I have no reason to believe that macho 'Merican men's attitudes are going to change prior to the 2028 presidential election.

Abbot Mythos

Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 09, 2024, 04:48:16 PM6. Felony arrests and convictions of a "macho man imaged" candidate mean "street cred" to macho 'Merican men.

I may have to edit this line item a bit, in light of new information.

Trump team brags new presidential portraits "go hard"

As per this article:

"President-elect Trump sported a familiar stone-faced stare in his official portrait revealed just days before he makes his White House return.

The intrigue: The nontraditional portrait is starkly different from his first term pose, where he grins under even lighting. Instead, with the up-shot glow, a raised eyebrow and a tight-lipped mouth, it's reminiscent of another photo: his historic mug shot."

The above article does confirm that TTSS has been more than happy to publicize his "historic mug shot" to promote his "macho man image" for "street cred," and, of course, monetization. But, on the other hand, he hasn't taken the felony convictions part of our criminal justice system's right of passage very well.

Now that I've thought about it, I may have to polish up all twelve (12) of my line items, prior to the next election. And, after all, twelve (12) line items does violate the Discordian Law of Fives, as revealed by Episkopos Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst, KSC. Further, it's in the realm of possibility that reducing my list to ten (10) line items just might make it more attractive to some of those politically active heathens with their own Ten (10) Commandments list. Hey, it could happen.


12 is a one and a two, when you add those together you get three, and if you add one two to three you get five.  It's not even a convoluted enough line to five to be all that meaningful.

Abbot Mythos

Quote from: Pergamos on January 17, 2025, 06:54:00 PM12 is a one and a two, when you add those together you get three, and if you add one two to three you get five.  It's not even a convoluted enough line to five to be all that meaningful.

Well ... I admit, that line of reasoning will allow me to stay with a twelve (12) program, and still claim to be a Discordian Fundamentalist. So, one of the oldest of the Erisian Mysterees really does work in mysterious ways.


Abbot Mythos

Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 07, 2024, 08:33:32 PM2. Macho 'Merican men want their womenfolk barefoot, pregnant, 'n' in the kitchen. They don't want no uppity, pantsuit wearin' women tryin' ta run no gubernment.

This line item needs editing too, 'cause Macho 'Merican men don't want no women tryin' to run no military either.

Trump removes Coast Guard commandant, US official says

Abbot Mythos

Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 08, 2024, 11:13:48 PM5. Negative campaigns are extremely effective. Running a positive campaign achieves no more than does "Preaching to the choir."

Don't believe me? Then, consider giving some thought to how well the "When they go low, we go high" strategy worked out for the Democratic Party.

This line item also needs editing, as I realized it can be improved by making reference to the KISS principle. Now, everyone already knows, KISS is an acronym for "Keep it simple, stupid!" And, the author of the following article offers a great example of a clear, simple, negative campaign slogan that emphasizing the who, what, where, when, and why of one of the TSS's recent executive orders: 
"Trump fired the people in charge of airplane safety, and now airplanes are already falling out of the sky."


Quote from: Pergamos on January 16, 2025, 05:28:56 PMI honestly hope they deny aid to California, because Newsom has suggested that doing so would lead to California denying the fed payment of taxes.  I'd definitely like to see California keep that money and use it to fight fires.

How would that work?

Does the state government of California pay taxes to the federal government?

There's no way they could make the citizens of the state pay their federal income tax to the state and then... I'm not even sure what the next stage of that plan would be. Arresting federal agents attempting to collect taxes?
Formerly something else...


taxes are collected by employers automatically, in most cases, the state could instruct California employers to submit income taxes directly to them, instead of to the Fed.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Pergamos on February 10, 2025, 05:25:47 PMtaxes are collected by employers automatically, in most cases, the state could instruct California employers to submit income taxes directly to them, instead of to the Fed.

Guess who gets hammered if that happens?
Molon Lube

Abbot Mythos

Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 07, 2024, 04:56:43 PM1. 'Merica is not the shining city on the hill. It's the trailer park between Beer Belly's Bar and Ridgerunner's Ammo 'n' Live Bait Shop.
Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 08, 2024, 05:17:58 PM4. Know your constituency. A successful political campaign must appeal to "the lowest common denominator."

And, don't ever forget, in 'Merica "the lowest common denominator" is exceptionally low.

I'm gradually editing to my original twelve (12) line items. First off, I'm editing and combining line items # 1 and # 4 as follows:

1. Know Your Constituency

'Merica is not the shining city upon a hill. 'Merica is a trailer park on the banks of a swamp, with Billy Bob's Good Ol' Boys Bar & Grill on one side, and Ridgerunner's All Night Ammo 'n' Live Bait Shop on the other. A successful, national political campaign must appeal to "the lowest common denominator" of 'Merica's constituency.

Abbot Mythos

Quote from: Abbot Mythos on November 08, 2024, 02:04:29 PM3. 'Macho man image' means everything to macho 'Merican men.

And, as Laurence J. Peter wrote, "An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance."

The only thing that surprises me about this article is that someone has bluntly said it in public:

Clay Travis Stuns University of Chicago Politics Panel With Theory On Why Dems Are Losing: Men View Them As 'P*ssies'