News: Like a fraternity of drunken clowns, hopped up on goofballs, beating one-another to a bloody pulp with bricks; the maniacal laughter increases exponentially as someone runs off to get a cinder-block.

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Started by Cain, February 28, 2005, 12:22:14 AM

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to be Fascist it must employ violence, it must use armed force, it must if necessary impose itself through armed seizure of power and armed maintenance of power. This has been proved true elsewhere; it is the pattern for Fascism in America. . . . It is always money and power that control Fascism. The backers of Fascism everywhere are the industrialists, manufacturers, big businessmen, the bankers."
,Äî George Seldes (1938)

"The immensely rich and powerful corporations of this country can buy access to the public mind, can form public taste, and can create public opinion. These corporations can invade our minds and change our likes or dislikes, our ideas, our values, and even our personalities."
,Äî Gerry Spence, in From Freedom to Slavery (p. 147)

"The corporation cannot be ethical. Its only responsibility is to turn a profit."
,Äî economist Milton Friedman

"A business or a big corporation is a fascist structure internally. Power is at the top. Orders go from top to bottom. You either follow the orders or get out."
,Äî Noam Chomsky

"why the current recovery is so sluggish is that the government hasn,Äôt been able to resort to increased military spending with all of its multiplier effects ,Äî the traditional pump-priming mechanism of economic stimulation. . . . "
,Äî Noam Chomsky, from The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many (pp. 11-12, 31)

Welcome to the century of the COG.  That,Äôs the Corporate Occupied Government.  Don,Äôt worry about the middleman, he doesn,Äôt exist anymore.  Your, theoretically, public servants are your employers and so you lost any power you had over them.

What do they want?  To look out for you, care in a paternalistic way?  Fuck no! They want a profit, and screw the expenses.  That,Äôs what all corporations want.  And now they have a government to give it to them.  Tax cuts for the rich?  Made Bush an extra $10 million a year, Rumsfeld and Cheny nearly double that.  More money for the weapons producers?  We,Äôll engage in several low intensity wars to create a demand that we can ,Äúsell,Äù to the public.  Notice they try to ,Äúsell,Äù the public ideas now?

And its going to get worse.  The traders on Wall Street want to open more markets across the world.  Notice the Baghdad Stock Exchange opening lately?  Well Iran is the next big market to be tapped.  Convieniently next door to Iraq also, and it leads into Central Asia, where there is an abundance of people and resources.  A prospectors dreamland.

And its not just an American problem.  The French had their intelligence spy on UK and American forces while in Kosovo and Bosnia, and they sold that information directly to the French arms business.  Hell, the UK arms business keeps their relations with Indonesia open and friendly.

Also they don,Äôt care what the Government does so long as you turn up to work on time.  Hell, the Protestant Work Ethic is a positive boon to them.  The only problems are Muslims who don,Äôt believe in profit (unless they are Saudi princes) and those on the left who keep wanting trade unions and minimum wages and such shit. So you can torture or arrest or ,Äúdisappear,Äù or declare war on such people, it wont affect the profit margins.

And these corporations, like I said, couldn,Äôt give a flying fuck about you.  You,Äôre just another resource, another tool.  The COG wants to turn you into a cog, a little bit of the machine that runs on oil, blood and capital profit. Be part of the machine or be blacklisted.  If the cog is faulty, replace it.  There will always be more around, espescially if we discourage contraceptives.  

Welcome to the new century, my little cogs.

The Good Reverend Roger

True.  And just wait until they privatize social security!  That will be the biggest transfer of wealth in the history of the world.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


I think they should privatize tax collection. It is, after all, a logical extension of the capitalist system.  Anything less would be unAmerican.


Ancient Rome had privatized tax collection. Can put a real nasty squeeze on the unfortunate masses, but it would generate profit for *somebody*.

We've got a lot in common with the Romans, just now we've got all kinds of nifty technologies that could allow for a level of sustainable brutal exploitation that the ancients couldn't even have *dreamed* of.

Just saying.
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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

I'm gonna privatize yo asses you anarchist commie pinko nut birds!
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


[ambiguous foriegn accent]

Argh! Filthy capitalist pig-dog!

[/ambiguous foriegn accent]
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