
Yes we're horrible toxic people, because this is 2020's Mental Illness Olympics, and the winners get a free pass on giving life-threatening advice with the bonus of having zero accountability for their shit behaviour.

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Drivel from Chaos Matrix

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, March 03, 2005, 11:01:06 AM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC


"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not
become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes
into you."    Nietzsche.

If thee root ov every emotion iz its opposite, then so too is thee root ov
every belief its opposite; since we might define belief as emotionally
vitalized thought, anchored through experience. (To demonstrate thee point,
if you slander someone sacred held beliefs you will assuredly feel their
emotional wrath!). Hence, an awareness ov inhibitions in an individual will
be reinforced by thee belief in freedom ov action; which is thee possibility
ov change, and thee increase in your options.

  "There is no freedom from duality on this plane of existence, but one may
  at least aspire to choice of duality."   P. Carroll.

But our beliefs can cast an unwholesome shadow - namely, obsession/paranoid-
complex. As such, I'd like to stir shit in thee ranks ov our Holy and
Illuminated Brethren ov Thee Temple for a minute, by suggesting that thee
newcomer to TOPY philosophy approach thee subject ov CONTROL gently (at
first, anyway).

Much has been said about CONTROL and, notwithstanding Burroughs' (and others)
profound insight into thee nature ov modern society. I can't help but think
that thee result ov over-zealous reference to thee Viral-theories, etc.,
could maybe hinder thee newcomers self-development - which is supposed to be
JOY ov experience under will, isn't it? To explain: I'm not suggesting to
gloss over thee issue (which, if you have any social awareness, is impossible
-  thee "issue" ov CONTROL is not academic for us, it is raw feeling). But it
seems totally pointless encouraging people to become aware ov thee Cultural
Trance (considering thee increased emotional sensitivity I feel is borne ov
thee first practise ov magick/sigils), if thee result is a bunch ov paranoid,
frightened to leave their rooms lest they have to participatei n thee Earth
Inferno. (I myself witnessed an Ex-Eden having a serious breakdown over
this). Thee TOPY network cannot be held responsible for such -admittedly
extreme - examples, since our network continues through individuals being
fiercely self-willed, but we do have a responsibility not to freak each other
out! Fight thee outside, not thee inside.

Perhaps it is part ov thee shamanic initiation (if I may be so bold) ov thee
sigilizing Youth to exteriorize their own conditioning through a period ov
tension similar to paranoia. Quite an idea; but this is ov no value at all
unless thee individual looks into thee causes ov their feelings and works
toward (re)integration (ie, a balanced perception - whatever you own
"balance" happens to be!). If this is thee case for many, then that stage ov
tension should be discussed (we would be keen to hear ov individuals
experiences and opinions ov this).

Obviously (?) thee nature ov "initiation" into any magickal perspective is
ongoing, requiring continual self-assessment and STRENGTH. As said in a
recent TOPY:HQ Bulletin, we must realize that we never arrive, we are always
travelling. And everyone learns to walk at their own pace (unless forced to
do otherwise, ov course!). This article is by no means conclusive - I ramble
on intently. If nothing else connects, I would at least wish to emphasize
that TOPY must remain a philosophy - a way ov life - that is inspiring, yet
DOWN TO EARTH (there, that should keep us in with thee satanists). For any
idea to be worthwhile it must be able to encompass its own philosophy ov
freedom whilst being unable to relate (I don't mean agree) to anybody/
anything, because ov a severe overdose ov Industrial-cynicism, has missed
thee point, I think. We investigate our barriers in order to overcome them
through thee focus ov dreams; not to bottle up in our own pessimism.

  "Our Formula, roughly speaking, is to go out and grab what we want. We do
  this so thoroughly that we grow thereby, extending our conception of "I"
  by including  each new accretion instead of remaining a closely delineated
  self..."   A. Crowley.

Get thee point?


"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"

agent compassion

'I'll take you out for a meal with Mr. and Mrs. Pain, order up some violent quiche. Do you want some?' - ++++++ Moon


If you're gonna rip off P-Orrige, give some credit to the man-woman.

I mean, really.  Show some respect.


Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: LMNOIf you're gonna rip off P-Orrige, give some credit to the man-woman.

I mean, really.  Show some respect.


I don't know who wrote the article exactly, but that spelling isn't from P-Orridge. It was collectively designed by TOPY and then widely disseminated throughout the chaos magic world. P-Orridge, for all the good he is and does, isn't the greatest person, nor can he take credit for any of what TOPY did or developed. Despite what he later may have felt. (Nowadays he thinks himself to be too famous of a person to be associated with such a fringe group.)
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


Horab Fibslager

who is P-orridge?


i knwo who he is, i saw a documantary on the ris eof rave cutlure. msot of the other histories make more snse and dont give him any credit, whereas that one was all up on his nuts like something on something.

oen woudl really have to be right fucked on drugs to appreciate thjat guy's crap. i kno wi was and i thought it was crap.
Hell is other people.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: horabwho is P-orridge?


i knwo who he is, i saw a documantary on the ris eof rave cutlure. msot of the other histories make more snse and dont give him any credit, whereas that one was all up on his nuts like something on something.

oen woudl really have to be right fucked on drugs to appreciate thjat guy's crap. i kno wi was and i thought it was crap.

He's just some dude who got between britney spears and her cattle.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"