
It is better to set off a nuclear bomb, than to sit and curse the dark.

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its all about the journey?

Started by slothrop23, May 06, 2005, 01:41:16 AM

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Horab Fibslager

Quote from: agent compassion
QuoteWhat's up with the griuchy d00d in your avatar

That's him.


yes puzzlign why when i had thought i had set the aut timer deal thingambobber on my cmaera it took a picture.

adn that's my uh strong silent type face of utter concentration!!!!
Hell is other people.

Demonica, Oracle of Doom

"I don't want the world.
I just want your half."


Two bored casino dealers are waiting at the craps table.

A very attractive blonde woman arrived and bet $20,000 on a single roll
of the dice. She said, "I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when
I'm completely nude." With that, she stripped from the neck down, rolled the dice
and yelled, "Come on, baby, Mama needs new clothes!"

As the dice came to a stop she jumped up and down and squealed..."YES!

YES! I WON, I WON!" She hugged each of the dealers and then picked up
her winnings and her clothes and quickly departed.

The dealers stared at each other dumfounded. Finally, one of them asked,

"What did she roll?"

The other answered, "I don't know - I thought you were watching."


Not all blondes are dumb, but all men are men.

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Back to the journey thingy.

Quote from: book coverThe path is the goal

The journey is the goal.  But it is not a marathon.  You do not need to run your ass off.  You can sit and watch.  You can stop and smell the roses.  You can wander off the path to look at everything from a different perspective.  There also is not any one way to do it.  The most well rounded, contented people, not the ones who just look like that on the surface, are those who study things from many angles, disciplines, etc.  If you look around this forum, I don't think anyone has studied just Discordianism or whatever we are calling ourselves this week.  It seems like an unusually large number of us have studied Zen.  Many of us were brought up in some sort of Christian type system thingy.  Mybe it is time to look at things from a different perspective :? for a bit, anyway.

You remind me of the Hermit in my fav tarot deck.  He is not really alone.  He wandered off alone, but someone else has walked this path, there are already footprints.  He has a lantern, so he can see if he opens his eyes.  He is at the top, so everything is downhill from here, it is easier to walk downhill.  The orouborous reminds us of the cycles of life.  

You are not alone, we have all been there, there is a light, you are at the worst point, it will get better.

Back to the joke thingy  :twisted:

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Banana who?

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Banana who?

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Banana who?

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Banana who?

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Banana who?

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Banana who?

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Banana who?

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Banana who?

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Banana who?

Knock, knock?
Who's there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad I didn't say banana :twisted:

Horab Fibslager

the sage sat down and ordered a beer.
the waitress asked hte sage.
"you liked tired"
the sage replied "yeah i jsut walked across the world"
"wow that's far, did you see anything cool?"
"there i sno journey anywhere. say is this place serve yoruself?"
Hell is other people.

Demonica, Oracle of Doom

This guy goes into the bar and sees his friend there( whom never drinks). He says to the guy" what's the matter" the guy says "well I just caught my wife in bed with my best friend"

The friend says "that's awful. let me buy you a drink and you can tell me all about it. where's your wife?" "I threw her out!" " well what did you do to your best friend?"

I grabbed him by the throat and shook him real hard and said "BAD DOG! BAD DOG! "

"I don't want the world.
I just want your half."

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Two women are new arrivals at the pearly gates and are comparing
stories on how they died.

1st woman:    I froze to death.

2nd woman:    How horrible!

1st woman:    It wasn't so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold,
I  began to get warm and sleepy, and finally died a peaceful death.
What about you?

2nd woman:    I died of a massive heart attack. I suspected that my
husband was cheating, so I came home early to catch him in the act.
But instead, I found him all by himself in the den watching TV.

1st woman:    So what happened?

2nd woman:    I was so sure there was another woman there somewhere
that I  started running all over the house looking. I ran up into the
attic and  searched, and down into the basement. Then I went through
every  closet and checked under all the beds. I kept this up until I
had looked  everywhere, and finally I became so exhausted that I just
keeled over with a heart attack and died!

1st woman:   Too bad you didn't look in the freezer. We'd both
still be  alive.

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Twelve priests were about to be ordained. The final test was for them
to line up in a straight row, totally nude in a garden.

While at this position, a sexy, beautiful and big breasted nude model
danced before them.

Each priest had a small bell attached to his penis and they were told
that anyone whose bell rang when she danced in front of them would not
be ordained, because he had not reached a state of spiritual purity.

The beautiful model danced before the first candidate with no

She proceeded down the line with the same response from all the
until she got to the final priest (Carlos).

As she danced, his bell began to ring so loudly that it flew off and
fell clattering to the ground.

Embarrassed, Carlos took a few steps forward and bent over to pick up
the bell.

Then, all the other bells started to ring. :twisted:

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

A woman takes a lover home during the day while her
husband is at work.

Her 9-year old son comes home unexpectedly, sees them
and hides in the bedroom closet to watch.

The woman's husband also comes home. She puts her
lover in the closet, not realizing that the little boy
is in there already.

The  little boy says, "Dark in here."

The man says, "Yes, it is."

Boy - "I  have a baseball."

Man - "That's nice."

Boy - "Want to buy it?"

Man -  "No, thanks."

Boy - "My dad's outside."

Man - "OK, how much?"

Boy -  "$250"

In the next few weeks, it happens again that the boy
and the  lover are in the closet together.

Boy - "Dark in here."

Man - "Yes,  it is."

Boy - "I have a baseball glove."

The lover, remembering the last  time, asks the boy,
"How much?"

Boy - "$750"

Man - "Sold."

A few  days later, the father says to the boy, "Grab
your glove, let's go outside and  have a game of

The boy says, "I can't, I sold my baseball and my

The father asks, "How much did you sell them for?"

Boy -"$1,000."

The father says, "That's terrible to overcharge your
friends like that..that is way more than those two
things cost. I'm going to take you to church and make
you confess."

They go to the church and the father makes  the little
boy sit in the confession booth and he closes the

The boy says, "Dark in here."

The priest says, "Don't start that shit again, you're
in my closet now"


d00d, like I'm sorry you're sad and stuff, but I gotta joke, heh, heh, heh,

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back

A STICK, heh, HEHEHE, heh, get it, heh, astick, heh,

Hope you feel better, life sucks, but there's still good stuff and everything, like my jokes, hehe, HEHEHE, heh, later d00d, cheer up, here's a smile for you, heh, HEHEH, heh


Eldora, those are two of the best jokes I have heard in a long time. :lol:

Got any more?  :twisted:

One by one, we break the sheep from their Iron Bar Prisons and expand their imaginations, make them think for themselves. In turn, they break more from their prisons. Eventually, critical mass is reached. Our key word: Resolve. Evangelize with compassion and determination. And realize that there will be few in the beginning. We are hand picking our successors. They are the future of Discordianism. Let us guide our future with intelligence.

     --Reverse Brainwashing: A Guide

6.5 billion Buddhas walking around.

99.xxxxxxx% forgot they are Buddha.

Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy

Quote from: Buddhist_Monk_WannabeEldora, those are two of the best jokes I have heard in a long time. :lol:

Got any more?  :twisted:

Yes I do, tons, I'll go through my email tomorrow.  The really funny part is, all the Catholic jokes I get are from a friend of mine who is Catholic :shock:  :twisted:

Zurtok Khan

Dude, you need to join my new Cabal, it's the "Thirty Seconds before Something Happens, or not Cabal"  Instead of focusing on what's about to happen, we feel it's much funner to be in the 30 seconds before something happens, when the adrenaline is rushing, and you feel like you want to puke a mac truck.

And, here's a joke for you:

What did the Leper say to the Prostitue?

You can keep the tip.
Resistance is Fertile.

Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more.
-Mark Twain

I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him.
-Mark Twain


A man rushed into a bar and ordered a double martini. The man downed it with one swallow, put a five dollar bill on the bar, and turned and rushed out of the bar. The bartender picked up the five dollar bill, and folded it carefully and tucked it in his vest pocket. Just at that moment he looked up at the boss standing in the doorway staring at him. Doing a bit of fast thinking he said, "Hi boss, did you see that fellow just now? Came in here, bought a double martini, gave me a five dollar tip, and rushed out without paying."

Did that help at all?
Don't make me break into song to cheer you up, dude.
There is very little in life more horrific than a wicked killer clown tapdancing and singing "Tomorrow" :shock:

Dress up a monkey in Armani, he may seem precocious and cute.
Despite all that primpin', you still got a chimp in a suit.

Buy him a castle, he'll still be an asshole, and nothing you do will change that-
He's still just a stinky little minkey in a dinky little suit and a cheap little hat!


As exploiter of the clowntrodden, it is my duty to encourage you to do just that.