
MysticWicks endorsement: "At least Satanists HAVE a worldview. After reading this thread, I'm convinced that discordians not only don't, but will actively mock anyone who does."

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Time in the Real :snicker: World

Started by Iron Sulfide, May 06, 2005, 02:00:41 AM

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Iron Sulfide

i'm ranting, dammit.

firstly, i'd like to start where i left off, and give a nice, fat, juicy
to starbucks coffee co.
the real reason to hate them (have you ever been a barista in their
employ) is the fact that they give loads of kick down to employee's,
but only so they feel dependent on their job, as now it provides
massive aspects of your livelyhood...leaving the employees vulnerable to
abusive attempts at personality reformatting and behavioral

maybe it's just a grude.

so i quit in a quiet way, and started working at a packing shed.
seasonal, but i figure fuck it. mine is clerical work. YAY! ironic that
a ChaoTao DiscoZen Master like me would have such an anerisic
job (patterns patterns, everywhere...not a drop to drink.)

blah! fuck all! this is such a shit job.

i refer, yet again, to my basic plea: Why are we all still hooked on
Money? fuck, man. if we all just sit down, smoke a little and talk about
it, i'm sure we could all see the benifits of eliminating the whole "Job"
system and Notions of Economy as they currently exist.

i think Economy should refer to collective means, like...gross world
product, instead of's all this stupid fucking programming.

why does it take so much before peopl start thinking that perhaps-
though you can segregate and seperate all you want- all things have that
basic underlying connetion? i mean, c'mon, dumbshits...enviornmental
changes, for example, don't just effect that ONE enviornment. they chain
react on eachother. it's called displacement, like with water levels.
it's one of the basic principals of Mu.

my mind is starting to crack now, but before i go, i need to bepart this
for you.
Know that Aum and Mu are one. Being, and No-thing. One begets unto
the Other, and inbetween is Existence.



(i think the masons may have affected me)
Ya' stupid Yank.

Ghost In The Machine

The trick is to work (Everybody gotta eat), but not get programmed.

It can be done, but requires some serious fucking off.

East Coast Hustle

that's true to an extent, but the real trick is to be the ultimate boss so that you can have peons do all the dirty work while you fuck off on the computer or go hit balls off the 3rd tee across the street, or play football in the parking lot, or smoke dope in the walk-in cooler, or whatever.

besides, that whole hippie commune collective resource thing is a bunch of bullshit. The work will still have to be done regardless, so why should my hard work go to benefit some other asshole?

"To each his own" is more than just another way of saying "whatever floats your boat".

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"



truth can only be found in taking immense loads of drugs and then try to lead a normal life whilst heavily intoxicated

also, not knowing when to use whilst will also give you a life on the edge.
Everyone will always be too late

East Coast Hustle

Quote from: Sepiatruth can only be found in taking immense loads of drugs and then try to lead a normal life whilst heavily intoxicated

been there, done that (for about 8 years straight), and sadly, have still yet to find Truth(tm)

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"