
It is better to set off a nuclear bomb, than to sit and curse the dark.

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Discordians should learn how to FSU

Started by metapunk, September 26, 2005, 04:27:27 PM

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Quote from: East Coast Hustle
drama frequently IS chaotic, isn't it?

Actually if Chaotic = unpredictable, then drama most certainly is not chaotic.

Example, the "post whore" drama over the weekend was about as predictable as the Broncos absolutely destroying the Chiefs last night.[/list]


The only interesting aspect of this whole conversation had to do with the dhrama conceptualization. Sure chaos and drama are independent.

What happened when I came in here acting the fool, criticizing people and talking shit out of context, is that it offended people. Usually people are only offended when it strikes a nerve, or perhaps they just love to categorize and stereotype people into miscellaneous concepts.

It's more of an attack on the flame-war, one-liner atmosphere that Bulletin boards and internet forums generate than anything in particular against the participants of this one. If you go to any bulletin board what dominates is drama and flame wars cuz anyone who wants to have intelligent debate either gets ignored or bored or doesn't have the tenacity to stick it out. At least that's been my experience.

As far as discordianism, as per an ism, it's just an absurdist religion that brings together freaks and rejects to fly a flag and give each other silly titles. It poses no threat because there is no cohesion behind its adherents, they are just as likely to argue about the color of their turtlenecks than to engage in subversive activities. The spectacle will easily absorb their antics into its production, but atleast it doesn't embrace the consumer reality as the only game in town and attempt to profit off the pinks as the sub-genii engage in all out commercialism in attempt to commodify themselves. Well atleast theirs was as succesful strategy.

Now take it easy. Do whatever the fuck you want and we'll argue until this gets boring, which is right about now.


Um, remind me again where it says discordians should engage in subversive activites?  Or indeed, any other action?


Quote from: metapunk
What happened when I came in here acting the fool, criticizing people and talking shit out of context, is that it offended people. Usually people are only offended when it strikes a nerve, or perhaps they just love to categorize and stereotype people into miscellaneous concepts.

Dude, that's about as lame as you can get.  The whole "see?  You guys aren't so open minded when I come in here and insult you!" gambit is just played out.  First, we weren't offended by the content of what you said, we were offended at how utterly stupid you sounded.  Second, there are plenty of reasons we get offended, and nerves are at the bottom of the list.  Nice generalization there, by the way...

And also note, you got all pissy when we said how Anarchists should get beaten up.


Stop talking in cliches and we might start having "intelligent debates" with you.
The Jerk On Bike rolled his eyes and tossed the waffle back over his shoulder--before it struck the ground, a stout, disconcertingly monkey-like dog sprang into the air and snatched it, and began to masticate it--literally--for the sound it made was like a homonculus squatting on the floor muttering "masticate masticate masticate".


Quote from: metapunkAs far as discordianism, as per an ism, it's just an absurdist religion that brings together freaks and rejects to fly a flag and give each other silly titles.
couldn't this be said for just about every belief structure.But at least discordianism acknowledges that fact.
Quote from: metapunkIt poses no threat because there is no cohesion behind its adherents, they are just as likely to argue about the color of their turtlenecks than to engage in subversive activities.
Anything in the PD is only the opinion of the Joshua Norton Cabal and POEE(and they both admit that).Other then that,there is nothing that says we discordians have to be subversive.Cohesiveness is anthemic to discordianism.I have said it before,question the motives of those who call for subversion and revolution,because nine times out of ten,they end up becoming even worse dictators then the ones the want to overthrow.
Quote from: metapunk
The spectacle will easily absorb their antics into its production, but atleast it doesn't embrace the consumer reality as the only game in town and attempt to profit off the pinks as the sub-genii engage in all out commercialism in attempt to commodify themselves. Well atleast theirs was as succesful strategy.
Our form of government,our capitalistic system works because it is designed to make a few people rich on the backs of everyone else.Personally I have no problem with capitalism.I have no problem with the concept of making money.Of course I acknowledge that this form of capitalism that pretty much rules the world now(we all seen how well communism works on a large scale.) is the only game in town.And its a very fucked up game.The anarchists delusion of "smashing the system" is just that,a delusion.We are at that stage in which it is better to try to survive in this world,try to make it better,rather then always trying to change it.
Discordianism must evolve faster then it is absorbed into the system.Only Eris can say which direction discordianism should take,and her way is to let individuals to decide in what direction they want their discordianism go.
What discordianism needs is teachers,not leaders.We need a call for wisdom,not revolution.
I agree with Hakim Bey when he says we need insurgents,not revolutionaries.
Vincent Sebastian Verthaine, K.S.C.
Omni-Belevolent Poly- Father of Hedonism In Black of The Erisian Holy City of the Discordian Parish of New Orleans.

Goddess-Son of Sssbela,Prophetess of Doom

Pastor of the Church of Eris,New Orleans

East Coast Hustle

Quote from: LMNO
Quote from: East Coast Hustle
drama frequently IS chaotic, isn't it?

Actually if Chaotic = unpredictable, then drama most certainly is not chaotic.

Example, the "post whore" drama over the weekend was about as predictable as the Broncos absolutely destroying the Chiefs last night.[/list]

you wouldn't believe how many of the idiots in my pool picked the chiefs. I'm 11-3 for the week and looking at the very real possibility of winning the pool this week, which is a nifty $190 payout.

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Who bets against the Broncos at home?

Man I would make a killing up there.


I agree with your Verhaine. Most anarchists are delusion without realizing their delusion, one aspect of discordianism I've always tried to bring to the anarchists table is that of the realization that what I perceive to be true is not True, of course this is just considered post-modernism by many but whatever that is besides the point.

When I mean subversive activities it really doesn't entail some kind of disruptive aggressive activities to sabotage the state or capitalism in general. I'm really just coming off that way because it ended up riling everyone up, fuck it I don't know why I post what I do, the words just flow out of my fingers and onto the screen without much forethough which is why it's easy to pick them apart and go haha what ?

So in actuality it was a stupid way to go about venting my rage towards the discordians but at least it provoked a discussion/argument and even if it made me look like a dumbass I don't really care because I'm still able to communicate my part even if whatever.

Ohh yeah and as far as chaos magickans go, I don't really know what everyones individual decisions are about them. In general I don't know too many, I met some kid who said that the operation mindfuck discordians on here harassed him cuz he was all about the sigils and then he was touring around with some other wacko's that I know and well...

I could offer a critique of chaos magick from the perspective that its kind of a self-absorbed egotistical mindfuck as opposed to a zenarchist outerflowing universal mindfuck as I could see a pantheistic erisian taoist point of view.

Really though I would like to see a sort of scavenger based gift economy in the market of excess, and ultimately establishing survival is kind of dependent upon not destroying the resources we depend upon for survival in general, as per permaculture and chaos gardening rather than industrial agroculture...

Hmm, yeah...It's fun attempting to redevelop the faux persona on a internet site coming in from being stereotyped as a hater better than thou whiny snotty kid to the actual embodiment of whatever fucking ego trip attached to this body is...


Uh-oh, he's talking about chaos muhhaddjickqueue.  Better get my raincoat.

Seriously, dude, you're not saying anything interesting, let alone original.  You really are postmodernist!
The Jerk On Bike rolled his eyes and tossed the waffle back over his shoulder--before it struck the ground, a stout, disconcertingly monkey-like dog sprang into the air and snatched it, and began to masticate it--literally--for the sound it made was like a homonculus squatting on the floor muttering "masticate masticate masticate".


ohh well time to quite wasting my time replying to people who can only say your not cool, not like me, your ideas are lame and unoriginal and not even interesting.

i don't really care, did I come in here proclaiming I HAVE IT ALL FIGURED out...Discordians should learn how to fuck shit up...ohh wait, I did...

hahahahaha...that's hillfuckinglarious...

one thing I know for sure, discordians sure know how to engage in flame wars...ohh wait that's cuz we invented the concept.

yeah any steam i had is now deflated in the perspective of jaded disgruntledness i'm gonna go get a job at a corporate fast food resteraunt so i can get drunk and subscribe to newsweek...



Seriously, dude.  The point we're making is that we've been over all of this, many times, and we're just tired of people coming in here who haven't looked around the site and simply proclaim something they think is original and/or deep and/or controversial.  

Especially in the pompus way you did.

If you really want to talk about this stuff, don't proclaim; propose.  Suggest, offer up some facts and a coherent frame of reference.

Just don't let ECH or TGRR hear you talking about chaos madjyikque.  They don't go for that stuff.


i don't know
i think metapuke
er mezapunk


is starting to sound kind of interesting

i think eveyone is skipping over what he is saying
because you didn't like the way he started out

when he said

Quote from: metapunkThe spectacle will easily absorb their antics into its production, but atleast it doesn't embrace the consumer reality as the only game in town and attempt to profit off the pinks as the sub-genii engage in all out commercialism in attempt to commodify themselves

he's talking about co-optation
and how discordianism has been coopted
but not over commercialized
i think

he seems to be aware of the machine
and the system
but just wanted to be screwy
when he showed up
he just wanted to be screwy

now my bunny brain
is starting to overheat
so i will go find something to drink
and cool off for a while


I'm with you, bunny.

He said some stuff that showed promise, but then he started up with his n00b schtick again, and I got turned off.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quit talking about chaos madjhgickque. I am tired of wearing this tin foil hat already.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"