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16SEP03 Zubject: You just won the prize !!!

Started by Dags, October 27, 2005, 02:12:32 AM

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the further i go spiraling downward - the more obvious the lies and deceptions that are fed to us - i cant stand to watch television anymore - the commercials are one fucking insecurity after another - wouldnt want to have people laughing at you for whatever - or - that 'embarassing' thing - a blod spot in the vaginal area - some shit blowing out your ass while your chatting up with the babes - its fucking ludicrous how humans are not allowed to be fucking human - dont fart thats obscene - dont have a run in your stockings or whatever - make sure you smell right - we go so fucking overboard so we are not perceived - with all our animal like qualities and tendencies -

look at a dog - a dog is what a dog does - the dog and his behavior are one - and he doesnt pull punches - eat some shit - piss on a car regardless of the price tag - dig some holes - smell others dogs - whatever the fuck he does is because he is a dog -

we are not that much better or different - women bleed every month - people fart - we are territorial - ive been pissing and some guy pulls up next to me and stares at his dick till i get finished and am washing my hands and leaving before his shit works and dont feel bad fuckers cause that happens to me sometimes - we are fucking animals - plain and simple - we shit and piss - so what ? - but we pretend to be so much more - and - well fucking yeah - we are more - but whats with the pretenses - we share so much with the wild kingdom - big deal - we all want to fuck and sniff each other - we like sex - and - well we should thats what keeps us going - we are fucking pleasure machines - if it feels good feel it - if it taste good eat it - feel good about being the animal that you are - get some zits and smell funky - well ok maybe little overboard - but - damn it -

then the television shows are spilling their fucking agendas too - its nuts - flipping through some shows - with that fake laughter - what the fuck is that - the fucking show tells you when they are funny! thats fucking stupid - then they have their agendas - they talk about clothes and cars - they talk about how its ok to be broke and have no money - stay in the same pathetic lackluster job - dont go against the status quo - dont question what you believe - they even call theirselves programs - like some fucking brainwashing shit - 'watch our program' our 'programming' - i used to from time to time watch these things - its too much to bear now

even the god damn news is incapable of being objective - they have their fucking agendas - what the fuck - just report the fucking facts - oh yeah - like the news people would let you decide what to think about whats happening - what if you got the wrong idea or started thinking for yourself

even music is starting to piss me off now - and - radio commercials - nothing is objective - its like nothing can be passed off without some kind of fucking bait or catch - a lot of music i like - im starting to listen more closely to the messages being expunged along with the really cool background music - and im amazed at some of the shit im hearing - such bullshit!

im just turning them all off - and - tuning out - maybe ive been programmed to do this - maybe ive been programmed to say this now - but of course if everyone else did the same thing then what would happen? - what if everyone canceled their cable subscriptions and stopped buying tv's - not that some shit on tv is not still cool - but when someone sits there and i've done it btw - and keep on flipping through the same fucking shit and complaining - that there is nothing on - well surprise shithead - now get up and go do something else -

what if i would only choose to get my news from sources that could report news objectively without the ad lib and personal view bullshit - what if i only bought cds from bands that had a fucking message that i agreed with - what if i only tuned in to shit that wouldnt berate me with lies - what if i only looked at the results and ignored the fan fare - that would eliminate a lot of shit

what if a million people started calling the television stations and berating them for spitting on peoples minds and filling them with bullshit messages and agendas - boycotted companies for not just advertising their product objectively without bullshit claims and preying on fear and insecurities. the smiling faced old fuckers driving around with the top down - while they list a host of side effects like trouble sleeping - rectal bleeding - seizures - temporary blindness and on and on

if you want what they are selling - great - but do we really have to be treated like complete fucking morons in the process of it all ?

i've come across roughly fifty new good sites that i wont even list here - they are like fucking keepers - if you find them great but i wouldnt recommend listing them - not everyone is ready to be let out of the box - and not too fast either - your fucking head might spin off -

i fell out of my religion and now im questioning my entire culture and what i grew up believing - years of fucking 'programming' - you dont have to be a product of your culture except when your a child (unless your parents are already free! and let you in on the game thats being played )- but if you dont question things - you will always be in this loop - its fucking nuts how much shit is fed to us all - daily - even driving to work - fucking signs and shit with messages and billboards and all that shit - little catchy jingles - that some fucking genious advertiser has put together to fuck your mind good -

but be careful - it goes deep and once you begin - you may keep on going - until you realize your whole world is fucked up - dont kill yourself though - when you free your mind - its a little bumpy - just try and relax -

if i had any choice it would be to just relax as much as possible and enjoy not being in the loop of deception anymore. im still very much caught up in it and theres a lot more the deeper i go - i admit things for me might not change soon - but - now that i know what i know it makes it possible to go further down into it even more - and those places im not sure i can even begin to unwind - or - you shouldn't expect me to elaborate on - some things are probably better left unsaid - when your ready its there to be found - dont waste your connection - some really cool minded fuckers are putting there shit down for you to reflect on - take it at face value and challenge it - the more you challenge the easier it will be to spot the opinions from the facts - im only beginning

- d r i f t

The Good Reverend Roger

Glorious hate-POOMPING.


The first paragraph rocked ass.  The rest was good, but the first part was the shit.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

East Coast Hustle

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Right up until the last paragraph, I kept having the image of some guy muttering this on top of the bell tower, loading up his Remington...

Excellent rant.