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Discourse 18: The Revolution in Revolution

Started by Trollax, October 23, 2003, 03:57:56 AM

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Discourse 18: The Revolution in Revolution
The Revolution Nobody Wants

An old banner add for spike radio read: "The revolution will not be televised." I recently read on a toilet wall... "The revolution has been postponed due to public liability insurance problems." All true.
It was Sartre's position in his later years that communism was society's best bet toward an authentically free society. Not the communism of Russia or China, but a system whereby the individual is not ripped of for their labour so that their employer can make the largest profit. Essentially this would amount to a corporate state, with every employee owning a stake in their employer's company and sharing the benefits. But who drives the corporate state? Where do you advertise for enlightened leadership? How do you get the right person for the job (the one who doesn't want it) into the Puppet?ñ err White, House? The simple answer is, you don't. The goose has to peck itself out of the bottle, you can replace the heads of state, you can change the laws, you can make it nigh on impossible for corruption to exist, democracy for all. But I guarantee you that the minute you retire someone will start finding ways of subverting the system. Look at it this way, every political system in history has resulted in tyranny and corruption in one form or another. Is it because we've failed to find the correct formula, or have is our competitive tribal nature working against us?ñ Well I don't really think I need to mention the cavern here do I? It is not the object being viewed but the viewer; the message and how it is acted upon reveals everything about the reader. So the problem is where? Like politics, Zen, law, human rights, morality, and the state: they are delusions that are "enforced" upon you. Now you may wish to argue that when someone puts a gun in your face that you have little choice, but only if you don't want to die. Sure your life may be wasted, but wastage is also a human term. (I could argue something funky about moths and the advent of fire but that would take too long*) To Socrates, it was a waste of his life to leave Athens. But I digress, the point is; the moment there is a rule, there is someone who will happily subvert it. Conversely, the moment there is no longer a rule there is someone to take advantage of that.
The problem is not in our leaders, in our methods, in our homes, in our magazines, or on computers. It is not selling subversive material to our children or promoting violence in film. It is not glorifying drug use or providing unrealistic or illegal representations of speed to the potential driver. The problem is in our values. We've been Democratic, Theocratic, Autocratic, Tyrannous, Meritocratic, Tribal, Communal, Anarchical, Capitalist, Socialist, Marxist, Proudhonist, Utopianist and every "-ism" under the fucking sun. We've changed the name a million times but the paradigm remains the same.
That's the revolution nobody wants, because Joe Average gets up the day after everything changes, and it's the same stupid bastard running the country, he still has the same job, the same pay, the same amount of power. He's not the voice of the nation; he's not the leader of the new "fairer" political system. In fact, if one was to simply skip over this scene, we could easily say that nothing has changed. But something certainly has?ñ What then? Overnight the paradigm has shifted, and there was no blood, no repeals, no new flag, and no upheaval; so what does Joe Average have now that he didn't possess yesterday? The big answer?ñ The huge holy shit you just one the million off Regis without cheating answer to the question?ñ The reason a system works as to why it doesn??t work is?ñ
People choose to be accountable. Yep that??s it; no mutually assured destruction, no checks and balances need be applied, no divine intervention, and no comet hiding an alien spaceship come to enlighten humanity. Get down of yer high horses folks and just admit that you can get it wrong 98% of the time! The system must seek out its failings and deal with them, it must seek not to bury the negatives, but to uncover and deal with them before they become problems. This is the same rationale behind scientific experimentation, where experimenters set out to disprove their hypothesis because it is impossible to prove that an abstraction of the world (the experimental model) is correct. In the same way no political system can function unless it sets out to pick itself apart and uncover its flaws. Because it too is an abstraction of human values; human values which will fail at certain times and places, human values which will become outmoded and obsolete, and unless there is a system in place which maintains such a flexible outlook it won??t matter what ?¨ism??s?Æ flag you fly?ñ Because hode turns into podge and podge turns into hodge and everything bad will be good again.

~President Trollax~

*Moths and Fire: The moth is a creature that is attracted by light (like many prevalent nocturnal insects), but an interesting thought is what did these creatures do before there were flaming torches, porch lights, and bug zappers to hang around? Well there's always the moon, or fireflies, or lightning, but the thought occurs that when compared to the roaring fires of early humans there was next to no night time light sources for them to hover around. Either A: they adapted when fire came around, or B: They were a less common form of life. So the wastage we caused in our trek across Asia Minor and Siberia to north America and down into the wild jungles. Where, along our merry path thousands of species of plants trees and animals were destroyed, as we burned, hacked, and hunted our way across the world. But ah the raging hearths we made from the bones of last night's hunt and that last rare Neolithic plant would have been a shining heavenly beacon to the simple neuroclusters of moths, mosquitoes, and all manner of insects. So what is wastage then?


wow trollax. every week in my AMC (9th Grade History, i have no idea what it stands for) Class, we have to bring in a newspaper article as a 'current event' every week, and i'm bringing this in.


My darling son is brilliant, is he not?  

Mama is so proud of you, Dearest. 8)
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here


Quote from: SssBella, Oracle of DoomMy darling son is brilliant, is he not?  

Mama is so proud of you, Dearest. 8)


Well I couldn't have done it without you mummy dearest...


heh, I thought this was about the matrix: revolutions when I first read the title


Quote from: Hotsumaheh, I thought this was about the matrix: revolutions when I first read the title

Well that was just a conspiracy to make you come in here and have you make an ass of yourself. That's right hotsuma.... a C. O. N. S. P. I. R. A. C. Y.[/color]  :twisted:

You cannot stop us now it is too late... We have your socks!

~Stupid Trollax~


*Hurls Trollax into a Planar Void*


*Hurls Trollax into a Planar Void*

gee thanks... I haven't had the money to make it home in quite some time...
:wink:  :P  :wink:

Hi sis...


Erm...your welcome... I guess...I was sorta hoping that void led to the world of perverted lizard men...


Quote from: HotsumaErm...your welcome... I guess...I was sorta hoping that void led to the world of perverted lizard men...

Oh it does... but there is more than one faction among us...

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

*claps hands*

Yay Trollax! A person who understands the game and the idea of something or other.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


Quote from: St. Hugh, KSC*claps hands*

Yay Trollax! A person who understands the game and the idea of something or other.