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Rant 12: Sowing Discord

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, November 07, 2003, 05:30:56 AM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Rant 12
Sowing Seeds of Discord

?¨All matter is my playground. I make and break without thought. Laugh and come UNTO me.?Æ

?¨What is to be the wake of your passing? Will it be waves on the ocean of chaos that overturns the small rafts of order some people have constructed??Æ
-Tequilarius Malignatus (The Path of Aftermath:23)

The world in which we live and take part of is absurd. You and I both know this on some intellectually pristine level of awareness in which we have settled the matter and thus feel no need to explore the realization further. Fortunately, you and I both will have to explore it further, either by choice or not. Men have nipples, yet give no milk. Humanity has invented the dimension of time and yet can not explain it clearly. Everyone claims to want love and yet love is pushed away at every opportunity. The self we claim to be turns out to be our own little paint splotches on the canvas of life for which we have no adequate definition. People claim to be on a spiritual quest to find enlightenment or evolution and yet run in horror away from any small glimpses of what that entails?ñto the point where they must take false shelter in the apparent security of belief. We live in societies that claim to respect intelligence, yet celebrate stupidity. Some say the world is wonderful. Some say the world is terrible. Some say the world is neither. Some say it is both. I am here to say that it is all these things and it is absurd!

You may scoff at the idea, but approaching life and the world from the angle of its absurdity has infinite merit. Using absurdity, one can stay out of the meaning/meaningless trap that has tripped up philosophers and spiritual seekers for millennia. Of course, life will be meaningless or meaningful depending upon which side you choose. Why choose sides at all? It??s better not to get cocooned in like that, unless you want to provide Eris, and others, with hours of entertainment. (People who cocoon themselves with their own opinions and beliefs are pretty damned entertaining to some of us, you have to admit.)

Instead of searching for some stable bedrock, which will only confuse you once you realize that it is made of ice and melting fast, learn to ski across the shifting snows of discord. Learn to swim the seas of chaos. Learn to burn the papers of bureaucracy. Learn to revel in the fog of confusion. Learn to dance to the aftermath. Laugh?ñ.People often search high and low for clarity and on first glance that appears valid. But it is exposed as absurd when you realize that their search for clarity is really just a search for something to fit their preconceived ideas. One doesn??t have to do much free-thinking if one gets clarity. The obvious is a stagnant proposition. Confusion forces you to think without the preconceptions and prejudices with which you have mistaken for ideas. Sometimes it is best to be as thoroughly confused as possible. Or not. Or maybe. So what?

Sow those damned-thing-sprouting seeds of discord, which may be the only seeds you need to plant?ñwhich may be the seeds which will save your life some day?ñwhich may or may not be worth it, depending on what you think! The world is forever defying attempts to be squeezed into categories and you are not an exception. Unless you want to be squeezed into a category, in which case we have machines, medicines, and incantations that will help you get over yourself. And Eris, Herself will probably crack her whip at such incompetence. Change those goddamned ?´beware of dog?? signs into ?´beware of god?? warnings. Mindfuck that dogmatic fucktard that tries to convert you to fundy-going-to-hell-with-out-jesus-on-a-motorbike religiosity. Reveal to your anti-Semitic neighbor that it??s not really the Jews who control the world, but the Bavarian Illuminati Tree-Cultist-Haters. Draw down the streetlight, instead of the damned moon, at your next ritual. Confound ceremonial magicians by calling upon Latex Dominatrix to improve your sex life. Unite Atheists and Christians against the rise of Agnosticism-and-other-foreign-Zen-like-perversions, and then unite the Agnostics and Atheists against the survival of medieval-superstitious-crass-religion, all the while casting spells on them all. Start some conspiracies of your own to warn the paranoids about. Tell those leftist protesters that you believe them to be sell-outs to the soul of Che Guevara. Tell the right-wingers the same thing. (They all drink from the font of Starbucks anyhow??not that there??s anything wrong with that. But be advised that people who drink from Starbucks are often victims of Purple Monkey Mafia pranks.)

By Eris, if there??s a war on terror to be truly waged then it is through discord against the true sources of terror??not some poorly dressed religious fanatics in far off countries who can??t fly planes without crashing into shit??but the mind. Like the body, in fact because it is the body, the mind needs a good fuck every now and then to keep it expansive and relaxed. Otherwise it falls into the trap of frustrated paranoiac fear?ñterror. Which is stupid. So the first seeds of discord to be sown are in your own mind. Blow the walls of your mind so far into smithereens that you laugh hysterically for days (you may not want to go outside too often while doing this). Do what you must to accomplish this. And then take that explosion and sow more seeds of discord all around you. I want to see so much discord being sown in this absurdity we call Eris??s Playground, that I get sick and tired of the whole thing. Then I can move on to other things like Zen-and-the-art-of-chili-dogs-and-cigar-smoke?ñor under-water-basket-weaving?ñor nefarious-occult-rituals?ñor something or other, but I digress.

The point of all this is?ñmake your own damned point. Stop whining to everyone else about how pointless things seem! Make your own damned point! Realize that you are a seed of discord, a damned-thing that can not be categorized, no matter what the crapscreamers say. Make up your own categories, if you must, to see how cheesy all categories get to be. Sow yourself! Blow your own damned mind! Otherwise, we might blow your mind?ñor Eris might??and you know what happens if She does. Exactly what you think. Possibly.

?¨Don??t forget that I will kick ass until there??s no more ass to be kicked.?Æ

(Setting Orange, Aftermath 18th, 3169/ Thursday, November 6th, 2003)
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


I am chaos, I am the substace from which you scientists and philsophers build rhythms. I have no need of a gender reassignment in a man's body
You can't tell a goddess how to behave...
And I will hit you with the two by four of all pervasive mindfuckery...

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: St. TrollaxI am chaos, I am the substace from which you scientists and philsophers build rhythms. I have no need of a gender reassignment in a man's body
You can't tell a goddess how to behave...
And I will hit you with the two by four of all pervasive mindfuckery...

Ah! Eris has turned on your pineal gland! Yes! Sow thyself!
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


he turned on his own pineal gland

he didn't need eris to do it


Quote from: St. Hugh, KSC
Quote from: St. TrollaxI am chaos, I am the substace from which you scientists and philsophers build rhythms. I have no need of a gender reassignment in a man's body
You can't tell a goddess how to behave...
And I will hit you with the two by four of all pervasive mindfuckery...

Ah! Eris has turned on your pineal gland! Yes! Sow thyself!

When you meet the buddha, you kill the buddha, why? because the seed does not live when the plant grows from it.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

the buddha is a figment in the imagination of horny Zen students.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"